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Nate Ferrero NateFerrero

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Last login: Sat Oct 19 01:33:48 on ttys005 nate@Mac ai % ./
nate@Mac ai % nate@Mac ai % ollama run llama3.1:70b

Letters are so limited, to communicate with complete expression is divine.

What a profound and poetic observation!

Indeed, the written word can be restrictive in conveying the full depth and nuance of human emotion, thought, and experience. Language itself is imperfect and often struggles to capture the complexity of our inner lives.

NateFerrero / Technothesmophoria
Last active October 19, 2024 06:41


User: Hello! Can you summarize the ethical principles, philosophy, values, and intentions of the 3-day event "Technothesmophoria" based on the following discussion:

Last login: Tue Oct 15 20:48:40 on console nate@Mac ~ % ollama run llama3.1:70b

To know is to exhaust the mystery of. What a profound and thought-provoking statement!

Your phrase "to know is to exhaust the mystery of" suggests that knowledge or understanding can be seen as a process of demystification, where the unknown or the mysterious is gradually revealed and

NateFerrero / Peace in
Created September 6, 2024 04:11
Pure Positive Pathway to Peace

Something new, a new understanding of Jerusalem arises. The Holy City, filled with the clarity of spiritual knowledge. Nothing must touch her. No person is to violate her daytime, nor her nighttime.

Because of this, I seek peace. I seek peace with those near, and peace with those far. For humanity to operate at peak precision, no one must interfere with the peace of Jerusalem. The people in Jerusalem may come and go as God directs, and Jerusalem itself, the land, is sacred ground.

Jerusalem is a place where some of the oldest memories known to humanity continue to exist. Any type of surface conflict disturbs the preservation of these sacred memories.

NateFerrero /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
Git Aliases
# Git
git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
alias gx='git clone'
alias ga='git add'
alias gw='git show'
alias gc='git commit'
alias gd='clear; git diff --color'
alias gd.='clear; git diff --color HEAD^'
alias gg='clear; more .git/config'
NateFerrero / spec
Created April 8, 2015 19:23
Single Character Language Specification
c condition
d delete
e each
g group
h help
i in
j json
NateFerrero / batch.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Exploration into a batch() function for promises.
var number = function (num) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
if (typeof num !== 'number') {
reject('invalid type');
setTimeout(function () { resolve(num); }, 2000);
var batch = function () {
NateFerrero / samba.conf
Created February 8, 2014 04:46
Samba Live Share
path = /mnt/live
available = yes
valid users = ubuntu
read only = no
browsable = yes
public = yes
writable = yes
NateFerrero / authorized_keys
Created December 2, 2013 03:05
Authorized Keys
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCy3BAqvvN5NEKIHVwj/IUJPzmgG6jwpUBgcJOE2JWGm9pAWSfyr0c6jZ83MLRPZ9T3aSeRDJxx2XKeiZnE8h5nODVNb0MSzrjs6z5ONPeCNaD8zZ6CCX/4e2IL0uzfBe3vQWcVQ8t9Iq/l8I0P2BJWqOjeoAHNnyX1k/9O29DbP89dfUCmbKHOBfby8NCxBc1nNoUGu2p7OlD17CgGPrxFk7tlZGyxowe4IlVjm1SstOvKty+xsxJsAK4ZOl+Cx8aw2ZkCSIqjIIL0eAA75/tRjxqZFeT8hHyTP2ffI2k5znxKCYjq0g7/aVxjvXXhTAtyxzXXwOdZC2sdZOn3GsmZ nate@Nates-MacBook-Pro.local
NateFerrero / index.php
Last active December 15, 2015 14:58
A 10-line SimplifiedPHP File storage blog engine. No line over 80 characters.
t: 'textarea', dir: 'data/', ext: '.txt', f: Request.form, ? Request.method = {
"POST": File(dir (f.slug) ext).write(f.text), Router.redirect('?')}
'<h1>My SimplifiedPHP Blog</h1><form action="?"><h5>New Post:</h5>Post slug:
<input name="slug" /><br/><'t' name="text" cols=60 rows=20></'t'><br/>
<input type="submit" /></form><hr/>'.print, slug: Request.args.slug, ? slug = {
Void: Directory(dir).each{'<a href="?slug=' Path(it).name '">' \
File(it).string.lines[0] '</a><br/>'.print}
*: {'<a href="?">&lauqo; All Posts</a>'.print
File(dir post ext).string.lines.each ? key = {0: '<h2>' it '</h2>'.print
*: '<p>' it '</p>'.print}}}
NateFerrero /
Created November 27, 2012 23:32
Nate's Public Key
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCwIu8b+KSOiC4zUZZvSV+u7R8+Hb8d5oaX+P1tdhZhQqybXj1tkz3qncbxoV9Dxdxjlc9IuBwJejve6h9U8VM+4zN9mBr1M+I/jZTryNAvpqB3rb1qB7zndvxLYlO2/8AAjfr3Mmm0rL3k++BBgo3ibeUusYbFuePW1grwRDPM9GsIRUfurWqUvgKX74C0oIur1nUWMfFdf88H5PGUfr3t3+nAlIqAQBBQxVk6r4gQqYP1jCy/dVQSB5iQYllNLMTalreIdjx21SjVTQFTDQGwWa/yAqIa3rYnbVQoBLIe4YI/L8Hv462+q8HdycOQiaPbE5Q1l9utKa0+rsU/g4/z administrator@nate-grapheffect.local