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Last active June 27, 2023 14:57
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Formit csv export
# Edited GIST based on:
* Snippet to get formit forms by name
* usage:
* [[!getFormitForm? &name=`Name of form`]]
If you want to use this with MODX 3 replace lines 35 to 51 with
use Sterc\FormIt\Model\FormItForm;
// Load formit class
$formit = $modx->getService('formit', 'FormIt', $modx->getOption('formit.core_path', null, $modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/formit/') . 'model/formit/');
// Load PDO Tools
$pdo = $modx->getService('pdoTools');
// set snippet props
$formName = $modx->getOption('name', $scriptProperties, null);
// xpdo query to get forms
$q = $modx->newQuery(FormItForm::class);
'form' => $formName,
$total = $modx->getCount(FormItForm::class, $q);
$forms = $modx->getCollection(FormItForm::class, $q);
// Load formit class
$formit = $modx->getService('formit', 'FormIt', $modx->getOption('formit.core_path', null, $modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/formit/') . 'model/formit/');
// Load PDO Tools
$pdo = $modx->getService('pdoTools');
// set snippet props
$formName = $modx->getOption('name', $scriptProperties, null);
// xpdo query to get forms
$q = $modx->newQuery('FormItForm');
'form' => $formName,
$total = $modx->getCount('FormItForm', $q);
$forms = $modx->getCollection('FormItForm', $q);
if (!empty($forms)) {
// Set our inner tpl var
$dataOutput = '';
// Loop through each object and tpl up
foreach ($forms as $form) {
$fields = $form->toArray();
// Check if data is encrypted
if ($form->get('encrypted')) {
// Form is encrypted, use the objects decrypt method to decyrpt
$fields['values'] = $form->decrypt($form->get('values'));
// $fields['values'] contains the JSON array to access pass to json_decode() ie;
$values = json_decode($fields['values'], true);
$fields['fields'] = '';
// then access like: $values['firstName']
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
$fields['fields'] .= "<strong>$key:</strong> $value<br>";
// Format the date string
$fields['date'] = date('Y-m-d', $fields['date']);
// Tpl up our form
$dataOutput .= $pdo->getChunk(
"@INLINE <tr>
// Set wrapper tpl
$output = $pdo->getChunk("@INLINE <table width='100%'>
<strong>Total: [[+total]]</strong>", [
'wrapper' => $dataOutput,
'total' => $total
return $output;
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