name of the current banch and nothing else (for automation)
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
all commits that your branch have that are not yet in master
setting up a character used for comments
git config core.commentchar <HERE_COMES_YOUR_COMMENT_CHAR>
fatal: Could not parse object
after unsuccessful revertgit revert --quit
view diff with inline changes
git diff --word-diff=plain master
view quick stat of a diff
git diff --shortstat master git diff --numstat master git diff --dirstat master
undo last just made commit
git reset HEAD~
list last 20 hashes in reverse
git log --format="%p..%h %cd %<(17)%an %s" --date=format:"%a %m/%d %H:%M" --reverse -n 20
list commits between dates
git log --format="%p..%h %cd %<(17)%an %s" --date=format:"%a %m/%d %H:%M" --reverse --after=2016-11-09T00:00:00-05:00 --before=2016-11-10T00:00:00-05:00
try a new output for diffing
git diff --compaction-heuristic ... --color-words ...
enable more thorough comparison
git config --global diff.algorithm patience
restoring a file from a certain commit relative to the latest
restoring a file from a certain commit relative to the given commit
restoring a file from a certain commit
creating a diff file from unstaged changes for a specific folder
git diff -- <RELATIVE_PATH_TO_FOLDER> changes.diff
applying a diff file
- go to the root directory of your repository
- run:
git apply changes.diff
show differences between last commit and currrent changes:
git difftool -d
referring to:
- last commits
... HEAD~1 ...
- last 3 commits
... HEAD~3 ...
- last commits
show the history of changes of a file
git log -p -- ./Scripts/Libs/select2.js
ignoring whitespaces
git rebase --ignore-whitespace <BRANCH_NAME>
pulling for fast-forward only (eliminating a chance for unintended merging)
git pull --ff-only
list of all tags
git fetch git tag -l
archive a branch using tags
git tag <TAG_NAME> <BRANCH_NAME> git push origin --tags
you can delete your branch now
get a tagged branch
git checkout -b <BRANCH_NAME> <TAG_NAME>
list of all branches that haven't been merged to master
git branch --no-merge master
enable more elaborate diff algorithm by default
git config --global diff.algorithm histogram
list of all developers
git shortlog -s -n -e
display graph of branches
git log --decorate --graph --all --date=relative
git log --decorate --graph --all --oneline
remembering the password
git config --global credential.helper store git fetch
the first command tells git to remember the credentials that you are going to provide for the second command
path to the global config
example of a global config
[user] email = ***** name = Aleksey Bykov password = ***** [merge] tool = p4merge [mergetool "p4merge"] cmd = p4merge.exe \"$BASE\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$MERGED\" path = \"C:/Program Files/Perforce\" trustExitCode = false [push] default = simple [diff] tool = meld compactionHeuristic = true [difftool "p4merge"] cmd = p4merge.exe \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" path = C:/Program Files/Perforce/p4merge.exe [difftool "meld"] cmd = \"C:/Program Files (x86)/Meld/Meld.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" path = C:/Program Files (x86)/Meld/Meld.exe
viewing differences between current and other branch
git difftool -d BRANCH_NAME
viewing differences between current and stash
git difftool -d stash
viewing differences between several commits in a diff tool
git difftool -d HEAD@{2}...HEAD@{0}
view all global settings
git config --global -l
delete tag
git tag -d my-tag git push origin :refs/tags/my-tag
pushing tags
git push --tags
checking the history of a file or a folder
git log -- <FILE_OR_FOLDER>
disabling the scroller
git --no-pager <...>
who pushed last which branch
git for-each-ref --format="%(committerdate) %09 %(refname) %09 %(authorname)"
deleting remote branch
git push origin :<BRANCH_NAME>
deleting remote branch localy
git branch -r -D <BRANCH_NAME>
or to sync with the remote
git fetch --all --prune
deleting local branch
git branch -d <BRANCH_NAME>
list actual remote branchs
git ls-remote --heads origin
list all remote (fetched) branches
git branch -r
list all local branches
git branch -l
find to which branch a given commit belongs
git branch --contains <COMMIT>
updating from a forked repository
git remote add upstream https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript.git git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/master
February 20, 2017 16:02
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