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Last active November 5, 2015 01:22
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  • Save Naphier/0451e93fdb057cc173b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Naphier/0451e93fdb057cc173b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// This method allows us to add a ShowLocalAxis component to the currently selected transform.
// We'll be using a toggle box to add or remove the component. This bool holds that state.
private bool showLoxalAxisToggle = false;
// This holds a reference to the ShowLocalAxis component.
private ShowLocalAxis showLocalAxis;
private void ShowLocalAxisComponentToggle()
// First we check to see if there is a ShowLocalAxis component on this game object.
showLocalAxis = _transform.gameObject.GetComponent<ShowLocalAxis>();
// If not we can set the toggle to false which will remove the tick mark.
if (showLocalAxis == null)
showLoxalAxisToggle = false;
else // If the ShowLocalAxis component exists then ensure the toggle is set true.
showLoxalAxisToggle = true;
// Here we're going to use a Horizontal layout which allows us to put the elements on a single line.
// Put in our label field
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Show local rotation handles", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
// Start monitoring the inspector for change in the showLocalAxisToggle value.
// Display and set the toggle's value.
// In the label for this I am using a ternary operator which to decide what label to display.
// This is shorthand for saying: if showLocalAxisToggle is true then display "on" otherwise display "off".
showLoxalAxisToggle = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft((showLoxalAxisToggle ? "on" : "off" ), showLoxalAxisToggle);
// We can now stop monitoring for changes and IF a change has occurred then we add or remove the component.
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// If we've toggle ON the component then add it.
if (showLoxalAxisToggle == true)
// Add the component
showLocalAxis = _transform.gameObject.AddComponent<ShowLocalAxis>();
// Now we're going to move that component up right underneath the transform component.
// First we get the total number of components on the game object.
int componentCount = _transform.GetComponents<Component>().Length;
// Then we move the component up 1 less times than the number of components since the
// first compoent is the Transform component.
for (int i = 1; i < componentCount; i++)
// If we've toggle OFF the toggle then mark the component so that
// it can be destroyed at the proper time. This is handled in the
// ShowLocalAxisInspector class.
showLocalAxis.destroyWhenSafe = true;
// Finally we can end our horizontal layout so the next GUI element is on a new line.
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