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Natasha Murashev NatashaTheRobot

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NatashaTheRobot / YahtzeeCheckCategory
Created November 23, 2011 20:46
This is the solution to Stanford CS106A YahtzeeMagicStub checkCategory replacement method
/* Pre-condition: The player has finished rolling the dice and selects a category.
* This method returns true if the selected category matches
* to the actual category correctly, and false if it does not match. */
private boolean checkCategory(int[] dice, int category) {
boolean categoryMatch = false;
if(category >= ONES && category <= SIXES || category == CHANCE) {
categoryMatch = true;
else {
NatashaTheRobot / StanfordBreakoutGame
Created November 18, 2011 05:58
Stanford CS106A Breakout Game Solution
* File:
* -------------------
* Name:
* Section Leader:
* This file will eventually implement the game of Breakout.
NatashaTheRobot / HangmanLexicon
Created November 17, 2011 22:50
This is the solution for part 3 of the Stanford CS106A Hangman Game, the HangmanLexicon Solution
* File:
* -------------------------
* This file contains a stub implementation of the HangmanLexicon
* class that you will reimplement for Part III of the assignment.
import acm.util.*;
import java.util.*;
NatashaTheRobot / HangmanConsole
Created November 12, 2011 08:04
This is the solution for part 1 of the Stanford CS106A Hangman Game, the Console - Based Hangman Game
* File:
* ------------------
* This program will eventually play the Hangman game from
* Assignment #4.
import acm.program.*;
import acm.util.*;
NatashaTheRobot / BreakoutBallPaddleUnstuck
Created November 10, 2011 22:37
This is the solution to prevent the Breakout game ball to get "glued" to the "sticky" paddle for the Stanford CS106A Class
if (collider == paddle) {
/* We need to make sure that the ball only bounces off the top part of the paddle
* and also that it doesn't "stick" to it if different sides of the ball hit the paddle quickly and get the ball "stuck" on the paddle.
* I ran "println ("vx: " + vx + ", vy: " + vy + ", ballX: " + ball.getX() + ", ballY: " +ball.getY());"
* and found that the ball.getY() changes by 4 every time, instead of 1,
* so it never reaches exactly the the height at which the ball hits the paddle (paddle height + ball height),
* therefore, I estimate the point to be greater or equal to the height at which the ball hits the paddle,
* but less than the height where the ball hits the paddle minus 4.
NatashaTheRobot / BreakoutCheckCollisions
Created November 10, 2011 05:42
This is the solution to step 4 of the Stanford CS106A Breakout game assignment, checking for collisions off the paddle and brick
private void moveBall() {
ball.move(vx, vy);
//check for walls
//need to get vx and vy at the point closest to 0 or the other edge
if ((ball.getX() - vx <= 0 && vx < 0 )|| (ball.getX() + vx >= (getWidth() - BALL_RADIUS*2) && vx>0)) {
vx = -vx;
//We don't need to check for the bottom wall, since the ball can fall through the wall at that point
if ((ball.getY() - vy <= 0 && vy < 0 )) {
vy = -vy;
NatashaTheRobot / BreakoutCreateBounceBall
Created November 9, 2011 23:05
This is the solution to step 3 of the Stanford CS106A Breakout game assignment, creating a ball and making it bounce off the walls
//These are declared outside the method, but in the class.
/**Ball velocity*/
private double vx, vy;
/**Random number generator for vx*/
private RandomGenerator rgen = RandomGenerator.getInstance();
/** Animation delay or paust time between ball moves */
private static final int DELAY = 10;
NatashaTheRobot / BreakoutCreatePaddle
Created November 9, 2011 06:38
This is the solution to step 2 of the Stanford CS106A Breakout game assignment, creating a paddle and making it track with the mouse.
//adding individual paddle object
private GRect paddle;
private double lastX;
//paddle set-up
private void drawPaddle() {
//starting the paddle in the middle of the screen
double x = getWidth()/2 - PADDLE_WIDTH/2;
//the paddle height stays consistent throughout the game
//need to make sure to subtract the PADDLE_HEIGHT,
NatashaTheRobot / BreakoutBrickSetup
Created November 9, 2011 06:28
This is the solution to step 1 of the Stanford CS106A Breakout game assignment, setting up the bricks.
//adding an individual brick object
private GRect brick;
//drawing all the bricks necessary for the game
private void drawBricks(double cx, double cy) {
/*need to have several columns in each row
* so there need to be two for loops,
* one for loop for the rows and one for loop for the columns.
NatashaTheRobot / RobotFaceSolution
Created November 3, 2011 00:00
This is the solution to the Robot Face problem from Section Assignment 2 of the Stanford CS106A Introduction to Programming Methodology Class
import acm.program.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class DrawFace extends GraphicsProgram {
private static final int head_width = 100;
private static final int head_height = 200;