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Last active May 22, 2020 19:26
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  • Save NathanielInman/b41b00160cd1cfc5af3d596d12060d80 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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15 room public duke house for Jixx, plus temple shrine
8----B 1 - Ruined Gates of An Ancient Manor
2----5 | C 2 - Northwestern Overgrown Courtyard
| | |/ 3 - Western Overgrown Courtyard
1----3----6----9 4 - Southwestern Overgrown Courtyard
| | / 5 - Northeastern Overgrown Courtyard
4----7 / D----F 6 - The Palladium Fountain
/ | 7 - Southeastern Overgrown Courtyard
G----A----E 8 - The Dining Room
9 - The Vestibule
A - (search down) A Fracture Cave
B - The Kitchen
C - (search up) Destroyed Stairs
D - Bend in The Stream
E - The Stream
F - A Forgotten Spring
G - (search west) Hidden Shrine of Elbar
:> 1.
:> Title: {gRuined Gates of An Ancient Manor{x
:> Details: Forest Sector, Lit by lamp
:> Exits: east=3
:> Lantern Extended:
{gA {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {wlantern {gseems to indicate strangers are welcome to enter.{x
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{gThe bent and broken gates of an ancient manor stand here. On{x
{geither side of the rusted wrought iron gates are marble pillars,{x
{gatop which stand the visages of what could be two ancient{x
{gmonks long forgotten. Oak trees stand looming over this long{x
{gforgotten manor, protecting it from the elements. The faint sound{x
{gof thumping from the giants outpost nearby permeates the area,{x
{gwhere leaves occasionally bounce on the ground. A {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm{x
{wlantern{g hangs barely lit on the gate inviting guests.{x
:> 2.
:> Title: {gNorthwestern Overgrown Courtyard{x
:> Details: Forest Sector, *not* lit
:> Exits: south=3,east=5
:> Skeleton Extended:
{gThe giant looks like it attempted to climb the fence and was impaled.{x
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{gThe wrought iron fence helps fend off the intruding oak forest.{x
{gSmall vines crawl about the fence threatening this sanctuary with{x
{gthe dangers of the wild. A {wskeleton{g of an impaled giant rests near{x
{gthe corner. A cobbled path leads around in a circle through the{x
{gcourtyard from the gate to the south to a fountain before the ruined{x
{gmanor to the east. What once was a rose garden in the center of the{x
{gcourtyard is now thatch and weeds, barely beaten down and managed by{x
{gadventurers who frequently come here to rest.{x
:> 3.
:> Title: {gWestern Overgrown Courtyard{x
:> Details: Forest Sector, *not* lit
:> Exits: west=1,north=2,east=6,south=4
:> Description:
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{gThe broken wrought iron gate is to the west, the lantern glowing{x
{gbetween the bars barely visible from this courtyard entrance.{x
{gThe the north and south a cobbled path extends from the gate,{x
{gcircling around to the entrance to the ruined manor to the east.{x
{gIt appears as though a path has been beaten down towards the{x
{gbarely visible fountain to the east. The thatch rises{x
{gthreateningly, a warning of natures intent to inevitably consume{x
{gall things.{x
:> 4.
:> Title: {gSouthwestern Overgrown Courtyard{x
:> Details: Forest Sector, *not* lit
:> Exits: north=3,east=7
:> Mound extended:
{gIt appears as though a skulk have found home here. Fox footprints surround the{x
{gden and make pathways between the den and a small hole in the fence.{x
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{gA small hole is broken into the bottom of the wrought iron gate.{x
{gNearby a {ymound{g of dirt rises from the ground, partially covered by{x
{govergrown thatch. To the north and east a cobbled path leads{x
{garound in a circle from the gate to the manor entrance and fountain.{x
{gAn errant branch from a nearby oak tree hangs over this corner of{x
{gthe courtyard, helping shield the corner from the sun and{x
{goccasional rainstorm.{x
:> 5.
:> Title: {gThe Northeastern Courtyard{x
:> Details: Forest Sector, *not* lit
:> Exits: west=2,south=6
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{gPart of the large stone manor crashed into a portion of the{x
{gcourtyard here, covering portions of the cobbled path that loops{x
{garound from west to the gate to south in front of the manor{x
{gentrance where a beautiful fountain can now clearly be seen. The{x
{gwrought iron fence appears to surround the manor entirely, oak{x
{gtrees hugging the fence closely around its perimeter.{x
:> 6.
:> Title: {wThe {WP{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {wFountain{x
:> Details: Forest Sector, lit, campfire, maid & fountain is here
:> Exits: west=3,north=5,east=9,south=7
:> Maid name: monk female alyssa
:> Maid short: {gA female {wmonk{x
:> Maid long: {gA female {wmonk{g walks around tidying the area for adventurers.{x
:> Maid extended: {gA female {wmonk{g smiles as you glance at her.{x
:> Campfire name: firepit
:> Campfire short: {gA {rfirepit{x
:> Campfire long: {gA {rfirepit{g is near the fountain, surrounded by stones.{x
:> Fountain type: milk
:> Fountain name: mist palladium fountain whirlpool pool
:> Fountain short: {ca {wmist{c covered pool{x
:> Fountain long: {cA {wcrystal clear {Cwhirlpool{c swirls hypnotically within the fountain.{x
:> Fountain extended:
{wThe {WP{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm {wfountain {cholds a strange a strange {Cwhirlpool{c of liquid,{x
somehow dispersing a strange magical {wmist{c.{x
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{gAn fountain rests here before the massive ruined manor. This area{x
{gseems to be kept incredibly pristine. A cobbled path loops around{x
{gthe courtyard to the north and south in a circle leading to the{x
{ggate of the manor to the west. It appears as though a small path{x
{gthrough pressed and broken thatch leads west as adventurers have{x
{ghelp break the tide of nature pressing in on the area. Oak trees{x
{gcan be seen surrounding the manor on all sides, the doors of which{x
{gloom impressively over the courtyard to the east. A few lanterns{x
{ghang from the fountain to illuminate it and the nearby area,{x
{gwelcoming sanctuary to any adventurers that need it.{x
:> 7.
:> Title: {gSoutheastern Overgrown Courtyard{x
:> Details: Forest Sector, *not* lit
:> Exits: west=4,north=6
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{gShredded and rotting books and paper once a part of them litter{x
{gthe area, as the destroyed library wing of the manor sheds its{x
{ghistorical remnants across this southeastern part of the{x
{gcourtyard. Beneath the refuse, a cobbled path leads northward and{x
{gto the west providing a path from the gate to the manor entrance.{x
{gThe wrought iron fence is quite pristine here as the oak trees{x
{gthat hug it seem to protect it from the dangers of weather.{x
:> 8.
:> Title: {gThe Dining Room{x
:> Details: Inside Sector, *not* lit
:> Exits: east=B,south=9
:> Table Extended:
{gIt must have taken an incredibly strong giant to push this table over.{x
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{gRed velvet carpet surrounds the expansive dining room. What once{x
{gmay have held numerous dignitaries and diplomants now only holds{x
{gdust. Broken chairs litter the corners and a massive ornate {ytable{x
{glies pushed to the side against the northern wall. The Vestibule{x
{glies to the south through the cracked open french doors, while it{x
{gappears a kitchen lies to the east. On the western and northern{x
{gwalls where once may have resided beautiful mosaic windows, gaping{x
{gholes stand inviting the company of rain to this otherwise{x
{gabandoned and disrepute manor.{x
:> 9.
:> Title: {gThe Vestibule{x
:> Details: Inside Sector, *not* lit
:> Exits: west=6,north=8,up=(hidden) C,down=(hidden) A
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{gAn impressive chandelier lies shattered in the center of the{x
{gvestibule, tiny pieces scattered about the floor. The wall to the{x
{gsouth is completely destroyed, where the ruins of an impressive{x
{g3 story library can be seen spreading its ancient refuse about the{x
{gsoutheastern courtyard. There may be a tiny path up the ruined{x
{gstairs to the east, but otherwise the dining area can be clearly{x
{gseen to the north and the looming doors to the manor cracked open{x
{gto the east. A large crack in the floor spreads from under the{x
{gchandelier to the south where books block an exit.{x
:> A.
:> Title: {DA Fracture Cave{x
:> Details: Swim Sector, *not* lit, must search down to get here
:> Exits: west=(hidden) G,up=(hidden) 9,east=E
:> Scratches Extended:
{DWritten in the obvious hand of a child is scratched, "{wJixx was here{D"{x
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{DBooks from the ruined library are scattered around the fracture{x
{Dcave here, rotting. A small stream flows from the east and through{x
{Da crack in the stones to the west, bubbling and slowly eroding{x
{Dthe rocks. A couple markings are scratched in wall here, but{x
{Dotherwise the small cave seems largely empty aside from the{x
{Doccasional bug or critter.{x
:> B.
:> Title: {gThe Kitchen{x
:> Details: Inside Sector, *not* lit
:> Saving Pit Name: pantry door
:> Saving Pit Short: {gA pantry{x
:> Saving Pit Long: {gA wooden pantry door stands slightly open here.{x
:> Exits: west=8
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{gA large moon roof rises above an expansive kitchen, furnished for{x
{gthe most accomplished of chefs and ready to prepare meals for hosts{x
{gof guests the manor may have hosted in centuries past. All dishes{x
{gare washed and put away cleanly, of all the damaged or ruined parts{x
{gof the manor, this appears to be the only room partially maintained.{x
{gThe dining room is clearly visible to the west. The doors leading{x
{gto the south and east seemed to be barred in, a reminder of the{x
{gdangers of the giants outpost nestled close to the manor northward.{x
:> C.
:> Title: {gDestroyed Stairs{x
:> Details: Inside Sector, *not* lit
:> Exits: down=(hidden) 9
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{gA small crevice between ruined stairs leads halfway up to the{x
{gsecond floor of the manor. It appears as though there are portions{x
{gof a third floor which are unreachable now. Further upward is a{x
{gbalcony holding doors and a hallway leading southward into the{x
{gruined library and northward into the unknown. Below through{x
{gthe broken pathway of stairs lies the Vestibule.{x
:> D.
:> Title: {DBend in The Stream{x
:> Details: Swim Sector, *not* lit
:> Exits: south=E,east=F
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{DCobwebs plague the top corners of this bend in the stream, where{x
{Dthe only sound besides the babble of the stream is the scittering{x
{Dof spiders and insects at the presence of unusual movement. The{x
{Dstream continues southward into another bend, and flows from an{x
{Deastward direction. The fracture cave has small holes and cracks{x
{Dwhere shadows dance and play tricks.{x
:> E.
:> Title: {DThe Stream{x
:> Details: Swim Sector, *not* lit
:> Exits: west=A,north=E
:> Skeleton extended:
{DThe skeleton appears to be a female quickling, the dress tattered{x
{Dand stained red.{x
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{DWater flows from the north and bends here to the west. The rocks{x
{Dsurrounding the water are incredibly smooth, having worn down over{x
{Dcenturies of erosion. A small {wskeleton{D rests in the corner of the{x
{Dbend. Occasionally the ground shakes, likely a side effect of the{x
{Dmanors proximity to the giant settlement nearby.{x
:> F.
:> Title: {DA Forgotten Spring{x
:> Details: Swim Sector, *not* lit
:> Exits: west=E
:> Skeleton extended:
{DThe skeleton appears to be a male quickling of once lordly disposition,{x
{Da torn ceremonial suit hanging from his dry bones.{x
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{DWater bubbles up from a spring in the ground here. The water flows{x
{Dsouthward through the fracture cave. A stone joice juts from the{x
{Dwall here, appearing to help support the massive structure of the{x
{Dancient manor above. A small {wskeleton{D is nailed to the stone wall{x
{Dby a massive rod of wrought iron through the chest.{x
:> G.
:> Title: {cHidden Shrine of Elbar{x
:> Details: Underground Sector, *not* lit
:> Exits: east=(hidden) A
:------------------------[ DESCRIPTION ]------------------------:
{cMist flows throughout the room, the water from the spring touches{x
{ca hot offering plate in the center of the room and steams up in{x
{cthe middle of the room. Within the center of the {Wp{Ca{wlladi{Cu{Wm{x
{coffering plate is a pipe that juts up through the ceiling to the{x
{ccourtyard fountain above. Occasionally the appearance of lightning{x
{csparks from the plate and a sound of liquid flows powerfully{x
{cthrough the pipe leading upward.{x
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