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Created January 12, 2009 15:07
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Show the manpage of a random executable in your $PATH
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Command of the day
# Picks a random executable from your path until it finds one with a manpage.
# Use this to learn about some of the really obscure yet really useful scripts that are already on your system.
files = ENV["PATH"].split(":") { |path|
Dir.glob(File.join(path,'*')).select {|file| File.file?(file) && File.executable?(file)}
cotd = File.basename(files[rand(files.size)])
until system "man #{cotd} > /dev/null 2>&1"
cotd = File.basename(files[rand(files.size)])
puts "Command of the day is: #{cotd}"
exec "man #{cotd}"
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