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Created November 9, 2020 05:22
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This script will download and extract the latest Dell Driver Cab to use it to determine the release dates of all dell models
Export CSV of Dell Models and their release dates
This script will download and extract the latest Dell Driver Cab to use it to determine the release dates of all dell models
[string]$DriverCatalog = "",
[string]$LocalDriverCache = "$env:SystemDrive\DellDrivers",
[string]$outCSV = "$($Home)\Documents\Work\PowerBI\Dell_Model_Release_Dates.csv"
function new-DirectorySafe( [string] $Path )
if ( ! ( test-path $Path ) ) { new-item -Type Directory -Path $Path | out-string | write-verbose }
#Download Latest Dell Driver Cab
Write-Verbose "Download and extract Dell Driver Cab"
New-DirectorySafe -Path $LocalDriverCache
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($DriverCatalog, "$LocalDriverCache\")
expand "$LocalDriverCache\" "$LocalDriverCache\DriverPackCatalog.xml" | out-string | write-verbose
#import xml files
[xml]$DellDriverCab = Get-Content -Path "$LocalDriverCache\DriverPackCatalog.xml"
$AllDrivers = $DellDriverCab.DriverPackManifest.DriverPackage
$OutputArray = @()
$count = 0
Foreach ($Driver in $AllDrivers){
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Dell Driver Catalog XML" -Status "On $count of $($AllDrivers.count)" -PercentComplete (($count/$($AllDrivers.count))*100)
$Cur_Model = $
$ReleaseDate = $Driver.SupportedSystems.Brand.Model.rtsDate
$obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
model = $Cur_Model
"Release Date" = $ReleaseDate
#"EOL Date" = TODO
$OutputArray += $obj
#$OutputArray | Format-Table
$OutputArray | Export-CSV -Path $outCSV -NoTypeInformation
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