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Created November 19, 2016 18:12
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Running Kali Linux via Crouton on a 2015 Toshiba Chromebook 2 (Intel i3)

In this guide:

  1. 2015 Toshiba Chromebook 2 (Intel i3)
  2. crouton
  3. kali linux

Warning #1 about enabling developer mode Warning #2 about enabling developer mode

Enabling developer mode

  1. Reboot into recovery - Hold down ESC + refresh (F3) and tap the power button
  2. Once the screen displays the developer mode warning, press Ctrl+D
  3. Press enter to confirm - this will factory reset your device and erase all local data
  4. Chromebook will reboot once, wait 30 seconds, beep twice, and reboot again
  5. The chromebook will begin erasing data and then reboot a final time

Enable booting from USB

  1. Once at the sign-in screen, enable the legacy BIOS, hit CTRL+ALT+F2
  2. Once at the console:
> cronos
> sudo bash
> crossystem dev_boot_usb=1 dev_boot_legacy=1
> sudo reboot

Download Crouton and Install extension

  1. Sign-in and navigate to crouton
  2. Download crouton
  3. Add the crouton chrome extension

Download Kali Linux

  1. Enter the terminal with CTRL+ALT+T and type: (-e switch is for encryption RECOMMENDED)
> shell
$ sudo sh -e ~/Downloads/crouton -r kali-rolling -t xfce,xiwi
  1. Once the download is complete, to enter the kali chroot enter:
$ sudo enter-chroot -n kali-rolling

or start with

$ sudo startxfce4 -n kali-rolling

Configure tripwire

  1. Enter the chroot
  2. Install and initialize tripwire (have site-key and local-key passphrases ready)
$ apt-get install tripwire
$ tripwire --init
$ rm twcfg.txt twpol.txt
  1. To update tripwire with missing files, etc, re-generate the policy file and adjust:
$ cd /etc/tripwire
$ twadmin --print-polfile > twpol.txt
  1. Make edits, e.g.:
$ cat twpol.txt

# Standard Debian Tripwire configuration
# This configuration covers the contents of all 'Essential: yes'
# packages along with any packages necessary for access to an internet
# or system availability, e.g. name services, mail services, PCMCIA
# support, RAID support, and backup/restore support.

# Global Variable Definitions
# These definitions override those in to configuration file.  Do not         
# change them unless you understand what you're doing.

@@section GLOBAL
TWBIN = /usr/sbin;
TWETC = /etc/tripwire;
TWVAR = /var/lib/tripwire;

# File System Definitions
@@section FS

# First, some variables to make configuration easier
SEC_CRIT      = $(IgnoreNone)-SHa ; # Critical files that cannot change

SEC_BIN       = $(ReadOnly) ;        # Binaries that should not change

SEC_CONFIG    = $(Dynamic) ;         # Config files that are changed
                        # infrequently but accessed
                        # often

SEC_LOG       = $(Growing) ;         # Files that grow, but that
                                     # should never change ownership

SEC_INVARIANT = +tpug ;              # Directories that should never
                        # change permission or ownership

SIG_LOW       = 33 ;                 # Non-critical files that are of
                                     # minimal security impact

SIG_MED       = 66 ;                 # Non-critical files that are of
                                     # significant security impact

SIG_HI        = 100 ;                # Critical files that are
                                     # significant points of
                                     # vulnerability

# Tripwire Binaries
  rulename = "Tripwire Binaries",
  severity = $(SIG_HI)
        $(TWBIN)/siggen                 -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        $(TWBIN)/tripwire               -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        $(TWBIN)/twadmin                -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        $(TWBIN)/twprint                -> $(SEC_BIN) ;

# Tripwire Data Files - Configuration Files, Policy Files, Keys,
# Reports, Databases

# NOTE: We remove the inode attribute because when Tripwire creates a
# backup, it does so by renaming the old file and creating a new one
# (which will have a new inode number).  Inode is left turned on for
# keys, which shouldn't ever change.

# NOTE: The first integrity check triggers this rule and each
# integrity check afterward triggers this rule until a database update
# is run, since the database file does not exist before that point.
  rulename = "Tripwire Data Files",
  severity = $(SIG_HI)
        $(TWVAR)/$(HOSTNAME).twd        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) -i ;
        $(TWETC)/tw.pol                 -> $(SEC_BIN) -i ;
        $(TWETC)/tw.cfg                 -> $(SEC_BIN) -i ;
        $(TWETC)/$(HOSTNAME)-local.key  -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        $(TWETC)/site.key               -> $(SEC_BIN) ;

        #don't scan the individual reports
        $(TWVAR)/report                 -> $(SEC_CONFIG) (recurse=0) ;

# Critical System Boot Files
# These files are critical to a correct system boot.
  rulename = "Critical system boot files",
  severity = $(SIG_HI)
        /boot                   -> $(SEC_CRIT) ;
        /lib/modules            -> $(SEC_CRIT) ;

  rulename = "Boot Scripts",
  severity = $(SIG_HI)
        /etc/init.d             -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        /etc/rc0.d              -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        /etc/rc1.d              -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        /etc/rc2.d              -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        /etc/rc3.d              -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        /etc/rc4.d              -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        /etc/rc5.d              -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        /etc/rc6.d              -> $(SEC_BIN) ;

# Critical executables
  rulename = "Root file-system executables",
  severity = $(SIG_HI)
        /bin                    -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        /sbin                   -> $(SEC_BIN) ;

# Critical Libraries
  rulename = "Root file-system libraries",
  severity = $(SIG_HI)
        /lib                    -> $(SEC_BIN) ;

# Login and Privilege Raising Programs
  rulename = "Security Control",
  severity = $(SIG_MED)
        /etc/passwd             -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        /etc/shadow             -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;

# These files change every time the system boots
  rulename = "System boot changes",
  severity = $(SIG_HI)
        /var/lock               -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        /var/run                -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ; # daemon PIDs
        /var/log                -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;

# These files change the behavior of the root account
  rulename = "Root config files",
  severity = 100
        /root                           -> $(SEC_CRIT) ; # Catch all additions to /root
        #/root/mail                     -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/Mail                     -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.xsession-errors         -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.xauth                   -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.tcshrc                  -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.sawfish                 -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.pinerc                  -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.mc                      -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.gnome_private           -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.gnome-desktop           -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.gnome                   -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.esd_auth                        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.elm                     -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.cshrc                   -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        /root/.bashrc                   -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.bash_profile            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.bash_logout             -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.bash_history            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.amandahosts             -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/          -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.addressbook             -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.Xresources              -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
        #/root/.Xauthority              -> $(SEC_CONFIG) -i ; # Changes Inode number on login
        #/root/.ICEauthority                -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;

# Critical devices
  rulename = "Devices & Kernel information",
  severity = $(SIG_HI),
        /dev            -> $(Device) ;
        #/proc          -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/acpi      -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/asound    -> $(Device) ; 
        /proc/buddyinfo -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/bus       -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/cgroups   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/cmdline   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/consoles   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/cpuinfo   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/crypto   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/devices   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/diskstats   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/dma   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/driver   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/execdomains   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/fb   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/filesystems   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/fs   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/interrupts   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/iomem   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/ioports   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/irq   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/kallsyms   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/kcore   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/key-users   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/keys   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/kmsg   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/kpagecount   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/kpageflags   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/loadavg   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/locks   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/meminfo   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/misc   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/modules   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/mounts   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/mtrr   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/net   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/pagetypeinfo   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/partitions   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/sched_debug   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/schedstat   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/scsi   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/self   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/slabinfo   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/softirqs   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/stat   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/swaps   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/sys   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/sysrq-trigger   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/sysvipc   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/timer_list   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/timer_stats   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/tty   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/uptime   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/version   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/vmallocinfo   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/vmstat   -> $(Device) ;
        /proc/zoneinfo   -> $(Device) ;

# Other configuration files
  rulename = "Other configuration files",
  severity = $(SIG_MED)
        /etc            -> $(SEC_BIN) ;

# Binaries
  rulename = "Other binaries",
  severity = $(SIG_MED)
        /usr/local/sbin -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        /usr/local/bin  -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        /usr/sbin       -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        /usr/bin        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;

# Libraries
  rulename = "Other libraries",
  severity = $(SIG_MED)
        /usr/local/lib  -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
        /usr/lib        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;

# Commonly accessed directories that should remain static with regards
# to owner and group
  rulename = "Invariant Directories",
  severity = $(SIG_MED)
        /               -> $(SEC_INVARIANT) (recurse = 0) ;
        /home           -> $(SEC_INVARIANT) (recurse = 0) ;
        /tmp            -> $(SEC_INVARIANT) (recurse = 0) ;
        /usr            -> $(SEC_INVARIANT) (recurse = 0) ;
        #/var           -> $(SEC_INVARIANT) (recurse = 0) ;
        #/var/tmp       -> $(SEC_INVARIANT) (recurse = 0) ;
  1. Re-sign the policy file and re-init the database
$ twadmin --create-polfile --cfgfile /etc/tripwire/tw.cfg --site-keyfile ./site.key /etc/tripwire/twpol.txt
$ tripwire --init
$ rm twpol.txt
  1. Run tripwire
$ tripwire --check

Update iptables

  1. List current config
$ iptables -L -v
$ ip6tables -L -v
  1. Flush rules examples
$ iptables -t nat -F
$ iptables -t mangle -F
$ iptables -F
$ iptables -X
$ ip6tables -F
  1. Set default policies
$ iptables -P INPUT DROP
$ iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
$ iptables -P FORWARD DROP
  1. Allow localhost (if you need it)
$ iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
$ iptables -A OUTPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
  1. Append rules (DNS, HTTP, HTTPS)
$ iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
$ iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
$ iptables -A OUTPUT -o wlan0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
$ iptables -A OUTPUT -o wlan0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
$ iptables -A OUTPUT -o wlan0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
  1. save yo tables
$ /sbin/iptables-save
  1. Disable IP spoofing
  • If no network, echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/default/rp_filter
  • If network:
$ vi /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
$ sysctl -p
  1. Consider application firewall as well
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