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Created June 23, 2024 16:22
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  • Save Natestah/aff8e57a8935d3fc1aea525ef756719f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// Event with custom elements ( the status bar here has its own colors )
private void TextMateInstallationOnAppliedTheme(object sender, TextMate.TextMate.Installation e)
var panel = this.Find<StackPanel>("StatusBar");
if (panel == null)
if (!e.ApplyBrushAction("statusBar.background", brush => panel.Background = brush))
panel.Background = Brushes.Purple;
if (!e.ApplyBrushAction("statusBar.foreground", brush => _statusTextBlock.Foreground = brush))
_statusTextBlock.Foreground = Brushes.White;
if (!e.ApplyBrushAction("sideBar.background", brush => _customMargin.BackGroundBrush = brush))
var registryTheme = _textMateRegistry.GetTheme();
if (Application.Current?.ApplicationLifetime is IClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime
MainWindow: Window window
_guiColorDictionary = registryTheme.GetGuiColorDictionary();
var themeName = theme.GetName();
// Applies to the application on a whole.. Some might want to opt out of this for their own setups.
if (applyWindowProperties)
if (themeName != null && themeName.ToLower().Contains("light"))
Application.Current.RequestedThemeVariant = ThemeVariant.Light;
Application.Current.RequestedThemeVariant = ThemeVariant.Dark;
ApplyBrushAction("editor.background",brush =>window.Background = brush);
ApplyBrushAction("editor.foreground",brush =>window.Foreground = brush);
ApplyBrushAction("editor.background",brush =>_editor.Background = brush);
ApplyBrushAction("editor.foreground",brush =>_editor.Foreground = brush);
if (_defaultSelectionBrush == null)
_defaultSelectionBrush = _editor.TextArea.SelectionBrush;
if (!ApplyBrushAction("editor.selectionBackground",
brush => _editor.TextArea.SelectionBrush = brush))
_editor.TextArea.SelectionBrush = _defaultSelectionBrush;
if (!ApplyBrushAction("editor.lineHighlightBackground",
brush =>
_editor.TextArea.TextView.CurrentLineBackground = brush;
_editor.TextArea.TextView.CurrentLineBorder = new Pen(brush); // Todo: VS Code didn't seem to have a border but it might be nice to have that option. For now just make it the same..
_editor.TextArea.TextView.CurrentLineBackground = new SolidColorBrush(CurrentHighlightRendererDefaultBackground);
_editor.TextArea.TextView.CurrentLineBorder = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(CurrentHighlightRendererDefaultBorder));
//Todo: looks like the margin doesn't have a active line highlight, would be a nice addition
if (!ApplyBrushAction("editorLineNumber.foreground",
brush => _editor.LineNumbersForeground = brush))
_editor.LineNumbersForeground = _editor.TextArea.Foreground;
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