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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module AnyValue where
import Value
import ValueOf
data AnyValue (a :: *) where
AnyValue :: ValueOf (Value const a) => Value const a -> AnyValue a
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module BasicBlock where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified LLVM.General.AST as AST
import FunctionDefinition
newtype BasicBlock a = BasicBlock{runBasicBlock :: RWST () [AST.Named AST.Instruction] BasicBlockState FunctionDefinition a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadState BasicBlockState, MonadWriter [AST.Named AST.Instruction])
liftFunctionDefinition :: FunctionDefinition a -> BasicBlock a
liftFunctionDefinition = BasicBlock . lift
data BasicBlockState = BasicBlockState
{ basicBlockName :: AST.Name
, basicBlockTerminator :: Maybe (AST.Named AST.Terminator)
} deriving (Show)
setTerminator :: AST.Terminator -> BasicBlock ()
setTerminator term = do
st <- get
put $! st{basicBlockTerminator = Just (AST.Do term)}
data Label = Label AST.Name
newtype Terminator a = Terminator a deriving (Functor, Show)
instance Applicative Terminator where
pure = Terminator
Terminator f <*> x = f <$> x
evalBasicBlock :: AST.Name -> BasicBlock (Terminator a) -> FunctionDefinition (a, AST.BasicBlock)
evalBasicBlock n bb = do
-- pattern match must be lazy to support the MonadFix instance
~(Terminator a, st, instr) <- runRWST (runBasicBlock bb) () (BasicBlockState n Nothing)
return (a, AST.BasicBlock (basicBlockName st) instr (fromJust (basicBlockTerminator st)))
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module CallingConv where
import GHC.TypeLits
data CallingConv where
CallingConv :: Nat -> CallingConv
type C = 'CallingConv 0
type Fast = 'CallingConv 8
type Cold = 'CallingConv 9
type GHC = 'CallingConv 10
type HiPE = 'CallingConv 11
type X86_StdCall = 'CallingConv 64
type X86_FastCall = 'CallingConv 65
type X86_64_Win64 = 'CallingConv 79
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
module DefineBasicBlock where
import Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy
import Data.List as List
import qualified LLVM.General.AST as AST
import BasicBlock
import FreshName
import FunctionDefinition
basicBlock :: (DefineBasicBlock f, FreshName f, Monad f) => BasicBlock (Terminator ()) -> f Label
basicBlock bb = do
n <- freshName
namedBasicBlock n bb
class DefineBasicBlock f where
namedBasicBlock :: AST.Name -> BasicBlock (Terminator ()) -> f Label
instance DefineBasicBlock FunctionDefinition where
namedBasicBlock n bb = do
~FunctionDefinitionState{functionDefinitionBasicBlocks = originalBlocks} <- get
~(_, newBlock) <- evalBasicBlock n bb
~st@FunctionDefinitionState{functionDefinitionBasicBlocks = extraBlocks} <- get
-- splice in the new block before any blocks defined while lifting
put st{functionDefinitionBasicBlocks = originalBlocks <> (newBlock:List.drop (List.length originalBlocks) extraBlocks)}
return $ Label n
instance DefineBasicBlock BasicBlock where
namedBasicBlock n bb =
liftFunctionDefinition (namedBasicBlock n bb)
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module FreshName where
import Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy
import qualified LLVM.General.AST as AST
import BasicBlock
import FunctionDefinition
class FreshName (f :: * -> *) where
freshName :: f AST.Name
instance FreshName BasicBlock where
freshName =
liftFunctionDefinition freshName
instance FreshName FunctionDefinition where
freshName = do
st@FunctionDefinitionState{functionDefinitionFreshId = fresh} <- get
put $! st{functionDefinitionFreshId = fresh + 1}
return $ AST.UnName fresh
nameInstruction :: AST.Instruction -> BasicBlock AST.Operand
nameInstruction instr = do
n <- freshName
tell [n AST.:= instr]
return $ AST.LocalReference n
:: (AST.Operand -> AST.Operand -> AST.InstructionMetadata -> AST.Instruction)
-> AST.Operand
-> AST.Operand
-> BasicBlock AST.Operand
nameInstruction2 f x y = nameInstruction (f x y [])
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module Function where
import CallingConv
data Function (cconv :: CallingConv) (a :: *)
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module FunctionDefinition where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.Word
import qualified LLVM.General.AST as AST
newtype FunctionDefinition a = FunctionDefinition{runFunctionDefinition :: State FunctionDefinitionState a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadState FunctionDefinitionState)
data FunctionDefinitionState = FunctionDefinitionState
{ functionDefinitionBasicBlocks :: [AST.BasicBlock]
, functionDefinitionFreshId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Instructions where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Traversable
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import GHC.TypeLits
import qualified LLVM.General.AST as AST
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Attribute as Attribute
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Constant as Constant
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.FloatingPointPredicate as FloatingPointPredicate
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.IntegerPredicate as IntegerPredicate
import AnyValue
import BasicBlock
import FreshName
import Function
import Value
import ValueOf
import VMap
:: ValueOf (Value const a)
=> Value const a
-> BasicBlock (Terminator ())
ret value = do
-- name the value, emitting instructions as necessary
valueOp <- asOp value
setTerminator $ AST.Ret (Just valueOp) []
-- @TODO: replace with LocalReference ?
return $ Terminator ()
ret_ :: BasicBlock (Terminator ())
ret_ = do
setTerminator $ AST.Ret Nothing []
return $ Terminator ()
:: Value const Bool
-> Label
-> Label
-> BasicBlock (Terminator ())
condBr condition (Label trueDest) (Label falseDest) = do
conditionOp <- asOp condition
setTerminator $ AST.CondBr conditionOp trueDest falseDest []
return $ Terminator ()
br :: Label -> BasicBlock (Terminator ())
br (Label dest) = do
setTerminator $ AST.Br dest []
return $ Terminator ()
:: ( ClassificationOf (Value const a) ~ IntegerClass,
ClassificationOf (Value 'Constant a) ~ IntegerClass)
=> Value const a
-> Label -- default
-> [(Value 'Constant a, Label)]
-> BasicBlock (Terminator ())
switch value (Label defaultDest) dests = do
valueOp <- asOp value
let dests' = [(val, dest) | (ValueConstant val, Label dest) <- dests]
setTerminator $ AST.Switch valueOp defaultDest dests' []
return $ Terminator ()
indirectBr = undefined
invoke = undefined
resume = undefined
:: BasicBlock (Terminator ())
unreachable = do
setTerminator $ AST.Unreachable []
return $ Terminator ()
:: forall a .
ValueOf (Value 'Constant a)
=> BasicBlock (Value 'Constant a)
undef = do
let val = Constant.Undef $ valueType (Proxy :: Proxy (Value 'Constant a))
return $ ValueConstant val
class Phi (f :: * -> *) where
phi :: ValueOf (Value 'Mutable a) => [(f a, Label)] -> BasicBlock (Value 'Mutable a)
instance Phi (Value const) where
phi :: forall a . ValueOf (Value 'Mutable a) => [(Value const a, Label)] -> BasicBlock (Value 'Mutable a)
phi incomingValues = do
-- @TODO: make sure we have evaluated all of the values in the list...
incomingValues' <- for incomingValues $ \ (val, Label origin) -> do
valOp <- asOp val
return (valOp, origin)
let ty = valueType (Proxy :: Proxy (Value 'Mutable a))
ValueOperand . return <$> nameInstruction (AST.Phi ty incomingValues' [])
instance Phi AnyValue where
phi :: forall a . ValueOf (Value 'Mutable a) => [(AnyValue a, Label)] -> BasicBlock (Value 'Mutable a)
phi incomingValues = do
-- @TODO: make sure we have evaluated all of the values in the list...
incomingValues' <- for incomingValues $ \ (AnyValue val, Label origin) -> do
valOp <- asOp val
return (valOp, origin)
let ty = valueType (Proxy :: Proxy (Value 'Mutable a))
ValueOperand . return <$> nameInstruction (AST.Phi ty incomingValues' [])
:: forall a .
( ValueOf (Value 'Mutable a)
, KnownNat (ElementsOf (Value 'Mutable a)))
=> BasicBlock (Value 'Mutable (Ptr a))
alloca = do
let ty = valueType (Proxy :: Proxy (Value 'Mutable a))
ne = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (ElementsOf (Value 'Mutable a)))
-- @TODO: the hardcoded 64 should probably be the target word size?
inst = AST.Alloca ty (Just (AST.ConstantOperand (Constant.Int 64 ne))) 0 []
ValueOperand . return <$> nameInstruction inst
:: Value const (Ptr a)
-> BasicBlock (Value 'Mutable a)
load x = do
x' <- asOp x
ValueOperand . return <$> nameInstruction (AST.Load False x' Nothing 0 [])
:: Value cx (Ptr a)
-> Value cy a
-> BasicBlock ()
store address value = do
address' <- asOp address
value' <- asOp value
let instr = AST.Store False address' value' Nothing 0 []
tell [AST.Do instr]
type family ResultType a :: *
class BundleArgs f where
xxxx :: f -> BasicBlock [(AST.Operand, [Attribute.ParameterAttribute])]
xxxx = undefined
call :: Function cconv ty -> args -> BasicBlock (ResultType ty)
call = error "call"
data InBounds
= InBounds
| OutOfBounds
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
class GetElementPtr a (i :: [*]) where
type GetElementPtrType a i :: *
getElementIndex :: a -> proxy i -> [AST.Operand]
:: (GetElementPtr (Value const a) i, ValueJoin const)
=> InBounds
-> Value const a
-> proxy i
-> BasicBlock (Value const (Ptr (GetElementPtrType a i)))
getElementPtr bounds value indices =
let inbounds = case bounds of InBounds -> True; OutOfBounds -> False
idx = getElementIndex value indices
f y = Constant.GetElementPtr inbounds y [error "damn"]
g x = nameInstruction $ AST.GetElementPtr inbounds x idx []
in vmap1' f g value
:: forall a const i proxy . (GetElementPtr (Value const a) (Proxy 0 ': i), ValueJoin const)
=> InBounds
-> Value const a
-> proxy i
-> BasicBlock (Value const (Ptr (GetElementPtrType a (Proxy 0 ': i))))
getElementPtr0 bounds val _ = getElementPtr bounds val (Proxy :: Proxy (Proxy 0 ': i))
class Name (const :: Constness) where
name :: Value const a -> BasicBlock (Value const a)
instance Name 'Constant where
name = return
instance Name 'Mutable where
name val = do
n <- freshName
name :: String -> Value const a -> BasicBlock (Value const a)
name = undefined
name_ :: Value const a -> BasicBlock (Value const a)
name_ = undefined
:: forall a b const .
( ClassificationOf (Value const a) ~ IntegerClass, ClassificationOf (Value const b) ~ IntegerClass
, ValueOf (Value const b)
, BitsOf (Value const b) + 1 <= BitsOf (Value const a)
, ValueJoin const)
=> Value const a
-> BasicBlock (Value const b)
trunc = vmap1' f g where
vt = valueType (Proxy :: Proxy (Value const b))
f v = Constant.Trunc v vt
g v = nameInstruction $ AST.Trunc v vt []
:: forall a b const .
( BitsOf (Value const a) ~ BitsOf (Value const b)
, ValueOf (Value const b)
, ValueJoin const)
=> Value const a
-> BasicBlock (Value const b)
bitcast = vmap1' f g where
vt = valueType (Proxy :: Proxy (Value const b))
f v = Constant.BitCast v vt
g v = nameInstruction $ AST.BitCast v vt []
class Add (classification :: Classification) where
:: ClassificationOf (Value (cx `Weakest` cy) a) ~ classification
=> Value cx a
-> Value cy a
-> Value (cx `Weakest` cy) a
instance Add 'IntegerClass where
vadd = vmap2 f g where
f = Constant.Add False False
g x y = nameInstruction $ AST.Add False False x y []
instance Add 'FloatingPointClass where
vadd = vmap2 f g where
f = Constant.FAdd
g x y = nameInstruction $ AST.FAdd x y []
:: ( Add (ClassificationOf (Value (cx `Weakest` cy) a))
, ValueJoin (cx `Weakest` cy))
=> Value cx a
-> Value cy a
-> BasicBlock (Value (cx `Weakest` cy) a)
add x y = vjoin $ vadd x y
-- the condition constness must match the result constness. this implies that
-- if both true and false values are constant the switch condition must also be
-- a constant. if you want a constant condition but mutable values (for some reason...)
-- just wrap the condition with 'mutable'
:: (ValueJoin (cc `Weakest` ct `Weakest` cf))
=> Value cc Bool
-> Value ct a
-> Value cf a
-> BasicBlock (Value (cc `Weakest` ct `Weakest` cf) a)
select = vmap3' f g where
f = Constant.Select
g c t f' = nameInstruction $ AST.Select c t f' []
:: ( ClassificationOf (Value (cx `Weakest` cy) a) ~ IntegerClass
, ValueJoin (cx `Weakest` cy))
=> IntegerPredicate.IntegerPredicate
-> Value cx a
-> Value cy a
-> BasicBlock (Value (cx `Weakest` cy) Bool)
icmp p = vmap2' f g where
f = Constant.ICmp p
g x y = nameInstruction $ AST.ICmp p x y []
:: ( ClassificationOf (Value (cx `Weakest` cy) a) ~ FloatingPointClass
, ValueJoin (cx `Weakest` cy))
=> FloatingPointPredicate.FloatingPointPredicate
-> Value cx a
-> Value cy a
-> BasicBlock (Value (cx `Weakest` cy) Bool)
fcmp p = vmap2' f g where
f = Constant.FCmp p
g x y = nameInstruction $ AST.FCmp p x y []
class Cmp (classification :: Classification) where
:: ( ClassificationOf (Value (cx `Weakest` cy) a) ~ classification
, ValueJoin (cx `Weakest` cy))
=> Value cx a
-> Value cy a
-> BasicBlock (Value (cx `Weakest` cy) Bool)
instance Cmp 'IntegerClass where
cmp = vmap2' f g where
f = Constant.ICmp IntegerPredicate.EQ
g x y = nameInstruction $ AST.ICmp IntegerPredicate.EQ x y []
instance Cmp 'FloatingPointClass where
cmp = vmap2' f g where
f = Constant.FCmp FloatingPointPredicate.OEQ
g x y = nameInstruction $ AST.FCmp FloatingPointPredicate.OEQ x y []
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Num where
import Data.Int
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Word
import GHC.TypeLits
import qualified LLVM.General.AST as AST
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Constant as Constant
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Float as Float
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.FloatingPointPredicate as FloatingPointPredicate
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.IntegerPredicate as IntegerPredicate
import BasicBlock
import FreshName
import Instructions
import Value
import ValueOf
import VMap
:: forall const a .
( KnownNat (BitsOf (Value const a))
, ClassificationOf (Value const a) ~ IntegerClass
, Num (Value const a))
=> Value const a
-> Value const a
signumSigned v =
case v of
x@ValueConstant{} -> evalConstantBasicBlock (f x)
x@ValueMutable{} -> ValueOperand (f x >>= asOp)
x@ValueOperand{} -> ValueOperand (f x >>= asOp)
f :: (ValueJoin const, Weakest const const ~ const)
=> Value const a
-> BasicBlock (Value const a)
f x = do
gt <- icmp IntegerPredicate.SGT x (0 :: Value const a)
lt <- icmp IntegerPredicate.SLT x (0 :: Value const a)
il <- select lt (-1 :: Value const a) (0 :: Value const a)
ig <- select gt ( 1 :: Value const a) il
return ig
:: forall const a .
( KnownNat (BitsOf (Value const a))
, ClassificationOf (Value const a) ~ IntegerClass
, Num (Value const a))
=> Value const a
-> Value const a
signumUnsigned v =
case v of
x@ValueConstant{} -> evalConstantBasicBlock (f x)
x@ValueMutable{} -> ValueOperand (f x >>= asOp)
x@ValueOperand{} -> ValueOperand (f x >>= asOp)
f :: (ValueJoin const, Weakest const const ~ const)
=> Value const a
-> BasicBlock (Value const a)
f x = do
gt <- icmp IntegerPredicate.UGT x (0 :: Value const a)
select gt (1 :: Value const a) (0 :: Value const a)
:: forall const a .
( KnownNat (BitsOf (Value const a))
, ClassificationOf (Value const a) ~ FloatingPointClass
, Num (Value const a))
=> Value const a
-> Value const a
signumFloating v =
case v of
x@ValueConstant{} -> evalConstantBasicBlock (f x)
x@ValueMutable{} -> ValueOperand (f x >>= asOp)
x@ValueOperand{} -> ValueOperand (f x >>= asOp)
f :: (ValueJoin const, Weakest const const ~ const)
=> Value const a
-> BasicBlock (Value const a)
f x = do
gt <- fcmp FloatingPointPredicate.OGT x (0 :: Value const a)
lt <- fcmp FloatingPointPredicate.OLT x (0 :: Value const a)
il <- select lt (-1 :: Value const a) (0 :: Value const a)
select gt ( 1 :: Value const a) il
:: forall const a .
( KnownNat (BitsOf (Value const a))
, ClassificationOf (Value const a) ~ IntegerClass
, Num (Value const a))
=> Value const a
-> Value const a
absSigned v = do
case v of
x@ValueConstant{} -> evalConstantBasicBlock (f x)
x@ValueMutable{} -> ValueOperand (f x >>= asOp)
x@ValueOperand{} -> ValueOperand (f x >>= asOp)
f :: (ValueJoin const, Weakest const const ~ const)
=> Value const a
-> BasicBlock (Value const a)
f x = do
gt <- icmp IntegerPredicate.SGT x (0 :: Value const a)
select gt (0 - x) x
:: forall const a .
( KnownNat (BitsOf (Value const a))
, ClassificationOf (Value const a) ~ FloatingPointClass
, Num (Value const a))
=> Value const a
-> Value const a
absFloating v = do
case v of
x@ValueConstant{} -> evalConstantBasicBlock (f x)
x@ValueMutable{} -> ValueOperand (f x >>= asOp)
x@ValueOperand{} -> ValueOperand (f x >>= asOp)
f :: (ValueJoin const, Weakest const const ~ const)
=> Value const a
-> BasicBlock (Value const a)
f x = do
gt <- fcmp FloatingPointPredicate.OGT x (0 :: Value const a)
select gt (0 - x) x
:: forall a const . (KnownNat (BitsOf (Value const a)), InjectConstant const)
=> Integer
-> Value const a
fromIntegerConst = injectConstant . Constant.Int bits where
bits = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (BitsOf (Value const a)))
instance (InjectConstant const, Weakest const const ~ const) => Num (Value const Float) where
fromInteger = injectConstant . Constant.Float . Float.Single . fromIntegral
abs = absFloating
(+) = vmap2 Constant.FAdd (nameInstruction2 AST.FAdd)
(-) = vmap2 Constant.FSub (nameInstruction2 AST.FSub)
(*) = vmap2 Constant.FMul (nameInstruction2 AST.FMul)
signum = signumFloating
instance (InjectConstant const, Weakest const const ~ const) => Num (Value const Double) where
fromInteger = injectConstant . Constant.Float . Float.Double . fromIntegral
abs = absFloating
(+) = vmap2 Constant.FAdd (nameInstruction2 AST.FAdd)
(-) = vmap2 Constant.FSub (nameInstruction2 AST.FSub)
(*) = vmap2 Constant.FMul (nameInstruction2 AST.FMul)
signum = signumFloating
instance (InjectConstant const, Weakest const const ~ const, Num (Value const Float)) => Fractional (Value const Float) where
fromRational = injectConstant . Constant.Float . Float.Single . fromRational
(/) = vmap2 Constant.FDiv (nameInstruction2 AST.FDiv)
instance (InjectConstant const, Weakest const const ~ const, Num (Value const Double)) => Fractional (Value const Double) where
fromRational = injectConstant . Constant.Float . Float.Double . fromRational
(/) = vmap2 Constant.FDiv (nameInstruction2 AST.FDiv)
instance (InjectConstant const, Weakest const const ~ const) => Num (Value const Int8) where
fromInteger = fromIntegerConst
abs = absSigned
(+) = vmap2 (Constant.Add False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Add False False))
(-) = vmap2 (Constant.Sub False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Sub False False))
(*) = vmap2 (Constant.Mul False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Mul False False))
signum = signumSigned
instance (InjectConstant const, Weakest const const ~ const) => Num (Value const Int16) where
fromInteger = fromIntegerConst
abs = absSigned
(+) = vmap2 (Constant.Add False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Add False False))
(-) = vmap2 (Constant.Sub False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Sub False False))
(*) = vmap2 (Constant.Mul False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Mul False False))
signum = signumSigned
instance (InjectConstant const, Weakest const const ~ const) => Num (Value const Int32) where
fromInteger = fromIntegerConst
abs = absSigned
(+) = vmap2 (Constant.Add False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Add False False))
(-) = vmap2 (Constant.Sub False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Sub False False))
(*) = vmap2 (Constant.Mul False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Mul False False))
signum = signumSigned
instance (InjectConstant const, Weakest const const ~ const) => Num (Value const Int64) where
fromInteger = fromIntegerConst
abs = absSigned
(+) = vmap2 (Constant.Add False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Add False False))
(-) = vmap2 (Constant.Sub False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Sub False False))
(*) = vmap2 (Constant.Mul False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Mul False False))
signum = signumSigned
instance (InjectConstant const, Weakest const const ~ const) => Num (Value const Word8) where
fromInteger = fromIntegerConst
abs = id
(+) = vmap2 (Constant.Add False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Add False False))
(-) = vmap2 (Constant.Sub False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Sub False False))
(*) = vmap2 (Constant.Mul False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Mul False False))
signum = signumUnsigned
instance (InjectConstant const, Weakest const const ~ const) => Num (Value const Word16) where
fromInteger = fromIntegerConst
abs = id
(+) = vmap2 (Constant.Add False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Add False False))
(-) = vmap2 (Constant.Sub False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Sub False False))
(*) = vmap2 (Constant.Mul False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Mul False False))
signum = signumUnsigned
instance (InjectConstant const, Weakest const const ~ const) => Num (Value const Word32) where
fromInteger = fromIntegerConst
abs = id
(+) = vmap2 (Constant.Add False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Add False False))
(-) = vmap2 (Constant.Sub False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Sub False False))
(*) = vmap2 (Constant.Mul False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Mul False False))
signum = signumUnsigned
instance (InjectConstant const, Weakest const const ~ const) => Num (Value const Word64) where
fromInteger = fromIntegerConst
abs = id
(+) = vmap2 (Constant.Add False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Add False False))
(-) = vmap2 (Constant.Sub False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Sub False False))
(*) = vmap2 (Constant.Mul False False) (nameInstruction2 (AST.Mul False False))
signum = signumUnsigned
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Value where
import Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import qualified LLVM.General.AST as AST
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Constant as Constant
import BasicBlock
import FunctionDefinition
data Constness = Constant | Mutable
type family Weakest (x :: k) (y :: k) :: k where
Weakest 'Constant 'Constant = 'Constant
Weakest x y = 'Mutable
data Value (const :: Constness) (a :: *) where
ValueMutable :: Value 'Constant a -> Value 'Mutable a
ValueOperand :: BasicBlock AST.Operand -> Value 'Mutable a
ValueConstant :: Constant.Constant -> Value 'Constant a
mutable :: Value 'Constant a -> Value 'Mutable a
mutable = ValueMutable
constant :: Value 'Constant a -> Value 'Constant a
constant = id
class Weaken (const :: Constness) where
weaken :: Value const a -> Value 'Mutable a
instance Weaken 'Constant where
weaken = mutable
instance Weaken 'Mutable where
weaken = id
class InjectConstant (const :: Constness) where
injectConstant :: Constant.Constant -> Value const a
instance InjectConstant 'Mutable where
injectConstant = ValueMutable . injectConstant
instance InjectConstant 'Constant where
injectConstant = ValueConstant
class ValueJoin (const :: Constness) where
vjoin :: Value const a -> BasicBlock (Value const a)
instance ValueJoin 'Mutable where
vjoin (ValueOperand a) = a >>= return . ValueOperand . return
vjoin a = return a
instance ValueJoin 'Constant where
vjoin a = return a
:: BasicBlock (Value 'Constant a)
-> Value 'Constant a
evalConstantBasicBlock (BasicBlock v) =
let m = evalRWST v () (BasicBlockState (error "name") Nothing)
in fst $ evalState (runFunctionDefinition m) (FunctionDefinitionState [] 0)
:: Value const a
-> BasicBlock AST.Operand
asOp (ValueConstant x) = return $ AST.ConstantOperand x
asOp (ValueMutable x) = asOp x
asOp (ValueOperand x) = x
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module ValueOf where
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import GHC.TypeLits
import qualified LLVM.General.AST as AST
import Value
data Classification
= IntegerClass
| FloatingPointClass
| PointerClass
| VectorClass
| StructureClass
| LabelClass
| MetadataClass
class ValueOf (a :: *) where
type WordsOf a :: Nat
type BitsOf a :: Nat
type BitsOf a = WordsOf a * 8
type ElementsOf a :: Nat
type ElementsOf a = 1
type ClassificationOf a :: Classification
valueType :: proxy a -> AST.Type
instance ValueOf (Value const Int8) where
type WordsOf (Value const Int8) = 1
type ClassificationOf (Value const Int8) = IntegerClass
valueType _ = AST.IntegerType 8
instance ValueOf (Value const Int16) where
type WordsOf (Value const Int16) = 2
type ClassificationOf (Value const Int16) = IntegerClass
valueType _ = AST.IntegerType 16
instance ValueOf (Value const Int32) where
type WordsOf (Value const Int32) = 4
type ClassificationOf (Value const Int32) = IntegerClass
valueType _ = AST.IntegerType 32
instance ValueOf (Value const Int64) where
type WordsOf (Value const Int64) = 8
type ClassificationOf (Value const Int64) = IntegerClass
valueType _ = AST.IntegerType 64
instance ValueOf (Value const Word8) where
type WordsOf (Value const Word8) = 1
type ClassificationOf (Value const Word8) = IntegerClass
valueType _ = AST.IntegerType 8
instance ValueOf (Value const Word16) where
type WordsOf (Value const Word16) = 2
type ClassificationOf (Value const Word16) = IntegerClass
valueType _ = AST.IntegerType 16
instance ValueOf (Value const Word32) where
type WordsOf (Value const Word32) = 4
type ClassificationOf (Value const Word32) = IntegerClass
valueType _ = AST.IntegerType 32
instance ValueOf (Value const Word64) where
type WordsOf (Value const Word64) = 8
type ClassificationOf (Value const Word64) = IntegerClass
valueType _ = AST.IntegerType 64
instance ValueOf (Value const Float) where
type WordsOf (Value const Float) = 4
type ClassificationOf (Value const Float) = FloatingPointClass
valueType _ = AST.FloatingPointType 32 AST.IEEE
instance ValueOf (Value const Double) where
type WordsOf (Value const Double) = 8
type ClassificationOf (Value const Double) = FloatingPointClass
valueType _ = AST.FloatingPointType 64 AST.IEEE
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module VMap where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import LLVM.General.AST (Operand)
import LLVM.General.AST.Constant (Constant)
import BasicBlock
import Value
:: (Constant -> Constant)
-> (Operand -> BasicBlock Operand)
-> Value const a
-> Value const b
vmap1 f _ (ValueConstant x) = ValueConstant (f x)
vmap1 f g (ValueMutable x) = weaken (vmap1 f g x)
vmap1 _ g x@ValueOperand{} = ValueOperand (join (g <$> asOp x))
:: (ValueJoin const)
=> (Constant -> Constant)
-> (Operand -> BasicBlock Operand)
-> Value const a
-> BasicBlock (Value const b)
vmap1' f g a = vjoin (vmap1 f g a)
:: forall a b cx cy r .
(Constant -> Constant -> Constant)
-> (Operand -> Operand -> BasicBlock Operand)
-> Value cx a
-> Value cy b
-> Value (cx `Weakest` cy) r
vmap2 f g = k where
j :: Value cx a -> Value cy b -> Value 'Mutable r
j x y = ValueOperand (join (g <$> asOp x <*> asOp y))
k (ValueConstant x) (ValueConstant y) = ValueConstant (f x y)
k (ValueMutable x) (ValueMutable y) = weaken (vmap2 f g x y)
-- prepare to experience many pleasures of the GADT
k x@ValueOperand{} y = j x y
k x y@ValueOperand{} = j x y
k x@ValueMutable{} y = j x y
k x y@ValueMutable{} = j x y
:: (ValueJoin (cx `Weakest` cy))
=> (Constant -> Constant -> Constant)
-> (Operand -> Operand -> BasicBlock Operand)
-> Value cx a
-> Value cy b
-> BasicBlock (Value (cx `Weakest` cy) r)
vmap2' f g a b = vjoin (vmap2 f g a b)
:: forall a b c cx cy cz r .
(Constant -> Constant -> Constant -> Constant)
-> (Operand -> Operand -> Operand -> BasicBlock Operand)
-> Value cx a
-> Value cy b
-> Value cz c
-> Value (cx `Weakest` cy `Weakest` cz) r
vmap3 f g = k where
j :: Value cx a -> Value cy b -> Value cz c -> Value 'Mutable r
j x y z = ValueOperand (join (g <$> asOp x <*> asOp y <*> asOp z))
k (ValueConstant x) (ValueConstant y) (ValueConstant z) = ValueConstant (f x y z)
k (ValueMutable x) (ValueMutable y) (ValueMutable z) = weaken (vmap3 f g x y z)
-- prove we're dealing with a mutable result type
k x@ValueOperand{} y z = j x y z
k x y@ValueOperand{} z = j x y z
k x y z@ValueOperand{} = j x y z
k x@ValueMutable{} y z = j x y z
k x y@ValueMutable{} z = j x y z
k x y z@ValueMutable{} = j x y z
:: (ValueJoin (cx `Weakest` cy `Weakest` cz))
=> (Constant -> Constant -> Constant -> Constant)
-> (Operand -> Operand -> Operand -> BasicBlock Operand)
-> Value cx a
-> Value cy b
-> Value cz c
-> BasicBlock (Value (cx `Weakest` cy `Weakest` cz) r)
vmap3' f g a b c = vjoin (vmap3 f g a b c)
-- Initial x.cabal generated by cabal init. For further documentation, see
name: x
-- synopsis:
-- description:
-- license:
license-file: LICENSE
author: Nathan Howell
-- copyright:
-- category:
build-type: Simple
-- extra-source-files:
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable x
main-is: x.hs
-- other-modules:
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.8, llvm-general, llvm-general-pure, void, transformers, mtl
-- hs-source-dirs:
default-language: Haskell2010
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.Int
import qualified LLVM.General.AST as AST
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Global as Global
import LLVM.General.PrettyPrint (showPretty)
import DefineBasicBlock
import Function
import FunctionDefinition
import Instructions
import Num ()
import Value
newtype Module a = Module{runModule :: State ModuleState a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadState ModuleState)
data ModuleState = ModuleState
{ moduleName :: String
, moduleDefinitions :: [AST.Definition]
newtype Globals a = Globals{runGlobals :: State [AST.Global] a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadState [AST.Global])
evalModule :: Module a -> (AST.Module, a)
evalModule (Module a) = (m, a') where
m = AST.Module n Nothing Nothing defs
n = moduleName st'
defs = moduleDefinitions st'
st = ModuleState{moduleName = "unnamed module", moduleDefinitions = []}
~(a', st') = runState a st
namedModule :: String -> Globals a -> Module a
namedModule n body = do
let ~(a, defs) = runState (runGlobals body) []
st <- get
put $! st{moduleName = n, moduleDefinitions = fmap AST.GlobalDefinition defs}
return a
namedFunction :: String -> FunctionDefinition a -> Globals (Function cconv ty, a)
namedFunction n defn = do
let defnSt = FunctionDefinitionState{functionDefinitionBasicBlocks = [], functionDefinitionFreshId = 0}
~(a, defSt') = runState (runFunctionDefinition defn) defnSt
x = AST.functionDefaults
{ Global.basicBlocks = functionDefinitionBasicBlocks defSt'
, = AST.Name n
, Global.returnType = AST.IntegerType 8
st <- get
put $! x:st
return (error "foo", a)
externalFunction :: String -> Globals ty
externalFunction = error "externalFunction"
foo :: Module ()
foo = do
let val :: Value 'Constant Int8
val = 42 + 9
namedModule "foo" $ do
void . namedFunction "bar" $ mdo
entryBlock <- basicBlock $ do
br secondBlock
secondBlock <- namedBasicBlock (AST.Name "second") $ do
someLocalPtr <- alloca
store someLocalPtr (99 :: Value 'Constant Int8)
someLocal <- load someLocalPtr
x <- val `add` someLocal
join $ condBr
<$> cmp someLocal (mutable 99)
<*> basicBlock (ret $ abs x * someLocal + mutable (val - signum 8))
<*> basicBlock (br entryBlock)
return ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn . showPretty . fst $ evalModule foo
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