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Created October 15, 2021 22:31
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A commented template for making simple UI in blender using the bpy python API
#import the bpy module to access blender API
import bpy
#WARNING: this is written and tested for blender 2.79
#blender 2.8 and newer will likely have a different python API
#create a property group, this is REALLY needed so that operators
#AND the UI can access, display and expose it to the user to change
#in here we will have all properties(variables) that is neccessary
class CustomPropertyGroup(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
#NOTE: read documentation about 'props' to see them and their keyword arguments
#builtin float (variable)property that blender understands
float_slider = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='float value', soft_min=0, soft_max=10)
#builtin integer (variable)property
int_slider = bpy.props.IntProperty(name='int value', soft_min=0, soft_max=10)
#builting boolean (variable)property
bool_toggle = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='bool toggle')
#builting string (variable)property
string_field = bpy.props.StringProperty(name='string field')
#create a panel (class) by deriving from the bpy Panel, this be the UI
class CustomToolShelf(bpy.types.Panel):
#variable for determining which view this panel will be in
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
#this variable tells us where in that view it will be drawn
bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'
#this variable is a label/name that is displayed to the user
bl_label = 'Custom Tool Shelf'
#this context variable tells when it will be displayed, edit mode, object mode etc
bl_context = 'objectmode'
#category is esentially the main UI element, the panels inside it are
#collapsible dropdown menus drawn under a category
#you can add your own name, or an existing one and it will be drawn accordingly
bl_category = 'Custom'
#now we define a draw method, in it we can tell what elements we want to draw
#in this new space we created, buttons, toggles etc.
def draw(self, context):
#shorten the self.layout to just layout for convenience
layout = self.layout
#add a button to it, which is called an operator, its a little tricky to do it but...
#first argument is a string with the operator name to be invoked
#in example 'bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add()' is the function we want to invoke
#so we invoke it by name 'mesh.primitive_cube_add'
#then the rest are keyword arguments based on documentation
#NOTE: for custom operations, you need to define and register an operator with
#custom name, and then call it by that custom name as we did here
layout.operator('mesh.primitive_cube_add', text = 'Add new cube')
#the custom operator that we just made will go here as a new button
layout.operator('custom.simple_op', text = 'Simple Op')
#add multiple items on the same line, like a column layout, from left to right
subrow = layout.row(align=True)
#the complex operator will be draw on the left, as a button
subrow.operator('custom.complex_op', text = 'Complex Op')
#the property will be drawn next to it on the right, as an adjustible slider thing
subrow.prop(context.scene.custom_props, 'float_slider')
#add a label to the UI
layout.label('v Testing layout, does nothing bellow this v')
#add a new row with multiple elements in a column
subrow = layout.row(align=True)
#add a toggle
subrow.prop(context.scene.custom_props, 'bool_toggle')
#add an int slider
subrow.prop(context.scene.custom_props, 'int_slider')
#add a custom text field in the usual layout
layout.prop(context.scene.custom_props, 'string_field')
#NOTE: for more layout things see the types.UILayout in the documentation
#in order to make a button do custom behavior we need to register and make an operator, a basic
#custom operator that does not take any property and just runs is easily made like so
class CustomSimpleOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
#the id variable by which we can invoke the operator in blender
#usually its good practice to have SOMETHING.other_thing as style so we can group
#many id's together by SOMETHING and we have less chance of overriding existing op's
bl_idname = 'custom.simple_op'
#this is the label that essentially is the text displayed on the button
bl_label = 'Simple Op'
#these are the options for the operator, this one makes it not appear
#in the search bar and only accessible by script, useful
#NOTE: it's a list of strings in {} braces, see blender documentation on types.operator
bl_options = {'INTERNAL'}
#this is needed to check if the operator can be executed/invoked
#in the current context, useful for some but not for this example
def poll(cls, context):
#check the context here
return context.object is not None
#this is the cream of the entire operator class, this one's the function that gets
#executed when the button is pressed
def execute(self, context):
#just do the logic here
#this is a report, it pops up in the area defined in the word
#in curly braces {} which is the first argument, second is the actual displayed text{'INFO'}, "The custom operator actually worked!")
#return value tells blender wether the operation finished sueccessfully
#needs to be in curly braces also {}
return {'FINISHED'}
#this is a more complex operator, it will take a property value and
#then use it for computation of some kind
class CustomComplexOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
#add an id to be able to access it
bl_idname = 'custom.complex_op'
#add label to show up on the button
bl_label = 'Complex Op'
#make it internal so we can't search for it
#make it check if it can run in the context
def poll(cls, context):
#check the context here
return context.object is not None
#here we can define how the operator itself is drawn to the screne
#that means we can add toggles, sliders etc and be able to acess their
#set values in the code execution
#NOTE: this is automaticly done by default, if you have defined it
#then it will be used, this gives more control over the layout
#def draw(self, context):
#TODO: could not get it working so far, would like to make it work on tools shelf
#invoke runs before execute, it is useful to (run background tasts???)
#run code that sets up or reads values neccessary for script execution
#it is a little more involved then a simple operator
#NOTE: look at types.operator documentation for more information
#def invoke(self, context):
#execute method for... executing... this... on call(button press) (after invoke)
def execute(self, context):
#shorthand to reach properties of self
props =
#shorthand to scene
scene = context.scene
#this sends a report showing the set value of the slider{'INFO'}, "The value of the slider: " + str(scene.custom_props.float_slider))
#return value that tells blender we finished without failure
return {'FINISHED'}
#this is the addon info for when you choose to install it
#NOTE: for more information, see addon tutorial in the documentation
"name":"Ui test addon",
#this function is called on plugin loading(installing), adding class definitions into blender
#to be used, drawed and called
def register():
#register property group class
#this one especially, it adds the property group class to the scene context (instantiates it)
bpy.types.Scene.custom_props = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=CustomPropertyGroup)
#register the classes with the correct function
#same as register but backwards, deleting references
def unregister():
#delete the custom property pointer
#NOTE: this is different from its accessor, as that is a read/write only
#to delete this we have to delete its pointer, just like how we added it
del bpy.types.Scene.custom_props
#now we can continue to unregister classes normally
#NOTE: during testing if this addon was installed from a file then that current version
#of that file will be copied over to the blender addons directory
#if you want to see what changes occour you HAVE TO REINSTALL from the new file for it to register
#a quick line to autorun the script from the text editor when we hit 'run script'
if __name__ == '__main__':
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