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Created June 22, 2023 18:55
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Decrypt HARMAN AIR SDK encrypted swfs
from struct import pack, unpack
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import sys
globalKey = b"Adobe AIR SDK (c) 2021 HARMAN Internation Industries Incorporated"
def getkey(data):
dsum = sum(data) # sum all the bytes of data
dmod = dsum % len(globalKey)
string = globalKey[dmod:] + globalKey[:dmod]
string += b" EncryptSWF "
string += str(dsum).encode()
ret = 0
for code in string:
ret *= 31
ret += code
return ret & 0xFFFFFFFF # it's an int
def decrypt(data):
# read the different components
data = bytearray(data)
data[0] -= 32 # capitalize it
# get the key
key = getkey(data[0:8])
# get the length
decryptedLength = unpack("<I", data[8:12])[0]
decryptedLength ^= key
# padded length
paddedLength = (decryptedLength + 0x1F) & ~0x1F
# aes iv
aesIV = bytearray(16)
aesIV[0:8] = data[0:8] # header
aesIV[8:12] = data[8:12] # encrypted length
aesIV[12:16] = pack("<I", key) # key, uint32
# xor in second half of iv
for i in range(16):
aesIV[i] ^= globalKey[i]
# aes key
# this one is stored at the end of the file
aesKey = bytearray(32)
aesKeyIdx = 8 + 4 + paddedLength # skip header, size, data
# decrypt aes key
for i in range(0, 32, 4):
value = unpack("<I", data[aesKeyIdx + i : aesKeyIdx + i + 4])[0] # from uint32
if i & 4:
value -= key
value += key
aesKey[i:i+4] = pack("<I", value & 0xFFFFFFFF)
# we've got our aes key
aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV=aesIV)
print("aes key", aesKey.hex(" "))
print("aes iv", aesIV.hex(" "))
decrypted = aes.decrypt(data[12:12+paddedLength])
return data[:8] + decrypted[:decryptedLength]
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
data =
with open(sys.argv[2], "wb") as f:
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