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Last active October 28, 2020 14:25
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0 0 - Hickory Lane
| 1 - An Overgrown Lawn
4----1 2 - Tranquil Koi Pond
| | 3 - The Palladium Temple
2----3 4 - A Pergola Covered Workshop
| 5 - Statue of Elbar
:> 1.
:> Title: {gAn Overgrown Lawn{x
:> Sector Type: Field
:> Exits: North, Hickory Lane
:> Items:
:> 1. [pit]
:> short: {Da {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {Dmailbox
:> long: {DA {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {Dmailbox sits on the stone fence.
:> name: palladium mailbox pit
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{gA small path works its way through what may have once been{x
{ga rose garden. An oak tree looms over this long forgotten temple,{x
{gprotecting it from the elements. The thatch rises threateningly,{x
{ga warning of natures intent to inevitably consume all things.{x
{gUpon the fence surrounding the property appears to be monks in{x
{ga variety of stances. Each stance different, its monk bearing a{x
{gvisage to some long-forgotten master of it's art. Beyond the
{gthatch to the south can be seen the {WP{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm Temple{g.{x
{gTo the west lie a bed of large oak trees surrounding a pergola.{x
:> 2.
:> Title: {bTranquil Koi Pond{x
:> Sector Type: Swim
:> Exits: North, Hickory Lane
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{bWater flows and echos with beautiful music from a water harp in{x
{bthe corner of the koi pond. Water ripples with the movement of the{x
{bfish within who move excitedly at the presence of a visitor. In{x
{bthe middle of the pond is a small statue of a quickling monk in{x
{ba grandmaster stance. {DThunder{b can be faintly heard, a trick{x
{bof the acoustics, or a trick of the mind as you catch yourself{x
{bstaring at the champion of the god of storms.{x
:> 3.
:> Title: {WThe {WP{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {WTemple{x
:> Sector Type: Inside
:> Exits: North, Hickory Lane
:> Items:
:> 1. [portal]
:> short: {Da {cm{ry{csterious {Drune
:> long: {DA {cm{ry{csterious {Drune of traveling is etched into the marble floor.
:> name: rune mysterious travel portal
:> destination: In front of giants outpost & jixx manor
:> 2. [bench]
:> short: {DA {wmarble{D bench
:> long: {DA {wmarble{D bench rests on the edge of the temple.
:> name: bench marble
:> 3. [blanket]
:> short: {DA {Rv{rel{Rv{ret {Dblanket
:> long: {DA {Rv{rel{Rv{ret {Dblanket rests near the hearth.
:> name: blanket velvet
:> 4. [campfire]
:> short: {DA {wstone {Dhearth
:> long: {DA makeshift {wstone {Dhearth sits in a corner.
:> name: hearth makeshift stone
:> 5. [fountain]
:> short: {Dglass jugs
:> long: {DDozens of {Cglass{D jugs of Jixx's famous {yroot beer{D lie scattered about.
:> name: glass jugs
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{wNestled within the once ornate garden, a monk temple stands. A place{x
{wto learn the ancient art of unarmed combat. Techniques of {Rfirefist{x
{wand other lost arts hang from scrolls around the temple. A {Wwhite{w marble{x
{wfloor seems to be heavily polished, one of few things left on the{x
{wproperty in good repair. Within the center of the floor is a brightly{x
{wetched rune of traveling. The sound of a water harp echos in from the{x
:> 4.
:> Title: {yA Pergola Covered Workshop{x
:> Sector Type: Desert
:> Exits: North, Hickory Lane
:> Items:
:> 1. [trough]
:> short: {Da {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {Dtrough
:> long: {DA {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {Dtrough emanates a {cstr{ra{cnge {Dmist.
:> name: trough
:> 2. [crucible]
:> short: {Da {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {Dcrucible
:> long: {DA {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {Dcrucible rests in the corner.
:> name: crucible
:> 3. [anvil]
:> short: {Da {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {Danvil
:> long: {DA {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {Danvil sits directly in the center of the floor.
:> name: anvil
:> 4. [workbench]
:> short: {Da {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {Dworkbench
:> long: {DA {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {Dworkbench is built into the pergola.
:> name: workbench
:> 5. [forge]
:> short: {Da {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {Dforge
:> long: {DA {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {Dforge lies in some rocks just outside the pergola.
:> name: forge
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{yA dark oaken pergola covers the labored tools of master tradesmen.{x
{yThe cobbled ground beneath the tools seems worn almost to disrepair{x
{yby the constant use of those who've toiled about it forging or{x
{yotherwise creating items of power. The faint sound of a water harp{x
{yechos in from the south, while the sounds from market street{x
{yseem to permeate the oak trees secluding the property from disruption.{x
:> 5.
:> Title: {DStatue of {cElbar{x
:> Sector Type: Tunnel
:> Exits: North, Hickory Lane
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{DThe dark and short tunnel pulls into a recess where an enormous{x
{Dstatue of {cElbar{D stands resolute. The tunnel itself seems to{x
{Dpermeate some form of mist by unknown or magical devices that make it{x
{Dhard to see too far. On the stone in a far corner you can see, {x
{Dhowever paradoxically, an etching that reads {w"Jixx was here"{x
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