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Last active February 13, 2021 12:57
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  • Save NantipatSoftEn/36e3c70179b09b174cc477dcd3e7b433 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NantipatSoftEn/36e3c70179b09b174cc477dcd3e7b433 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
git commit template and short word
[filter "lfs"]
process = git-lfs filter-process
required = true
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
name =
email =
email =
st = status
ci = commit
br = branch
co = checkout
p = push origin
cap = "!f() { git commit -m \"$@\"; }; f"
int = "!f() { git cap \"πŸŽ‰ initial commit $1 $2\"; }; f"
rocket ="!f() { git cap \"πŸš€ implementing a new feature $1 $2\"; }; f";
con = "!f() { git cap \"🚧 work in progress $1 $2\"; }; f";
conf ="!f() { git cap \"πŸ”§ Add or update configuration files. $1 $2\"; }; f";
new = "!f() { git cap \" βš— Experiment new things$ 1 $2\"; }; f";
speark = "!f() { git cap \" ✨ Introduce new features $1 $2\"; }; f";
art = "!f() { git cap \" 🎨 format of the code $1 $2\"; }; f";
ref = "!f() { git cap \" ♻️ refactory code $1 $2\"; }; f";
move = "!f() { git cap \" 🚚 move file $1 $2\"; }; f";
break = "!f() { git cap \" πŸ’₯ braking changes $1 $2\"; }; f";
fire = "!f() { git cap \" πŸ”₯ remove file $1 $2\"; }; f";
cri = "!f() { git cap \" πŸš‘ critical hotfix $1 $2\"; }; f";
fix = "!f() { git cap \" πŸ”¨ fixing a bug or issue $1 $2\"; }; f";
asset = "!f() { git cap \" 🍱 add or update assets $1 $2\"; }; f";
database = "!f() { git cap \" πŸ—ƒ database changes $1 $2\"; }; f";
rmlog = "!f() { git cap \" πŸ”‡ remove log $1 $2\"; }; f";
seeder ="!f() { git cap \" 🌱 update or changes seeder daabase $1 $2\"; }; f";
compile ="!f() { git cap \" πŸ“¦ Add or update compiled files or packages $1 $2\"; }; f";
comment = "!f() { git cap \" πŸ’‘πŸ’¬ add good comment $1 $2\"; }; f";
doc = "!f() { git cap \" πŸ“ write docs $1 $2\"; }; f";
pin = "!f() { git cap \" πŸ“ŒπŸ·οΈ specific version $1 $2\"; }; f";
bookmark = "!f() { git cap \" πŸ”– version tags $1 $2\"; }; f";
test = "!f() { git cap \" βœ… Add or update tests. $1 $2\"; }; f";
conf = "!f() { git cap \" πŸ”§ Add or update configuration files $1 $2\"; }; f";
lib = "!f() { git cap \" πŸ’„ Add or update the UI and style files $1 $2\"; }; f";
typo = "!f() { git cap \" ✏️ Fix typos $1 $2\"; }; f";
acc = "!f() { git cap \" ♿️ Improve accessibility $1 $2\"; }; f";
mock = "!f() { git cap \" 🀑 Mock things $1 $2\"; }; f";
seo = "!f() { git cap \" πŸ” Improve SEO $1 $2\"; }; f";
adddepen = "!f() { git cap \" βž• Add a dependency $1 $2\"; }; f";
minusdepen = "!f() { git cap \" βž– Remove a dependency $1 $2\"; }; f";
ci = "!f() { git cap \" πŸ‘· Add or update CI build system. $1 $2\"; }; f";
docker = "!f() { git cap \" 🐳 Docker $1 $2\"; }; f";
# general main coding
πŸŽ‰:tada: [init]initial commit πŸŽ‰
πŸš€:rocket:[Add] when implementing a new feature
🚧:construction:[WIP] work in progress
βš—:alembic:[NewThing] Experiment new things
✨:sparkles:[IntroAdd] Introduce new features.
# architect
🎨:art:[Format] when format of the code
♻️:recycle:[Ref] when refactory code
🚚:truck:[Move] move file
πŸ—:building_construction:[Architect] Make architectural changes.
# bug, breaking changes, issue
πŸ’₯:boom:[Break] braking changes
πŸ”₯ :fire: [RemoveFile] remove file
πŸ”¨:hammer:[Fix] when fixing a bug or issue
πŸš‘ :ambulance: [Critical]critical hotfix.
# update, change
🍱:bento:[Asset] add or update assets
πŸ—ƒ:card_file_box:[Database] database changes
πŸ”‡:mute: [Log] remove log
🌱:seedling: [Seeder] update or changes seeder daabase
πŸ“¦:package:[Compile] Add or update compiled files or packages.
# comment
πŸ’‘πŸ’¬:bulb::speech_balloon:[Comment] add good comment
πŸ“:pencil:[Doc] write docs
# release version
πŸ“ŒπŸ·οΈ :pushpin::label: [Pin] when specific version
πŸ”– :pushpin: [Bookmark] version tags
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