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Last active July 1, 2019 11:49
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SVN Cheatsheet

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Subversion Cheatsheet

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Subversion Resources
SVN Book
Subversion Components
svn Command line program
svnversion Revision of working copy
svnlook Inspect repository
svnadmin Repository administration
svndumpfilter Filter repository stream
mod_dav_svn Apache module
svnserve SVN server (SVN protocol)
svnsync Mirror repository
Subversion Protocols
file:// Local machine
http:// HTTP (Apache)
https:// HTTPS (SSL)
svn:// SVN (svnserve)
svn%2Bssh:// SVN over SSH
Subversion Help
$ svn help
$ svn help import Show help for "import" command
The $ symbol is used to denote commands to be typed.
Subversion Repository Administration
$ svnadmin create "/path/to/repository" Create new repository
$ svnadmin setlog "/path" -r 7 message.txt Change log message for revision 7 to contents of file message.txt
$ svnadmin dump "/path/to/repository" > filename Dump repository to file (backup)
$ svnadmin load "/path/to/repository" < filename Load repository from file (restore)
Subversion Property Commands
$ svn proplist "/path" List properties
$ svn propset PROP VAL "/path" Set PROP to VAL for path.
$ svn propget PROP "/path" Get value of PROP
$ svn propedit PROP "/path" Edit PROP
$ svn propdel PROP "/path" Delete PROP
$ svn propedit svn:ignore . Edit svn ignore

I like to have a .svnignore file in my directory (similar to a .gitignore). The basic step for ignoring files/directory is now (1) add it to .svnignore, (2) Edit svn:ignore by only pasting whole content of .svnignore. Note, do not add trailing slash to a directory in ignore list.

Subversion Checkout Working Copy
$ svn checkout "/path/to/repository" Checkout working copy into current folder
$ svn checkout "/path/to/repository" "/path/to/folder" Checkout working copy into target folder
Subversion Update Working Copy
$ svn update "/path" Update path
$ svn update -r9 "/path" Update path to revision 9
Subversion Add Files and Folders
$ svn add * Add all items, recursively
$ svn add itemname Add itemname (if folder, adds recursively)
$ svn add * --force Force recursion into versioned directories
Subversion Commit Changes
$ svn commit "/path" Commit changes to path
$ svn commit -m "Message" "/path" Commit with log message
$ svn commit -N "/path" Commit without recursion
$ svn import "/path/to/folder" "/path" Import and commit local folder
Subversion Deleting, Copying and Moving
$ svn delete "/path" Delete path
$ svn -m "Delete message" delete "/path" Delete with log message
$ svn copy "/source" "/target" Copy source to target
$ svn move "/source" "/target" Move source to target
Subversion Logs and Blame
$ svn log "/path" Show log messages for path
$ svn log -l5 Show last 5 commits log messages
$ svn blame "/path" Show commits for path
Subversion Revert Changes
$ svn revert "/path" Revert changes to path
$ svn revert -R "/path" Revert changes recursively
Subversion Differences Between Files
$ svn diff "/path/file"
$ svn diff "/path/file@2" "/path/file@7"
$ svn diff -r 2:7 "/path/folder"
Subversion Merge Changes
$ svn merge -r2:7 "item" "/path" Apply diff between revisions 2 and 7 of "item" to path
$ svn merge "url1" "url2" "/path" Apply diff between "url1" and "url2" to path
Subversion Miscellaneous Commands
$ svn resolve "/path" Resolve conflict
$ svn cleanup "/path" Remove locks and complete operations
$ svn lock "/path" Lock path
$ svn unlock "/path" Unlock path
$ svn status "/path" Get path status
$ svn cat "/path" View file contents
Subversion Item and Property Statuses
No modifications (blank)
A Addition
D Deletion
M Modified
R Item replaced
C In conflict
X Externals definition
I Ignored
? Not in repository
! Item missing
~ Object type changed
Subversion Argument Shortcuts
-m "Message" --message
-q --quiet
-v --verbose
-r --revision
-c --change
-t --transaction
-R --recursive
-N --non-recursive
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