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Created November 11, 2012 22:33
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macosx: cipher encrypt files with ssl
# Encypting files on the Mac with Openssl
# Openssl aes-256 encryption with public private keys and a password
# Openssl keys stored in aes-256 encryption dmg
#  dmg and openssl password stored in secondary keychain that isnt unlocked at login
# Read me first:
# Follow the numbered steps below before you run this script
# They will set up the ssl keys, secondary keychain, dmg, and keychain passwords
# 1 - Generate public private keys with a password.
# Create a folder on the desktop to work in, and cd into it
#  Then generate the openssl public private keys with a password
# create a 50 character randomly generated password with either the keychain or 1password
# you will be prompted to enter a password, paste in your 50 character password
# mkdir -p ~/Desktop/openssl && cd ~/Desktop/openssl
# openssl req -x509 -days 100000 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout privatekey.pem -out publickey.pem -subj "/"
# 2 - Create a secondary keychain with the keychain utility
# the login keychain is unlocked when you login
# so we make a secondary keychain that isnt unlocked when you login
# and add all the passwords to the secondary keychain
# open keychain access and go to the file menu and select new keychain
# this sill open a new save window
# by default the keychain will be named after your username, and saved in ~/Libray/Keychains/yourusername.keychain
# create a password for your new keychain and write it down
# 3 - Make an encrypted dmg to store the ssl keys
# We use the command line tool hdiutil instead of Disk utility to create the dmg
# Disk utility sets a minimum size of 40mb for dmg, so we use the command line to create a 1mb dmg
# create a 32 character randomly generated password
# and then replace the words between these quotes "your 32 character random password" with your password
# then run th command below
# echo -n "your 32 character random password" | hdiutil create -encryption AES-256 -size 1m -fs HFS+J -stdinpass -volname Keys Keys.dmg
# you can change the volume name and dmg name to another name
# Command notes: we echo the password to hdiutil and use the -stdinpass to recieve it via stdin
# after you have created the dmg we need to add the password to the keychain you created in step 2
# double click the dmg to launch the gui window for storing passwords in the keychain
# make sure the save password in keychain checkbox is ticked
# you can't paste you password in to the gui so you will have to type your password in
# the dmg will then mount on your desktop
# copy your openssl public and private keys into the mounted dmg
# after the openssl keys have been copied into your dmg eject the dmg by control clicking on it and selecting eject
# move the dmg into your Documents folder or where ever you like
# then do an cmd i on the dmg window to bring up the get info window
# check the check box next to the word locked, then close the get info window
# this locks the dmg file so you cant accidentally delete the dmg and your openssl keys
# 4 - move dmg password into new keychain
# passwords are saved into your login keychain by default which is unlocked automatically when you login
# so we need to move the saved dmg password, from the login keychain to the new keychain you created in step 2
# open keychain utility
# select your login keychain in the left sidebar
# select passwords under categories in the sidebar
# 5 - Create a generic password item in keychain
# you have 3 text fields to fill in
# 1 - keychain item name: cipher openssl
# 2 - account type: cipher
# 3 - password: paste in your randomly generated 50 character password
# create bin folder under home
# mkdir -p ~/bin && chmod 775 ~/bin
# move this script in to the bin folder and make it executable
# chmod +x ~/bin/
# Create a .bash_profile if it doesnt exist
# echo "code goes here" >> ~/.bash_profile
# reload the bash_profile
# source ~/.bash_profile
clear # clear the screen
echo " _ _ "
echo " ___(_)_ __ | |__ ___ _ __ "
echo " / __| | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__|"
echo "| (__| | |_) | | | | __/ | "
echo " \___|_| .__/|_| |_|\___|_| "
echo " |_| "
echo "#===============================================#";
echo "# Openssl - choose a file to encrypt or decrypt #";
echo "#===============================================#";
PS3="Press '1' to quit or select a file by number: " # set the prompt
OLD_IFS=${IFS}; # ifs space seperator
IFS=$'\t\n' # change ifs seperator from spaces to new line
# find files to process ignore dot files, use sed to strip ./
FILELIST=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '[!.]*' | sed 's/^..//g')
# Variables, change to yor setup
# get password from keychain for command line scripts
# the word after -ga is the account type of the password in keychain
# use this placeholder in a script for the password: $(get_pw)
get_pw () {
security 2>&1 >/dev/null find-generic-password -ga $KEYCHAINACCOUNT \
|ruby -e 'print $1 if STDIN.gets =~ /^password: "(.*)"$/'
# Select menu - top level
select FILENAME in Quit $FILELIST; do
case $FILENAME in
Quit )
echo "Quitting"
sleep 1s
echo "#===============================================#";
echo "# Encrypt or Decrypt the file #";
echo "#===============================================#";
PS3="Press '1' to Quit, '2' to Encypt or '3' to Decrypt: " # set the prompt
select OPTION in Quit Encrypt Decrypt; do # Select menu - 2nd level
case $OPTION in
Quit )
echo "Quitting"
sleep 1s
Encrypt )
# attach the dmg. if the keychain is locked gui for password is launched
echo "Mounting $DMG"
hdiutil attach $DMG
sleep 3s
# Encrypt file.
echo "Encrypting $FILENAME"
openssl smime -encrypt -aes256 -in ${FILENAME} -binary -outform DEM -out $ENCRYPTED-$FILENAME $PUBLICKEY
sleep 3s
# eject the dmg
echo "Ejecting $DMGVOLUME"
hdiutil detach $DMGVOLUME
sleep 2s
# lock the keychain
echo "Locking $KEYCHAIN"
security lock-keychain ~/Library/Keychains/$KEYCHAIN
echo "Quitting"
sleep 2s
clear # clear the screen
Decrypt )
echo "decrypting decrypted-$FILENAME"
# Decrypt
echo "Mounting $DMG"
hdiutil attach $DMG
sleep 2s # make sure dmg is mounted before we start
echo "Decrypting $FILENAME"
# use the $(get_pw) function to get the password from the keychain
openssl smime -decrypt -in $FILENAME -binary -inform DEM -inkey $PRIVATEKEY -out $DECRYPTED-$FILENAME -passin pass:$(get_pw)
sleep 2s
echo "Ejecting $DMGVOLUME"
hdiutil detach $DMGVOLUME
echo "Locking $KEYCHAIN"
echo "Quitting"
security lock-keychain ~/Library/Keychains/$KEYCHAIN
sleep 2s
* )
echo "Invalid selection"
;; # finish filename case statement
* )
echo "Invalid selection"
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