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Last active June 30, 2022 14:29
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A wrapper for assertion throwing that we can use in Nimble/Quick so it doesn't crash test execution
protocol AssertionProvider {
func assertionFailure(_ message: String)
func fatalError(_ message: String)
final class AssertionHandler {
private(set) static var shared: AssertionHandler = AssertionHandler()
var provider: AssertionProvider = DefaultAssertionProvider()
private init() {}
func assertionFailure(_ message: String) {
func fatalError(_ message: String) {
func resetProvider() { provider = DefaultAssertionProvider() }
The default assertion provider. Calls global-level methods for stopping program execution.
final class DefaultAssertionProvider: AssertionProvider {
func assertionFailure(_ message: String) {
func fatalError(_ message: String) {
// Below - Usage example from within production code
class MyClass {
func methodThatFatalErrors() {
AssertionHandler.shared.fatalError("Fatal Error")
func methodThatAssertsFailure() {
AssertionHandler.shared.assertionFailure("Assertion Failure")
// Below - defined separately, probably in a module that only is used by your test target(s)
import Quick
import Nimble
@testable import ModuleThatDefines
// global, to be used by unit-tests
func expectAssertion<T>(_ closure: @escaping () -> T?) {
defer { ModuleThatDefines.AssertionHandler.shared.resetProvider() }
let assertionProvider = TestAssertionProvider()
ModuleThatDefines.AssertionHandler.shared.provider = assertionProvider
func expectAssertion<T>(_ closure: @escaping @autoclosure () -> T?) {
A test-only wrapper that allows us to circumvent Nimble not being able to capture `assertFailure` or `fatalError`
without crashing.
class TestAssertionProvider: AssertionProvider {
private var errorMessage: String?
func assertionFailure(_ message: String) {
errorMessage = message
func fatalError(_ message: String) {
errorMessage = message
// MARK: - TestAssertionProvider specific
func throwAssertion<Out>() -> Predicate<Out> {
return Predicate { actualExpression in
_ = try! actualExpression.evaluate() // swiftlint:disable:this force_try
let message = ExpectationMessage.expectedTo("throw an assertion via TestAssertionProvider")
return PredicateResult(
bool: self.errorMessage != nil,
message: message)
// Below - Usage example from within unit tests
class MyClassSpec: QuickSpec {
override func spec() {
describe("MyClass") {
describe("methodThatFatalErrors") {
it("throws a fatal error") {
describe("methodThatAssertsFailure") {
it("asserts failure") {
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