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  • Save NatalieWolfe/7591946 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NatalieWolfe/7591946 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Testing various methods of passing functions around.
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdio>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "test.h"
const int ITERATIONS = 1000000000; // 1 billion
using std::chrono::milliseconds;
typedef std::function< int(int,int) > Func;
class Timer {
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock clock;
typedef clock::rep rep;
typedef clock::duration duration;
typedef clock::time_point time_point;
time_point m_start;
duration m_duration;
Timer( void ){}
~Timer( void ){}
void start( void ){
m_start = clock::now();
void stop( void ){
m_duration += clock::now() - m_start;
void reset( void ){
m_duration = duration::zero();
template< typename Duration >
rep getDurationIn( void ) const {
return std::chrono::duration_cast< Duration >( m_duration ).count();
void printTime( const std::string& function, Timer& timer ){
std::printf( "%-60s %6lldms.\n", function.c_str(), timer.getDurationIn< milliseconds >() );
#define TEST_LOOP( _timer, _func ) \
_timer.start(); \
for( int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i ){ \
_func( i, ITERATIONS - i ); \
} \
_timer.stop(); \
printTime( #_func, _timer ); \
void directTests( void ){
Timer timer;
Test tester;
std::cout << " --- Direct Call Tests --- " << std::endl;
TEST_LOOP( timer, testInline );
TEST_LOOP( timer, testExternal );
TEST_LOOP( timer, tester.testInlineMember );
TEST_LOOP( timer, tester.testExternalMember );
void pointerTests( void ){
Timer timer;
Test tester;
std::cout << " --- Pointer Call Tests --- " << std::endl;
TEST_LOOP( timer, (&testInline) );
TEST_LOOP( timer, (&testExternal) );
TEST_LOOP( timer, (tester.*(&Test::testInlineMember)) );
TEST_LOOP( timer, (tester.*(&Test::testExternalMember)) );
void stdFunctionTests( void ){
Timer timer;
Test tester;
std::cout << " --- std::function Call Tests --- " << std::endl;
Func funcTestInline = std::bind( &testInline, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2 );
TEST_LOOP( timer, funcTestInline );
Func funcTestExternal = std::bind( &testExternal, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2 );
TEST_LOOP( timer, funcTestExternal );
Func funcTestInlineMember = std::bind( &Test::testInlineMember, &tester, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2 );
TEST_LOOP( timer, funcTestInlineMember );
Func funcTestExternalMember = std::bind( &Test::testExternalMember, &tester, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2 );
TEST_LOOP( timer, funcTestExternalMember );
void lambdaTest( void ){
Timer timer;
Test tester;
std::cout << " --- Lambda Call Tests --- " << std::endl;
TEST_LOOP( timer, [&]( int a, int b ){ testInline( a, b ); } );
TEST_LOOP( timer, [&]( int a, int b ){ testExternal( a, b ); } );
TEST_LOOP( timer, [&]( int a, int b ){ tester.testInlineMember( a, b ); } );
TEST_LOOP( timer, [&]( int a, int b ){ tester.testExternalMember( a, b ); } );
int main( void ){
return 0;
natalie@WorkBook:funcSpeed$ g++ -std=c++11 test.cpp main.cpp -o funcSpeed && ./funcSpeed
--- Direct Call Tests ---
testInline 9317ms.
testExternal 9433ms.
tester.testInlineMember 9252ms.
tester.testExternalMember 9328ms.
--- Pointer Call Tests ---
(&testInline) 9401ms.
(&testExternal) 9642ms.
(tester.*(&Test::testInlineMember)) 9515ms.
(tester.*(&Test::testExternalMember)) 9382ms.
--- std::function Call Tests ---
funcTestInline 134101ms.
funcTestExternal 134797ms.
funcTestInlineMember 153735ms.
funcTestExternalMember 154390ms.
--- Lambda Call Tests ---
[&]( int a, int b ){ testInline( a, b ); } 10586ms.
[&]( int a, int b ){ testExternal( a, b ); } 10441ms.
[&]( int a, int b ){ tester.testInlineMember( a, b ); } 10996ms.
[&]( int a, int b ){ tester.testExternalMember( a, b ); } 11231ms.
natalie@WorkBook:funcSpeed$ g++ -std=c++11 -O3 test.cpp main.cpp -o funcSpeed && ./funcSpeed
--- Direct Call Tests ---
testInline 7693ms.
testExternal 8297ms.
tester.testInlineMember 7790ms.
tester.testExternalMember 7986ms.
--- Pointer Call Tests ---
(&testInline) 7617ms.
(&testExternal) 8031ms.
(tester.*(&Test::testInlineMember)) 7752ms.
(tester.*(&Test::testExternalMember)) 8119ms.
--- std::function Call Tests ---
funcTestInline 9866ms.
funcTestExternal 10128ms.
funcTestInlineMember 8346ms.
funcTestExternalMember 8331ms.
--- Lambda Call Tests ---
[&]( int a, int b ){ testInline( a, b ); } 7793ms.
[&]( int a, int b ){ testExternal( a, b ); } 8211ms.
[&]( int a, int b ){ tester.testInlineMember( a, b ); } 7957ms.
[&]( int a, int b ){ tester.testExternalMember( a, b ); } 7920ms.
#include "test.h"
int testExternal( int a, int b ){ TEST_BODY }
int Test::testExternalMember( int a, int b ){ TEST_BODY }
#pragma once
#include <cmath>
#define TEST_BODY \
int c = a * b; \
c *= a; \
double root = std::sqrt( (double)c ); \
return (int)root;
inline int testInline( int a, int b ){ TEST_BODY }
int testExternal( int a, int b );
class Test {
int testInlineMember( int a, int b ){ TEST_BODY }
int testExternalMember( int a, int b );
}; // end class Test
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panovr commented Sep 5, 2014

PS D:\Project\Algorithm\x64\Debug> .\DemystifyingCPPLambda.exe
--- Direct Call Tests ---
testInline 52372ms.
testExternal 52682ms.
tester.testInlineMember 54750ms.
tester.testExternalMember 52078ms.
--- Pointer Call Tests ---
(&testInline) 52115ms.
(&testExternal) 52568ms.
(tester.(&Test::testInlineMember)) 58176ms.
(&Test::testExternalMember)) 52250ms.
--- std::function Call Tests ---
funcTestInline 104340ms.
funcTestExternal 104107ms.
funcTestInlineMember 249855ms.
funcTestExternalMember 246658ms.
--- Lambda Call Tests ---
[](int a, int b){ testInline(a, b); } 62448ms.
[](int a, int b){ testExternal(a, b); } 61446ms.
[&tester](int a, int b){ tester.testInlineMember(a, b); } 65371ms.
[&tester](int a, int b){ tester.testExternalMember(a, b); } 65389ms.

PS D:\Project\Algorithm\x64\Release> .\DemystifyingCPPLambda.exe
--- Direct Call Tests ---
testInline 0ms.
testExternal 0ms.
tester.testInlineMember 0ms.
tester.testExternalMember 0ms.
--- Pointer Call Tests ---
(&testInline) 0ms.
(&testExternal) 0ms.
(tester.(&Test::testInlineMember)) 0ms.
(&Test::testExternalMember)) 0ms.
--- std::function Call Tests ---
funcTestInline 39927ms.
funcTestExternal 33924ms.
funcTestInlineMember 33837ms.
funcTestExternalMember 33877ms.
--- Lambda Call Tests ---
[](int a, int b){ testInline(a, b); } 0ms.
[](int a, int b){ testExternal(a, b); } 0ms.
[&tester](int a, int b){ tester.testInlineMember(a, b); } 0ms.
[&tester](int a, int b){ tester.testExternalMember(a, b); } 0ms.

OS: Windows 7 64bit
Compiler: Visual Studio 2013

It is strange that why some time durations are 0ms in release mode?

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