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Last active March 9, 2016 16:13
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Portable Shellcode
;Suppose our code will be located at
;Following address in memory
mov eax, Sleep ;Sleep means [0xDEADBEEF+Sleep]
push Time ;Time means [0xDEADBEEF+Time]
call eax
Sleep dw 0x74c37990
Time dw 1000
;This shellcode is independent of its origin
bits 32
call Here ;Issue a near call
Here: ;Now EIP will be in stack
pop edi ;Store it to data register (data index)
sub edi,5 ;Point edi to base of shellcode
;Load sleep value in eax
mov eax,[edi+Sleep]
;Load value of Time in ebx
mov ebx,[edi+Time]
;Call Sleep
push ebx
call eax
Sleep dq 0x74c37990
Time dq 1000
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