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Created October 2, 2018 10:55
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import firebase_admin
import json
import datetime
import random
import sys
import os
from firebase_admin import credentials
from firebase_admin import firestore
from babel.dates import format_date
signs = [
sections = [
"Daily Report",
# Use a service account
cred = credentials.Certificate('astrology-96fd5-firebase-adminsdk-vrmht-3b9b62b239.json')
def getText(path):
with open(path, 'r') as myfile:
data =
return data
def getPaths(year, month, day, sign):
if sign == "Gemini":
sign = "Twins"
date =, month, day)
ruDate = format_date(date, "d MMMM", locale="ru_RU").lower()
enDate = format_date(date, "d_MMMM", locale="en_US").lower()
return [os.path.join(sys.argv[1], section, ruDate, sign + "_" + enDate + ".txt") for section in sections]
db = firestore.client()
ref = db.collection("horoscope")
root = sys.argv[1]
month = 11
year = 2018
for sign in signs:
for day in range(1, 31):
date =, month, day)
paths = getPaths(year, month, day, sign)
texts = list(map(lambda p: getText(p), paths))
data = {'date': date.isoformat(), 'romantic': texts[4], 'daily': texts[1], 'mood': texts[3], 'career': texts[0], 'health': texts[2]}
doc_ref = ref.document(sign)
print("{} {}".format(date.isoformat(), sign))
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