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Last active February 1, 2023 16:26
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  • Save NeKzor/a87c2a1f90fb2bce491bf62137fdd807 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Exodus from the Earth console commands. Dumped directly from memory.
Name Default Flags Help String
a_actorStats cmd - Print statistics on all actors
a_animMeshObb 1 N Make obb for animation
a_bladeUseContinuousInteraction 0 N use continuous interaction for blade effects
a_chaseCameraFixedAngles 1 N Camera angles are synchronized with vehicle angles
a_chaseCameraPitchLocal 1 N Chase camera pitch mode
a_chaseCameraRangeStep 1.0 N Chase camera range step
a_chaseCameraReactionTime 0.5 N Chase camera reaction time
a_chaseCameraTestHack 0 N Enable control of chase camera and vehicle at the same time
a_chaseCameraYawLocal 0 N Chase camera yaw mode
a_classInfo cmd - displays information about the actor
a_debugAnimMeshAnimation 0 N Show started animation
a_debugChaseCamera 0 N
a_debugChopper 1 N Enable chopper debugging helpers
a_debugConnects 0 N Show actor events and messages
a_debugConnectsFilter N Show actor events and messages filter
a_debugDistanceSensor 0 D
a_debugEvents 0 N Show actor events log
a_debugExplosion 0 N Draw boundries of explosions
a_debugGuiScreen 0 N Draw boxes of GUI screens
a_debugInteractiveMarkers 0 N Draw boxes of interactive markers
a_debugLayerFogLinks 0 N Log light links to console
a_debugLevel 0 N Show level loading messages
a_debugLightLinks 0 N Log light links to console
a_debugMessages 0 N Show actor messages log
a_debugNavlink 0 N enable/disable Navlink debugging
a_debugPhClothNormals 0 D
a_debugPivotComplex 0 N
a_debugPlayerHeadLight 0 N Player headlight radius
a_debugPlayerHeadLightD 1 N Enable player headlight diffuse component
a_debugPlayerHeadLightPriority 0.1 N Player headlight priority
a_debugPlayerMovement 0 N Draw player's movement speed & ground normal
a_debugPopulation2D 0 N Draw Population2D
a_debugSpeedometer 0 N enable/disable Speedometer debugging
a_debugThirdPersonCamera 0 N
a_debugUboxDamage 0 N Print mass, velocity & impulse of Ubox intersection
a_debugUsable 0 N Draw boxes of usable actors
a_debugUsable2 0 N Draw boxes of usable actors
a_debugUsable3 0 N Draw boxes of usable actors
a_debugVolumes 0 D Show intersect volumes for Lua
a_explosionTimeQuant 0 A Enables fixed time quant for blast wave (in ms)
a_exportActorsHelpToXML cmd - Make XML-file with documentation of all classes
a_find cmd - Find all actors which names contain specified string
a_fireEvent cmd - Fires event to specified actor
a_getProperty cmd - Print to console value of property of an entity
a_ignoredLightInZones 0 A ignored light whitch zones contained
a_infoex cmd - Print some info about specified entity
a_lazycameraDamping 9.0 N Lazy camera damping
a_lazycameraElasticity 65.0 N Lazy camera elasticity
a_link cmd -
a_listActors cmd - List all actors of specified class
a_listChildren cmd - List children of specified actor
a_listConnects cmd - List outgoing connects and input port of specified actor
a_listCustomProps cmd - List custom properties of an actor
a_listLinks cmd - List links of specified level
a_listProperties cmd - List properties of given entity
a_listVOBoxes cmd - List VO Boxes of actor and its children (recursive)
a_logChaseCamera 0 N
a_phClothLocal 0 N Moves cloth to local coord system
a_scrobjectWriteState cmd - Write scrObject state to the csv file
a_sendMessage cmd - Send a message to specified actor
a_setProperty cmd - Set property of an entity from console
a_thirdPersonCameraDampVelocity 1.0 A Third person camera position damp velocity (m/sec)
a_thirdPersonCameraKeepAimPosition 0 A
a_thirdPersonCameraSidePicks 1 N
a_translate cmd - Move specified entity to given position
a_veh_enable_ActTbl 1 N Enable ActionTable for VehicleEyes
a_where cmd - Print origin of centre of specified entity
ac_dump cmd - List actor of second generation
ac_export_aim cmd - Export actors of second generation
ad_forceCPUFrequency 0 AE Lua: Autodetect force speed
ad_forceGPUMemory 0 AE Lua: Autodetect force speed
ad_forcePPSpeed 0 AE Lua: Autodetect force speed
ad_forceVPSpeed 0 AE Lua: Autodetect force speed
ad_lowerBoundCPU 1800 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ad_lowerBoundGPUPP 0.43 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ad_lowerBoundGPUVP 0.57 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ad_lowerBoundVideoRAM 100 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ad_maxFSAA 4 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ad_maxTextureQuality 1.0 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ad_maxWResolution 1280 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ad_minFSAA 0 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ad_minTextureQuality 0.2 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ad_minWResolution 800 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ad_upperBoundCPU 2900 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ad_upperBoundGPUPP 1.1 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ad_upperBoundGPUVP 1.1 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ad_upperBoundVideoRAM 220 AE Lua: Autodetect limit
ai_action_debug 0 E Lua: Lua AI action debug
ai_converter_debug 0 E Lua: Lua AI converter debug
ai_debug_actor_filter E Lua: Lua AI debug filter by actor name
ai_dispatcher_debug 0 E Lua: Lua AI dispatcher debug
ai_dump_factions cmd - Lua: dump faction info
ai_eye_pivot target N Default pivot name, that will be used as pick target
ai_fsm_debug 0 E Lua: Lua AI FSM debug
ai_memory_debug 0 E Lua: Lua AI memory debug
ai_navShowStaticInt 0 N Show intersection of navigation with static
ai_nobotstart 0 AE Lua: - no bot spawning
ai_scenario_debug_filter E Lua: Lua AI scenario debug filter. If empty - will not filter anything
ai_scenario_debug 0 E Lua: Lua AI scenario debug
ai_scheduler_debug 0 E Lua: Lua AI scheduler debug
ai_sensor_debug 0 E Lua: Lua AI sensor debug
AINavCreateSizeClasses cmd - Creates size classes <number>
AINavSetSizeClass cmd - Setup sizeclass for navigation testing <i, height, width, knee>
alias cmd - Create processor commands alias
autosave cmd - Save game into 'autosave' slot
background cmd - Set background level source
benchmark_luaCall cmd - Benchmarks lua calls
benchmark cmd - periodical FPS benchmarking
bot_ai_bullets_detection_sensor_radius 1 N Maximum range to detect bullets headed to bot
bot_ai_hp_dispersion_cos 0.7 N Cosine of 'Shadow Angle' for hidepoints
bot_aim_debug 0 N Show debug info about aims
bot_allyhit_regroup_interval -1 AE Lua: time interval between regrouping attempts in case of friendly hit
bot_anim_forward_bonus_accuracy 0.2f N debug
bot_attackCrouch 0 E Lua: enable crouched attack pose
bot_blind 0 E Lua: AI doesn't see anything
bot_bmc_floor_smooth_speed -1 D debug
bot_bmc_floor_width_multiplier 0.6 D debug
bot_bmc_keep_in_nav 0 D debug
bot_bmc_speed_multiplier 1 N Speed multiplier
bot_bmc_use_nav_controller 0 N Use NavController instead Physics Geocontrol
bot_body_aim_debug 0 N Log Aiming events
bot_body_angle_velocity_when_move 330 N Maximum Angle velocity of bot corpse
bot_body_bullet_impulse_multiplier 1 N Multiplier of death bullet impulse
bot_body_bullet_impulse_remeber_time 500 N Time (ms) to remember impulse of bullet before die
bot_body_debug_anim_events 0 N Log anim events
bot_body_debug 0 N Show debug info about BodyDoll actors
bot_body_delay_lua_calls 1 N Delay lua calls, if 'false',Lua Handlers will be call immediatly
bot_body_disable_hit 0 N
bot_body_max_angle_for_idle_rotation 91 N Maximum angle between desired and curr. move direction when bot enter Stop&Rotate mode
bot_body_min_angle_for_idle_rotation 45 N Minimum angle between desired and curr. move direction, when bot exit from Stop&Rotate mode
bot_body_override_phys_model -1 D Debug
bot_body_teleport_anim_always_ok 0 N Do not check Teleport Animations, presume success
bot_body_use_trace_instead_teleport 0 D Debug
bot_create cmd - Lua: Create specified bot
bot_deaf 0 E Lua: AI doesn't hear anything
bot_debug_delayed_lua_calls 0 D debug
bot_dissolveTime 1 AE Lua: ragdoll dissolve time
bot_EyeLookEnemyOnly 1 E Lua: bot eye sees only ATTITUDE_ENEMY faction members
bot_greenZoneRadio 0 E Lua: enemy info propagates only in the 0'th (green) portal distance
bot_hide_point_backlash 0.05 D future use
bot_hide_point_cyrcle_array_size 100 N future use
bot_hide_point_debug 0 D future use
bot_hide_point_gap 0.4 N range between bot and inner radius
bot_hideByAttack 1 E Lua: bot hides after being attacked (0 - random, 1 - true, 2 - false)
bot_hideByHit 0 E Lua: bot hides after being hit (0 - random, 1 - true, 2 - false)
bot_hideByTimeout 0 E Lua: bot hides after timeout (0 - random, 1 - true, 2 - false)
bot_killAll cmd - Lua:
bot_mover_accuracy 0.01 N Destionation become rached if range less than 'n'
bot_mover_check_maneuver_delay 0.33 N Delay between checking maneuver
bot_mover_check_maneuver_level 2 N Check final position: 1-only visibility, 2 - visibility and range
bot_mover_debug_only_id -1 D Debug
bot_mover_debug_stack 0 N Show last 'n' move command/results
bot_mover_debug 0 N Log debug info about bot move commands/state
bot_mover_default_maxnavrange 30 D default maximum range for maneuver
bot_mover_enable_crouch_by_default 1 N Bot`s crouch mode enabled by default
bot_mover_fire_line_hysteresis 0.5 D Fire line do not change if bot or tagret move less than 'n'
bot_mover_fire_line_lock_when_reach 1.5 N Fire line from destination will be locked, when range between bot and destionation less than 'n'
bot_mover_fire_line_max_length 15 D If range to tagret greater than 'n', fire line will not be locked
bot_mover_fire_line_side 1.0 N Width of fire line
bot_mover_fire_line 0 N Bots do not select final positions on friendly fire line
bot_mover_force_defer 0 N all maneuver will be delayed
bot_mover_force_maneuver_fail 0 N Promise: all move operations fail.
bot_mover_force_TryLeaveCurrentHidePoint 0 N if not zero, will be used instead 'TryLeaveCurrentHidePoint'
bot_mover_force_use_hp 0 D -1 = override UseHidePoints as FALSE, 1 = override UseHidePoints as TRUE
bot_mover_ignore_optional_params 0 N maneuver igonre optional params
bot_mover_keep_dest 0.8 N bot`s destination point snap factor
bot_mover_keep_last_move 0 D Igonre all new maneuver calls, keep current maneuver
bot_mover_lock_delay 0.5 D how often bot will be updated as obstacle
bot_mover_maneuver_best_range_accuracy 0.1 N Allowed BestRange deviation (meters)
bot_mover_maneuver_hysteresis 1.3 N Allowed Min/MaxRange deviation (('n'-1)*100)%
bot_mover_peek_always_ok 0 N do not perform picks, just imagine, all right
bot_mover_player_avoid_distance 0 D
bot_mover_preffered_crouch 1 N Bot`s crouch mode is preffered
bot_mover_range_prediction 10 N calculate nav range, ranges more than 'n' will be truncated
bot_mover_retreat_dispersion_cos 0.7 N cosine of retreat frustum angle
bot_mover_rotate_smooth 0 N if non zero: Smooth corpse rotation
bot_mover_side_pick 1 N also pick from shoulders
bot_mover_suppress_crouch_timer 6 N minimal delay between two crouch maneuvers
bot_noDamage 0 E Lua: make bot invulnerable
bot_nofire 0 E Lua: disables bot`s bullet creation
bot_nospawn 0 E Lua: disables bot spawn (may break gameplay flow!)
bot_noVehColissionTime 1 AE Lua: sets how much time bot will be without collision with vehicle when he dies
bot_playHitAnim 1 E Lua: enable character hit animation
bot_scaletimeubox 5000 N Victor`s Ubox penalty multiplier
bot_showinfo 0 N Show debug info about bot actors
bot_talk_max_pause 10 E Lua: max time between bot phrases
bot_talk_min_pause 3 E Lua: min time between bot phrases
bot_trace_animation_max_y_difference 0.2 D Debug
bot_tryChangeHidepoint 0 E Lua: all bots are trying to move during fight
bot_wpnDeviationScale 1.0 AE Lua: bot weapon deviation scale
capturecubemap cmd - Capture cube map from eye position and save it to disk
cd_buildCache cmd - rebuild cd material cache
cd_debugphantombox 0 N Draw bounding boxes of dynamic phantoms
cd_debugPhantoms 0 N Prints console information about phantoms
cd_debugPhantomVolumes 0 N
cd_debugResources 0 D Debug loading/unloading CD resources (PHM) from disk
cd_debugVolumes 0 N Draw CDVolumes
cd_disableNonStreamedPHMWarning 1 N
cd_disableVolumeEvents 0 N Disable CDVolume events sending
cd_enableGridOptimization 1 N Enable optimization using grid
cd_enableGridStatistics 0 N Print statistics about Grid technology for CD
cd_errorCDMaterial phErrMaterial N
cd_forceCreateTrees 0 N Do not load tree, only create
cd_printMeshStatistics cmd - Prints mesh statistics
cd_traceStatistics 0 N Draw collision trace statistics
cd_tranPhantomShader 0 D
chat_color_enemyname 1 AE Lua: color enemy name
chat_color_frendlyname 2 AE Lua: color of frendly name
chat_color_message 7 AE Lua: color of message
chat_color_spectator 9 AE Lua: color of spectator messages
chat_color_system 3 AE Lua: color of system messages
chat_cutPrefix 6 AE Lua: cut prefix for specified number of symbols (dont touch)
chat_fadeTime 7 AE Lua: chat message timeout
chat_height 0.25 AE Lua: miniconsole height
chat_width 0.4 AE Lua: miniconsole width
chat_x 0.015 AE Lua: miniconsole x coordinate
chat_y 0.6 AE Lua: miniconsole y coordinate
cl_aimshaker_amplitude_dempfer 0.9f N Set aimshaker amplitude dempfer
cl_aimshaker_amplitude 0.0f N Set aimshaker amplitude, if value is zero, aiming disabled
cl_aimshaker_frequency 2.0f N Set aimshaker frequency
cl_aimshaker_linearity 1.2f N Set aimshaker linearity
cl_aimshaker_updateperiod 2.0f N Set aimshaker update period
cl_fov 75.0 N FOV of player camera
cl_fovNet 90 AE Lua: fov for network
cl_fovWeapon 90 A Sets fov used for rendering objects with priority >= r_secondCameraPriority
cl_fovWeaponAspect 1 A Sets aspect used for rendering objects with priority >= r_secondCameraPriority
cl_fZFar 1200.0 N Far plane for player camera
cl_fZNear 0.12 N Near plane for player camera
cls cmd - Clear console
cmdlist cmd - List all commands
cmt_create cmd - Create comment under crosshair
cmt_delete cmd - Delete comment under crosshair
cmt_list cmd - Print list comments
cmt_listStorage cmd - Print list comments storage
cmt_reloadStorages cmd - Reload all stoarges
cmt_setActiveStorage cmd - Set active comments storage
cmt_show 0 N Show comments
cmt_update cmd - Delete comment under crosshair
con_bgColor 0 0 0.02 0.75 A background rgba for console
con_floodSize 0 A number of last log lines to display on screen
con_floodTime 1 A amount of time last log line visible on screen (sec)
con_forceMode 0 A force console mode: 0 - default, 1 - full, 2 - mini
con_logFlush 1 A Flush strategy for console.log: 0 - never, 1 - every time
con_logPos A text console position
con_logSuppressErrors 0 N Suppress error messages
con_logSuppressWarnings 0 N Suppress warning messages
con_logTime 0 N Show time for each command
con_logToDebugger 1 A Enable log to debugger
con_position 0.7 A set mini console vertical position (0.0..1.0) (0 = under flood lines)
con_separatorColor 1 1 0 A color of console separator line
con_size 0.65 A console size (0.0 .. 1.0)
con_viewLog 0 N show text console
con_wrapLines 1 N wrap long console lines
cw_clear cmd - CW:DevPartner: Clear collected stats
cw_save cmd - CW:DevPartner: Terminate profiling and save stats
cw_snapshot cmd - CW:DevPartner: Make snapshot
cycle cmd - Cycle console variable
dam_aim_bound 1 N DAM debugging
dam_aim_hor_multiplier 1 N DAM debugging
dam_aim_multiplier 1 N DAM debugging
dam_aim_over_pitch 180 D DAM debugging, 180 have mean no change
dam_aim_over_yaw 180 D DAM debugging, 180 have mean no change
dam_aim_slot_mask 65535 N DAM debugging
dam_aim_ver_multiplier 1 N DAM debugging
dam_aim 2 N Enable bot`s aiming
dam_alternate_aiming 3 N DAM debugging
dam_animPPMscale 3000 N minimal ms. per animation tick = dam_animPPMscale/(PPM)
dam_catch_anim D debug
dam_catch_animevent N DAM debugging
dam_catch_time_error 0 N DAM debugging
dam_catchmodifier N Catch when modifier turn
dam_channel_disable -1 D debug
dam_channel_logdisablesmooth 0 D debug
dam_debuganimtimestep 1 N minimal ms. per animation tick = dam_debuganimtimestep
dam_default_ragset N RagSet used by default
dam_disable_blending 0 N DAM debugging
dam_disable_defaulthitanimation 0 N DAM debugging
dam_disableChannelMix 0 N DAM debugging
dam_exanim_delay_before_unload_ms 1000 N Delay, before unused external animation will be unload
dam_exanim_log 0 N Log loading/unloading external animations
dam_floor_base 0.1 N Foot Base (average range between foots)
dam_floor_control_foots 0 N 1 = Align fotts on surface
dam_floor_control 0 N Enable foot-on-floor control
dam_floor_height 0.1 N Additional height applied to foots
dam_floor_ik_steps 3 D On triangle case,IK iteration on foot-on-floor control system
dam_freezeunrag 0 N DAM debugging
dam_interpolate 1 N Enable Applying Animation To Sceletons
dam_lockworld 0 N DAM debugging
dam_log_animevent 0 N DAM debugging
dam_log 0 N Log non critical errors on DAM model
dam_logchannelstartmask 0 N Log Bit mask +1 -first channel +2 second, and so on
dam_logchannelstartmodel A Log started animation on specified model (*.dam)
dam_logmodel N Log running animation on specified model
dam_logstate 0 N Log animations state
dam_partial_restart cmd - Reload ragDoll and aiming porps form DAM file
dam_pause 0 N DAM debugging
dam_pivot_add cmd - Add pivot to show
dam_pivot_clear cmd - Clear pivot show-list
dam_pivot_debug 0 N Show pivots, added by command 'dam_pivot_add'
dam_pivot_log_showed cmd - Log all avialable pivots
dam_pivot_log cmd - Log all avialable pivots
dam_pivot_remove cmd - Remove pivot from show
dam_time_shift 0 D debug
dam_usespeed 1 N Disable speed scaling for animation
dbg_clipDistance 1000 A Clip distance for helpers
dbg_disableInstancing 0 N
dbg_fadeDistance 10 A Fade distance for debug text
dbg_forceFontMode 1 N Font mode: 0 - disabled, 1 - pixel-to-pixel, 2 - scaled
dbg_forceFontSize 0 A Forces debug font size: 0 - disabled, 1 - small, 2 - normal, 3 - big
dbg_forceFontStyle 0 A Forces debug font: 0 - disabled, 1 - arial, 2 - monotype
dbg_killEntity cmd - Lua: Kills entity
dbg_textGlyphMargin 0 A Margin of 2d text labels
dec cmd - Decrement console variable value by given step
declare cmd - Declare console variable
deleteGame cmd - Delete a save game
demoRecordingStart cmd - Start making screenshots each frame
demoRecordingStop cmd - Stop making screenshots each frame
dir cmd - Log folders and files in given location
dm_debugExplosion 0 D
dm_grassExplosion 0.001 D Grass explosion multiplier
dm_grassExplosionFrontSize 2.0 D Grass explosion front size
dm_grassExplosionTime 4 D Grass explosion time
dm_grassExplosionWaveSpeed 14.0 D Grass explosion wave speed
dm_ragdollBullet 12 AD Multiplyer for impulse to ragdoll from bullet
dm_ragdollBulletAfterDeath 25 AD Multiplyer for impulse to ragdoll from bullet then bot are converted to ragdoll
dm_ragdollExplosion 4 AD Multiplyer for impulse to ragdoll from explosion
dm_ragdollExplosionAfterDeath 4 AD Multiplyer for impulse to ragdoll from explosion then bot are converted to ragdoll
dm_softbodyExplosion 0.005 AD
dm_softbodyExplosionClamp 0.2 AD
dm_softbodyExplosionTime 2 AD
dm_uboxBullet 0.75 D Allow to tweak impulse applied to uboxes from bullets
dm_uboxExplosion 2 D Allow to tweak impulse applied to uboxes from explosion
dm_uboxExplRotate 0.5 D Rotate uboxes at explosion
dm_vehicleExplosion 65 A Allow to tweak impulse applied to vehicles from explosion
dmg_debug 0 E Lua:
dmg_regenerationDelay 5 AE Lua: no damage time before regeneration start
dmg_regenerationVelocity 50 AE Lua: regeneration time - hp per second
doll_aim_accel 1 D debug
doll_aim_debug 0 N debug
doll_aim_disable_prediction 0 D debug
doll_aim_force_active 0 D debug
doll_aim_force 0 D debug
doll_aim_inner_radius_multiplier 0.9 N debug
doll_aim_miss 0 D debug
doll_aim_over_accel -1 D debug
doll_aim_over_decel -1 D debug
doll_aim_over_maxvel -1 D debug
doll_aim_over_minvel -1 D debug
doll_aim_override_projectilevelocity -1 N debug
doll_aim_override_radius -1 N debug
doll_aim_pid -1 D debug
doll_aim_velocity_detection_delay_ms 500 N debug
doll_debug 0 D +1 = show box
doll_dissapeartop 1000 N For special use
doll_forceKeepAnimState -1 N override animstate
doll_forceSetAnimState N override animstate
doll_log 0 AD +1=starting animation, +2=events, +4 =on\off visual
doll_obbset_debug 0 D +1 = show bounding box
doll_optimize 0 D For special use
doll_showanimation_filter N Show running on models, that conatain this substring
doll_showanimation 0 N Show running animations
doll_StopWhenInvisible 0 N 0=auto, -1=never stop, 1= force stop when invisible
echo cmd - Log string to console
eg_addGraph cmd - Add given graph to visualized list
eg_addPropWatch cmd -
eg_addTranslation cmd - Load translation table from the specified file
eg_allowUserBinds 1 N use local (user) binds
eg_alwaysRun 1 A always run value
eg_aspectMode 0 A Screen aspect mode: 0 - auto (from window size); 1 - from desktop; 2 - no aspect (1:1); 3 - 4:3; 4 - 5:4; 5 - 16:9; 6 - 16:10
eg_autoSaveCycle 2 A Max amount of cycling auto-saves
eg_blockConsole 1 D Disable toggle console
eg_buildConfig Release N Build gc configuration
eg_bulletMarkDistance 50 A Max distance on which SFXes and sounds from bullets are played
eg_chopperMaxRoll 45.0 A Maximum roll value (corresponds to a maximum angle acceleration
eg_chopperNozzlesMaxAngle 0.5 A Maximum angle (nozzles look forward)
eg_chopperNozzlesMinAngle -0.5 A Minimum angle (nozzles look backpedal)
eg_chopperWaypointRadius 0.1 A Waypoint visual helper radius
eg_customTimeStep 0 N Force constant frame time
eg_damageMultiplier 1 E Lua: ADamage damage multiplier (float)
eg_debugBaseMeshLoading 0 D Print BaseMesh actor loading times {Vadim}
eg_debugBinds 0 AD Enable keyboard binds debug info
eg_debugDispatcher 0 N Show debug messages of interaction dispatcher
eg_debugInteraction 0 N Debug material interaction: 1 - hit, 2 - slide, 3 - roll, greater 3 - all
eg_debugParabolic 0 D
eg_debugPHMInteract 0 N Log physical material interaction
eg_debugPlayerFootsteps 0 D Print name of PhMaterial which used for FootStep
eg_debugTracing 0 N Show info about object under crosshair (-1, 1, 2, 3, 4 - different verbosity). Debug tracing skips usable actors when a_debugUsable set 0.
eg_debugTracingActorDistance * N Forse actor to trace, <$id
eg_debugTracingClassName N Debug tracing classes
eg_debugTracingMask MASK_ALL N Debug tracing mask
eg_debugTracingPhysMat 0 N Show physical material details
eg_decalsClearPool cmd - Remove decals from specified pool
eg_decalsClearPools cmd - Remove from all pools
eg_decalsDebug 0 D Show decal creating debug info
eg_decalsDebugSMD 0 D Show SMD decal triangles
eg_decalsDisableAttenCheck 0 N Disables distance check while processing received polygons
eg_decalsDisableNormalCheck 0 N Disables normal check of intersected polygons when building decals
eg_decalsDisplacementMaxFadeTime 2 A Max decals fade-time max limit then displacement
eg_decalsListPools cmd - Show all pool types and info about max/current decals for each pool
eg_decalsMaxMeshCapacity 100 N Set max decals capacity on mesh actor
eg_decalsMaxPoolDefault 100 N
eg_decalsMaxSMDCapacity 10 N Set max decals capacity on mesh actor
eg_decalsSetPoolProperty cmd - Set property of specified decal pool
eg_destructorForcePiecesSize 0 N Force destuctor parts size (0 = use normal)
eg_destructorPartsCreateDelayRnd 0.1 A Destuctor parts create delay max value
eg_destructorPartsPicksDeltaTime 0.3 A Destuctor parts picks time delta
eg_destructorPartsSkipPickProb 0 A Destuctor parts picks probality (percents)
eg_difficulty 2 AE Lua: Level of hardness: 1 - easy, 2 - medium, 3 - hard
eg_disableEventsOnLoad 1 AD Disable events firing on load game
eg_disableSave 0 N Do not allow to save game
eg_effectsquality 3 AE Lua: Level of effects quality: 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - ultra high
eg_enableActors 1 N Turn on actor system
eg_enableAI 1 N Disable AI timetick
eg_enableAI2 1 N
eg_enableBackgroundLevel 1 A Enable loading and showing background level
eg_enableBSSync 1 A Enable checking of synch. between savegame and source BS
eg_enableExplosion2 0 AD
eg_enableIntraction 1 N Enable object interaction (collisions)
eg_enableMeshCopyShadowFlags 1 D Enable copy shadow flags from source mesh
eg_enablePhysics 1 N Turn Physics engine
eg_enablePhysX 0 A Enable Ageia PhysX
eg_enableUnhandledInteractionWarning 0 N Enables unhandled interaction warning
eg_enableVFov 1 N Recode fov
eg_enableWGDTransformWarning 0 D See DT22532
eg_enableWholeStateSave 0 A Enable saving whole game state
eg_enumClasses cmd - List engine classes; type <eg_enumClasses help> for more help
eg_enumDoubleHandlers cmd - List actor interaction handlers
eg_forceDecalsImageAngle -1 N Force decals image angle
eg_forceDecalsRadius 0 N Force decals radius
eg_forceDecalsType -1 N Force decals type(0, 1, 2)
eg_fpsAutoControl cmd - Create snapshots if fps is low then defined value
eg_FrameReportPassing 0 D Send evt_entered_pos/evt_left_pos when passsing position
eg_frameTimeFactor 1.5 A Frame time peak factor. (1.0..10.0)
eg_geometryquality 2 AE Lua: Level of geometry quality: 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - ultra high
eg_grabWGD2Disk 0 D Grab all wgd geometry to disk
eg_isFirstStart 1 A
eg_jerkyTimer 0 D Enable frame time jerks
eg_listGraphs cmd - List all currently visualized graphs
eg_listGraphSlots cmd - List all available graph slots
eg_listPropWatch cmd -
eg_listTranslations cmd - Print loaded translator tables
eg_makeTimeStep 0 N Make one time step
eg_materialquality 3 AE Lua: Level of material quality: 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - ultra high
eg_maxFPS 90 A Upper FPS limit
eg_maxFPSMT 30 A Upper FPS limit
eg_maxRagDestructDistance 4 AE Lua: Max ragdoll destruct distance
eg_maxTimeStep 200 N Max allowed frame time step
eg_mirrorFolder N Mirror all files accessed during game loading to specified folder
eg_mod 0 A Game modification number
eg_netgraphpage D
eg_netprofile 0 A Enable profiler
eg_noClip 0 N Enable noclip mode
eg_noDamage 0 E Lua: make all invulnerable
eg_parentalLevel 1 A Level of cruelty in the game
eg_pauseWithoutFocus 1 N if true pause set when we lost focus
eg_physicsMode 0 AS Selects physics engine: 0 - Native, 1- Ageia PhysX, 2 - Havok
eg_pixelAspect 1 A Pixel aspect ratio
eg_playmovie cmd - Start playing given AVI
eg_profile 0 N Show profiler
eg_profilelevel N Alias to var: profiler_rootNode
eg_profilesort N Alias to var: profiler_sortMode
eg_quickSaveCycle 4 A Max amount of cycling quick-saves
eg_reloadTranslations cmd - Reload translator tables from files
eg_removeGraph cmd - Remove given graph from visualized list
eg_removePropWatch cmd -
eg_restartMeshes cmd - restart meshes and wgd
eg_sBloodPswd AE Lua: enable blood password
eg_ScenarioBotSpawn 1 E Lua: Allows scenario bot spawn
eg_sequence cmd - set console command sequence
eg_shadowsquality 3 AE Lua: Level of shadows quality: 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - ultra high
eg_showAIState 0 N Show system graph
eg_showDiskAccess 0 A Show disk access and frame time peak indicators
eg_showHUD 1 D Enable HUD visualisation
eg_showLoadingMessages 0 N Show level / game loading log messages
eg_showMenu 1 D Enable menu visualisation
eg_showPhantoms 0 N Show phantom visualisation directly from CD
eg_showPropWatch 0 N
eg_showSfxState 0 N Show state of sound system
eg_showSoundState 0 N Show state of sound system
eg_showSystem 1 A Enable displaying system information
eg_showSystemGraph 0 N Show system graph
eg_showWGD 0 N Draws World Graphics Database
eg_sleepOnBackGround 1 N Enables sleep when window on background
eg_sleepTime 1 D Amount time to sleep every frame
eg_sleepTimeInactive 200 D Amount time to sleep while app window is inactive
eg_spawnBotPickups 1 AE Lua: Enable bot pickups spawner
eg_spawnEffect cmd - Spawn dynamic effect
eg_statsColWidth 200 A Column width for eg_stats
eg_stopmovie cmd - Stop playing AVI
eg_systemScreenPosition 0 A 0 - right-bottom, 1 - left-bottom, 2 - left-top, 3 - right-top
eg_systemScreenPosition2 -1 A 0 - right-bottom, 1 - left-bottom, 2 - left-top, 3 - right-top -1 - do not show
eg_texturequality 3 AE Lua: Level of geometry quality: 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - ultra high
eg_thirdPersonAngle 0 N Third person angle in grads
eg_thirdPersonAngleUp 0 N Third person angle in grads
eg_thirdPersonLook 0 N Enable Look around player, third person pivot
eg_thirdPersonRange 2 N Third person range
eg_thirdPersonView 0 N look at player from third persons
eg_timeFreeze cmd - Enable time freeze
eg_timeFreezeScale 0.2 N Time scale in time freeze
eg_timeFreezeTime 2 N Time freeze transiton time
eg_timeStepDelta 20 N Delta of step mode
eg_timeStepMode 0 N Turn on time step mode
eg_TMBotSpawn 1 E Lua: Allows TM bot spawn
eg_uboxIntrFuzz 0.4 N changing velocity in borders belong fuzz are ignored
eg_uboxIntrHitVelLimit 1 N Minimum velocity for calling callback in hit contact
eg_uboxIntrRollingVelLimit 1.0 N Minimum velocity for calling callback in rolling contact
eg_uboxIntrSlidingVelLimit 1.0 N Minimum velocity for calling callback in sliding contact
eg_uboxMarkDistance 30 A Max distance on which SFXes and sounds from ubox collisions are played
eg_uboxRollingTime 500 N changing velocity in borders belong fuzz are ignored
eg_uboxSlidingTime 500 N changing velocity in borders belong fuzz are ignored
eg_unitManagerDump cmd - List all units (LUA-driven entities) and their origins
eg_useBlackClearColor 1 A Enable using black color for clearing color buffer
eg_viewAspect 0 A Viewport aspect
eg_viewSize 100 A Viewport size, percents
enumSlots cmd - List saved games
error cmd - Simulate error conditions of different kind
exec cmd - Execute console commands script file
eye3_adv 0 D debug
eye3_debug 0 N Show debug information
eye3_DT23551 0 N DT23551: Nikolay Podolsky Hack-On
eye3_maxUpdateFovPeriod 0.1 N Maximum delaye between two picks
eye3_old_pick 0 D
find cmd - Search console commands for given mask
finishdemo cmd - Lua:
finishgame_credits cmd - Lua: show credits after game
finishgame cmd - Terminate current game and exit to main menu
force_nojump 0 N
game cmd - Sends signals for all console actors in the game
gil_disableDIPGrowing 0 N Disable DIP grow alogorithm
gil_disableDriverManagement 0 A Disables driver texture,VB,IB,managment
gil_disableDXCalls 0 N Disables DX calls, such as constants and DIP
gil_disableDXCalls2 0 N Disables DX calls, such as constants and DIP
gil_disableOcclusionQuery 0 D Allows to disable occlusion query, e.g. make result as always visible
gil_enableMultyThreadDevice 0 A Enables multy thread device
gil_listDecl cmd - List loaded declarators
gil_listFX cmd - List loaded FX
gil_listMemory cmd - Lists memory usage
gil_listPS cmd - List loaded PS
gil_listPShader cmd - Lists all pixel shaders
gil_listShaders cmd - Lists all loaded shaders
gil_listST cmd - List loaded shader templates
gil_listTextures cmd - Lists all textures shaders, 0 to console, 1 to scv
gil_listVS cmd - List loaded VS
gil_listVShader cmd - Lists all vertex shaders
gil_MaterialValidationVerboseMode 0 A Allows to enable material validation verbose mode
gil_perfPixelPipeLine cmd - Check performance of pixel pipe-line
gil_perfVertexPipeLine cmd - Check performance of vertex pipe-line
gil_saveRenderTargets cmd - Saves all render targets
gil_textureQuality 0.95 A
gil_textureQualityBoundary 1024 N Allows to ignore texture quality changes, on textures, which size is bigger or equal to specified value by this var.
gil_useShaderCache 1 D Allows to toggle shader cache
gil_verboseLevel 0 N log detailed error info
gil_xbIsUnderPix 0 AD
gui_ButtonAfterLoading 1 AE Lua: Button on the screen loadin, after loading
gui_debugPacks cmd - debug gui packs
gui_enable 1 D Enable GUI
gui_enableCredits 1 AE Lua: enable/disable game screen
gui_enableLevelScreenEffect 1 AE Lua: Enable level screen effects
gui_enablePauseScreen 1 A Enable Pause Screen
gui_enableSubtitles 0 A 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled scenario subtitles, 2 - enabled all subtitles
gui_pauseControlEnable 1 AE Lua: Disable disigner control to pause into movie
gui_ppFilterReplacement E Lua: setpostprocessfilter for r2
gui_priorityAlphaTextrues 6 A Alpha textures rendering priority
gui_priorityOpaqueTextures 3 A Opaque textures rendering priority
gui_restartSubtitles cmd - Lua: Restart Subtitles
gui_showEffects 1 AE Lua: Enable screen effects
gui_showglobalobjective 0 E Lua: Show global objective when TAB pressed
gui_showHints 1 AE Lua: Show hints while loading
gui_showIntro 1 AE Lua: Intro
gui_showLogo 1 AE Lua: Enable logo (video)
gui_showMissionInfo 1 AE Lua: Show mission information while loading
gui_skipIntroAnykey 1 AE Lua:
gui_subtitleHideDelay 0.5 AE Lua: subtitle hide delay
gui_subtitleMaxBlocks 3 N Maximum active subtitles count
gui_subtitleMinLifetime 1 N Minimum subtitle lifetime
gui_subtitlesBackgroundColor 0,0.1,0.1,0.8 AE Lua: r,g,b,a
gui_subtitleShowDelay 0.25 AE Lua: subtitle show delay
gui_unload cmd - Unload all gui controls/screens
gui_useMapList 0 AE Lua:
gui_xbMouseAccel 1 A Xbox: GUI virtual mouse acceleration
gui_xbStickMode 0 A Xbox: emulate D PAD
gui cmd - Command for manipulate gui controls/screens
hlp_highlightSelection 0 A Highlight selection
hlp_highlightWire 0 A Highlight by wireframe
hlp_multicolorHighlight 0 A Highlight each object with unique color
homing_missile_debug 0 N Show homing missile debug information
homing_missile_kill_on_contact 1 N Kill homing missile on contact
hud_alpha 1 AE Lua: HUD alpha
hud_hue 172 AE Lua: HUD hue
hud_objective_pager_duration 2 AE Lua: Duration of pager for objectives (seconds)
hud_pager_duration 1 AE Lua: Duration of pager for common messages (seconds)
in_bind cmd - bind key/degree to command
in_bindDefaults cmd - bind defaults
in_blockKeyboard 0 A Totally blocks keyboard
in_centerJoysticks cmd - set current joystick positions as center
in_commandBinds cmd - list keys and degrees binded to command
in_cursorMode 0 A Mode of mouse cursor (0 - Game UI
in_debug 0 D debuging input
in_debugActions 0 N
in_debugKeyboard 0 D Debugging keyboard
in_debugMouse 0 D Debugging mouse
in_enableActions 1 A enable action-style input
in_enableJoystick 1 A enable joystick
in_enableKeyboard 1 N enable keyboard
in_enableMouse 1 N enable mouse
in_exclusiveMode 1 A Exclusive mode of input
in_gamepadDeadzone 40 A gamepad deadzone (%)
in_gamepadLatencyTime 1000 A gamepad latency time (ms)
in_gamepadMode 0 A joystick: 0 - joystick mode, 1 - xb gamepad, 2 - rumble pad
in_gamepadRepeatDelay 250 A repeat delay in msec
in_gamepadRepeatRate 30 A repeat rate char/sec
in_joystickInvert 0 A joystick inverted
in_joystickMove 0 A Enables player movements by joystick
in_joystickMoveSensitivity 5 A joystick move sensitivity
in_joystickSensitivity 1 A joystick sensitivity
in_joystickTreshold 100 A joystick treshold
in_kbdAccumulateSensitivity 0.2 A
in_keyboardRepeatDelay 250 A repeat delay in msec
in_keyboardRepeatRate 30 A repeat rate char/sec
in_listBinds cmd - list registered binds
in_listDegrees cmd - list known degrees of freedom
in_mouseInvert 0 A mouse inverted
in_mouseSensitivity 8 A in game mouse sensitivity
in_mouseWheelPressTime 300 A Press time of mouse wheel
in_randomBehavior 0 N
in_recordBind cmd - record key combination for bind
in_reset cmd - reset input
in_unbind cmd - unbind command(s) from key/degree
in_unbindAll cmd - unbind all keys/degrees
in_useGamepad 1 AE Lua: use gamepad as primary input device
inc cmd - Increment console variable value by given step
intr_damageImpulseGain 1 A Allow to tweak impulse applied to entities from uboxes
intr_impulseThreshold 20 A Ubox hit impulse threshold
intr_speedThreshold 0.5 A Ubox hit speed threshold
io_showStats 0 N Show IOStats
kri_gameTimeDelta 30 AE Lua: interval to inc/dec game time in seconds
kri_gameTimeLimit 10 AE Lua: game time limit in minutes
kri_heroLifes 3 AE Lua: lifes of hero
kri_serviceEnabled 0 AE Lua: enable KRI2006 service features
lb_aureoleVisibilityThreshold 10 D
lb_hierarchyNodeMinObjectCount 10 D Min. number of objects in hierarchy node
lb_showHierarchyBox 0 D shows hierarchy boxes
lb_smdOQBoxScaleFactor 1 D SMD Occlusion query box's sacle factor
ldr_debugMessages 0 AD Print build messages
ldr_debugRelink 0 D Trace dynamic actor relinking
ldr_debugSynch 0 D Trace synchronizing events
ldr_enableFastLoad 1 N Enable fast load without flushing engine and deleting actors
ldr_externalLinkWarning 0 N Show warnings about external links when loading level
ldr_info cmd - Print info about loader and game mamager
ldr_logLastLoadTime cmd - Lua:
ldr_logLoadTime 0 AE Lua: log level loading time
ldr_printBuildStats 0 AD Print file statistics when building
ldr_printLoadStats 0 AD Print file statistics when loading
ldr_printSaveStats 0 AD Print save file statistics
ldr_printStatus cmd - Lua:
ldr_showRecodingMessages 0 N Show actor properties recoding log messages (1, 2, 3 - different verbosity)
load cmd - Load saved game
ls_detectvideo cmd - Lua: Get value of funtions for autodetect
ls_firstRun 1 AE Lua: Game first run
ls_needRestartAfterChanges 0 AE Lua: Show dialog box after "heavy" changes in advanced video settings
ls_noChangesIngame 0 AE Lua: No changes in advanced video settings during game session
ls_useAutodetect 0 AE Lua: Autodetect video settings
lua_addProfilePoint cmd - Lua: Added profile point
lua_ai_debug E Lua: Lua AI debug system. Usage: "component: element <, element ...> <; component ...>"
lua_clearProfilePoints cmd - Lua: Remove all profile points
lua_cmd cmd - Run specified string on Senior Machine
lua_debugAddActor cmd - Lua:
lua_debugAddTable cmd - Lua:
lua_debugFilter N Filter for 'dprint()' function
lua_debugPrintReport cmd - Lua:
lua_debugReleaseActor cmd - Lua:
lua_debugReleaseAll cmd - Lua:
lua_debugReleaseTable cmd - Lua:
lua_debugRestoreReportPattern cmd - Lua:
lua_debugScenario E Lua: debug scenario
lua_debugSetOutputFilter cmd - Lua:
lua_debugSetReportPattern cmd - Lua:
lua_debugSetVisualCallLevel cmd - Lua:
lua_debugToggleSuspensionMode cmd - Lua:
lua_enableCallsStackAnalysis 1 N Enable call stack analysis
lua_enableDebugger 0 AE Lua:
lua_info cmd - Lua: Show information about classes and methods
lua_listSeniorMachineFiles cmd - Print files that were used to init Senior Machine
lua_load cmd - Load lua file to the Senior Machine (if it is not loaded yet)
lua_makeActor cmd - Lua: Create specified script actor
lua_maxMem 14.5 N Lua memory allocation threshold (Mb) to force garbage collection
lua_printMode 1 A Enable output by cprint and dprint
lua_printvar cmd - Lua: Print lua variable
lua_ReloadDP cmd - Lua: Reload script params
lua_removeProfilePoint cmd - Lua: Remove profile point
lua_resetSeniorMachine cmd - Reset Senior Machine
lua_run cmd - Run lua file on Senior Machine
lua_testPath AE Lua: Load specified lua file
math_test cmd - Test some math functions
mc_accel 1.0 S Motion controller speed acceleration
mc_accelerate 8 S Ground acceleration
mc_add_forwardspeed 0 DS Force add forward
mc_add_rightspeed 0 DS Force add sidestep
mc_add_upspeed 0 DS Force add upward
mc_afterjumpeyegravity 40 S After jump eye gravity demphing
mc_afterjumpeyespeed -2.5 S After jump eye speed demphing
mc_airaccelerate 10 S Air acceleration
mc_armorBlinkTime 0.3 ASE Lua: armor blink time
mc_backspeed 6 S Backward spped
mc_clampmodjumpSpeed 9 S Clamp jump module volocity
mc_clampYjumpSpeed 6.5 S Clamp jump vertical velocity
mc_debugFallDamage 0 D enables fall damage debug
mc_eye_height_crouch 0.96 S Crouch eye position
mc_eye_height_dead 0.3 S Dead eye position
mc_eye_height_default 1.6 S Default eye position
mc_eye_vertical_dempher 15 S Vertical movement camera dempher
mc_fall_fatal_speed 16 S Falling fatal speed
mc_fall_max_safe_speed 9 S Max falling safe threshold
mc_fall_threshold 3 S Fall threshold
mc_falling_rollmul 0.416 DS Client falling screen roll
mc_forceduck 0 DS Force ducking
mc_forcejump 0 DS Force jumping
mc_forwardspeed 6 S Forward speed
mc_gravity_multiplier 1.4 DS Gravity multiplier
mc_jumpSpeed 5.4 S Jump speed
mc_ladder_down_pick_lenght 0.1 DS Moving on ladder footstep pick length
mc_maxanglestep 0.71 DS Max dot-product between floor and footplane
mc_maxclimbspeed 3 S Maximum climb speed
mc_maxspeed 6 S Motion controller maximum speed
mc_maxspeedducking 2 S Cropping speed in duck
mc_maxspeedwalking 3 S Cropping walk speed
mc_net_accel 1.0 S Motion controller speed acceleration (MP)
mc_net_accelerate 5 S Ground acceleration (MP)
mc_net_airaccelerate 10 S Air acceleration (MP)
mc_net_backspeed 6 S Backward spped (MP)
mc_net_fall_fatal_speed 22 S Falling fatal speed in MP
mc_net_fall_max_safe_speed 12 S Max falling safe threshold in MP
mc_net_fall_threshold 12 S Fall threshold in MP
mc_net_forwardspeed 6 S Forward speed (MP)
mc_net_maxspeed 6 S Motion controller maximum speed (MP)
mc_net_maxspeedducking 2 S Cropping speed in duck (MP)
mc_net_maxspeedwalking 3 S Cropping walk speed (MP)
mc_net_rightspeed 6 S Side speed (MP)
mc_net_spectator_speed 15 ASE Lua: spectator must be restarted
mc_net_staticfriction 1 S Static friction (MP)
mc_net_stopspeed 2 S Motion controller stop speed (MP)
mc_net_upspeed 6 S Upper speed (MP)
mc_net_worldfriction 4 S World friction (MP)
mc_noclipaccelerate 5 S Noclip acceleration
mc_noclipspeed 62.5 N No clip speed
mc_rightspeed 6 S Side speed
mc_rollangle 2 DS Rolling screen angle
mc_rollspeed 200 DS Rolling screen speed
mc_showStates 0 N Show motion controller debug information
mc_smooth_elast 30 A Prediction smoothing
mc_smooth_visc 5 A Prediction smoothing
mc_spectator_speed 62.5 E Lua: pl_spectate spectator velocity. spectator must be restarted
mc_staticfriction 2 S Static friction
mc_step_down_pick_lenght 0.4 DS Moving on ground footstep pick length
mc_stopspeed 2 S Motion controller stop speed
mc_upspeed 6 S Upper speed
mc_water_move_drift 0.4 S Water drifting
mc_water_screenoffset 0.1535 S Vertical view fixup when eyes are near water plane
mc_waterjump_height 0.25 DS Water jump
mc_waterjump_hspeed 1.5 DS Water jump horizontal speed
mc_waterjump_picklength 0.5 DS Water jump horizontal pick lenght
mc_waterjump_time 2 DS Water jump time
mc_waterjump_vspeed 4.0 DS Maximum water jump height
mc_waterspeed_decrease 0.5 DS Water speed decrease
mc_worldfriction 5 S World friction
meta_debugCRC cmd - dump metadata information: 1 - full information (default), 2 - packed only
mouse cmd - mouse toggle
MoverDumpState cmd - Dump movers state
mp_blockRunBullet 0.1 ASE Lua:
mp_blockRunExplosion .5 ASE Lua:
mp_blockRunJump 0 ASE Lua:
mp_forceMatchRestart 10 AE Lua: time to force restart after match end
mp_frendlyFireMult 0.5 ASE Lua: friendly fire multiplier
mp_kick cmd - Lua: disconect player
mp_matchRestart cmd - Lua: match restart
mp_maxTeamImbalance 1 AE Lua: max team imbalance
mp_myNameColorHUE 50 AE Lua:
mp_quadDamageMult 2 ASE Lua: quad damage multiplier
mp_respawnTimeMax 10 ASE Lua:
mp_respawnTimeMin 3 ASE Lua:
mp_scoreInSpecTime 120 ASE Lua: set time to clear score in spectator (sec)
mp_setFragLimit cmd - Lua: change frag limit
mp_setTimeLimit cmd - Lua: change time limit
mp_warmup cmd - Lua: set warmup
mp_weaponStay 0 ASE Lua: weapon stay option
mp_zoomSensMult .4 AE Lua: zoom sensitivity multiplier
msh_debug 0 D Show debug information about calling mesh allocator
mt_list cmd - List available math library implementations
mt_select cmd - Select math library implementation (SSE, 3DNow, FPU)
mt_show cmd - Show currently selected math library implementation
nav_adv 0 D developer
nav_body_obstacle_penetrate 0.05 D debug
nav_bsp_max_deep 4 N Navigation OctTree deep, largest values
nav_chicken_path 0 D Bots go directly to target, and ignore path
nav_cut_mode 3 D debug
nav_debug_layer -1 N with 'nav_debug 512', drasw specified nav. layer
nav_debug_shortpath 0 D future use
nav_debug 0 N +4=draw nav polygons , +4096 = draw subdivided nav. polygons
nav_dev 0 D developer
nav_dir_check 1 N Check move direction for obstacles
nav_edge_obstacle_penalty 1000 D debug
nav_edgeSmooth 4 N level of smoothing of the edges of extruded box
nav_edit_lock 0 D Toggle lock polygon under cursor
nav_edit 0 D Draw navigation, and Show addition info on polygons under cursor
nav_ex_debug 0 D debug
nav_identity_optimization 1 D Debug
nav_junc_indent 0.05 N Indent from junc vertices
nav_link_range_penalty 0.5 N nav link range multiplier (have mean when building path)
nav_maneuver_accuracy 2 D debug
nav_maneuver_iterations 20 N Search Deep. LESS than 50 !!!
nav_maneuver_randomization 1 N Use random factor when search position
nav_maneuver_show 0 N Show maneuver destination
nav_maneuver_target_max_out_of_nav 0.3 N If tagret out of navigation more than 'n', maneuver will fail
nav_maneuver_tile_truncation 0.3 N Propportion part of BoxSize.z, for snap tile
nav_maneuver 0 N -1 - never avoid, 0 - avoid on demand, 1 - always avoid
nav_max_height 2 D Debug
nav_max_tris 10000 D Debug
nav_mp_debug_enum 0 D Debug
nav_mp_debug 0 N Draw maneuver points, and mark nearest point as sphere
nav_mp_default_distribution 0.3 N Maximum maneuver points per square meter for autogenerating.
Change will take effect if you delete all *.ndp files in 'cache' folder
nav_mp_max_generate 10000 N Maximum maneuver points
nav_mp_tick_limit 800 N Process Maximum maneuver points per tick
nav_mp_use_high_priority_as_primary_if_range_less 3 N Maneuver points in specified range will be used with higher priority than current position
nav_obstacle_bsp_deep 3 D Debug
nav_obstacle_bsp_resreve 1000 D Debug
nav_obstacle_cut_distance 10 D Debug
nav_obstacle_cut_time 10 D Debug
nav_obstacle_debug 0 D Debug
nav_obstacle_expand_dec 0.99f D Valid value: 0..1
nav_obstacle_level_bots 1000 D Penalty to path through bots
nav_obstacle_level_player 1000 N Bots with greater breachLevel can walk through player
nav_obstacle_mngr_disable 0 D Debug
nav_obstacle_penalty_bots 1000 D Penalty to path through bots
nav_obstacle_penalty_player 5 N Path through player will increase length multiplier
nav_obstacle_volume_mask -1 D debug
nav_pull_path 1 D debug
nav_showpath 0 N +1 show line to destination; +2 show fill path
nav_showStatistics 0 D Show navigation statistics
nav_showSuccessedNav 0 N flag - show green navigation polys
nav_smooth_check_ahead 1 N check ahead for smoothing (seconds)
nav_smooth_speed 360 N smooth angle speed
nav_sub_advance_debug 0 D Draw advanced information about nav-polygins
nav_sub_bots_autoexpand 1 N Use bot`s geocontrol radius for cutting
nav_sub_cut_bot_with_diagonal_greater_than 1 N Cut bots with diagonal of the box greater than 'n'
nav_sub_cut_bots 1 D Cut bot`s from navigation
nav_sub_cut_uboxes_with_diagonal_greater_than 1.2 N Cut uboxes with diagonal greater than 'n'
nav_sub_cut_uboxes 1 D Cut uboxes from navigation
nav_sub_cutting 3 D Debug, cutting level
nav_sub_ext_expand 0 D developer
nav_sub_max_sub_poly 100 D Debug
nav_sub_max_vert 1000 N Maximum vertices for each polyon
nav_sub_merge 0 D Debug
nav_sub_min_edge_len 0.001 D Less edge lenght will be rounded to zero
nav_sub_mirror 1 D Debug
nav_sub_mode 0 D Do not change, debug purposes
nav_sub_obstacle_bottom 0.3 D Debug
nav_sub_obstacle_debug_mask -1 D debug
nav_sub_obstacle_divide 1 D Debug
nav_sub_obstacle_expand 0.4 N Expand navigation cutted by obstacles for 'n' meters
nav_sub_obstacle_mirror_mode 1.3 D Debug
nav_sub_obstacle_top 0.3 D Debug
nav_sub_profile_once 0 N Log performance penalty for one tick
nav_sub_snap_factor 1 D Debug
nav_sub_square 0 D Debug
nav_sub_update_delay_ms 1000 N Maximum delay between recalculating subdividing on layer
nav_sub_update_delay_ms2 300 N Maximum delay between recalculating subdividing on layer
nav_tri_adv_draw 0 D debug
nav_tri_check_pathline 0 D debug
nav_tri_debug_poly_id -1 D debug
nav_tri_dest_ahead 0.01 D debug
nav_tri_dev 0 D debug
nav_tri_ignore_locking 0 D debug
nav_tri_ignore_obstacles 0 D debug
nav_tri_range_epsilon 10 D debug
nav_tri_sub_optimization 1 D Do not recreate not subdivided polygons
nav_tri 1 D developer
nav_verify_bots_count 8 N verify limit
nav_verify_obstacle_count 50 N verify limit
nav_verify_poly_count 1000 N verify limit
nav_verify_poly_min_edge 0.01 N verify limit
nav_verify 0 N verify any navgation overrun
nav_wait_link_range_penalty 1 N closed nav link range multiplier (have mean when building path)
NavDumpState cmd - Dump nav state
NavMPAdd cmd - Add Maneuver Points at player pos
NavMPDel cmd - Remove nearest Maneuver Point
NavMPDump cmd - Log Maneuver Points
NavMPGenerate cmd - Generate Maneuver Points
NavMPLoad cmd - Load Maneuver Points
NavMPSave cmd - Save Maneuver Points
navobstacle_debug 0 N Draw NavObstacle instances
net_addFilter cmd - Add filter for net_debugMessages
net_changePort cmd - Change default port
net_checkFilesCRC 0 DS Check client data crc
net_debug_syncserver 0 AD
net_debugDamages 0 E Lua: enables short net damage debug messages
net_debugIsland 0 DS
net_debugLUAmessages 0 N
net_debugMasterSlave 0 AD
net_debugMessageBodies 0 D
net_debugMessages 0 D
net_debugObjects 0 D
net_debugPickups 0 E Lua: enables short net pickup debug messages
net_debugServerStart 0 AE Lua: start network server at engine start
net_debugSyncProtocol 0 DS
net_disableNagleAlgoritm 0 D
net_disableSync 0 D
net_dumpLuaMessagesStats cmd -
net_dumpStats cmd - Dump messages statistics
net_enableErrorLog 0 D Enable net error log
net_enablePrediction 1 D
net_forceMasterStation 0 DS
net_freeze 0 DS
net_grenade_interpolate_speed 0.3 D interval = [0,1)
net_grenade_update_delay_ms 100 D Delay between two updates
net_heartbeatTime 120 A Server heartbeat delay, sec
net_islandRange 1 ADS
net_listFilter cmd - List filtered messages names
net_listMsgTypes cmd - List msg types
net_listObjects cmd -
net_listSpawners cmd -
net_listSyncServer cmd -
net_masterAddress A Address of masterserver (matchmaking server)
net_masterPort 22050 A Port on masterserver (matchmaking server)
net_playerSmoothElast 100 AS Prediction smoothing
net_playerSmoothVisc 5 AS Prediction smoothing
net_protocolVersion 1 D Network protocol version
net_removeFilter cmd - Remove filter for net_debugMessages
net_resetLuaMessagesStats cmd -
net_resetStats cmd - Reset messages statistics
net_resyncTime 10 ADS
net_showServerInfo cmd -
net_showSyncObjectsClient 0 D
net_showSyncObjectsServer 0 D
net_spawnerRestoreTime 5000 N Max
net_togglePause cmd - Pause MP game
net_wgdGrenade_player_dumping 0.2 A Grenade damping multiplier when player hitted
pack_cd 1 A Enables pack for phantoms
pack_enableBuildStats 0 A Print statistics when building packs
pack_showReloadTimings 0 N Show 'reloading custom data' timings
pack_wgd 0 A Enables using WGD packs
ph_camera_vehicle_mode cmd - Restart a vehicle
ph_cloth_minSleepPortals 1 D Min close portal distance to put cloth asleep
ph_ClothCriticalTensionScale 1 D
ph_ClothGravity -10 D Gravity force for cloth actor
ph_ClothHitMultiplier 50 D Cloth interaction impulse multiplier
ph_ClothInteractionForceScale 1 D
ph_ClothInteractionRatioScale 1 D
ph_ClothIterations 1 D Cloth iterations
ph_clothSleepingFactor 0.0001 D Cloth sleeping factor
ph_ClothStop 0 D Turn cloth actors' simulation
ph_ClothTransparent 1 N Enables cloth trace
ph_ClothVisc -0.5 D Cloth viscosity
ph_collision_delta 1 D Internal: delta for collision dist-filter
ph_collisionfilter 1 D Internal: turn collision dist-filter
ph_debugBallistic 0 D Visualize last ballistic trace
ph_debugClothBox 0 D Show PHCloth external bounding box
ph_debugClothSprings 0 D Show PHCloth springs
ph_debugConnects 0 D Debug physics connects
ph_debugContacts 0 D Show debug information about contacts
ph_debugDFMovements 0 N Print info about frames' movements
ph_debugDFrames 0 D Print info about frames' states' changes
ph_debugDMovements 0 D Print info about Island Technics work
ph_debugExplosion 0 AD
ph_debugExplosion2 0 D
ph_debugGeoControl 0 N Show player physical implementation
ph_debugGeoCtrlColls 0 N Show player physics collision points
ph_debugGeoCtrlPosition 0 N Prints player position
ph_debugGeoCtrlSpeed 0 N Prints player speed
ph_debugGeoCtrlState 0 N Draws debug movement information about player (1) and bots (2)
ph_debugGeoCtrlStateFilter N Filter for ph_debugGeoCtrlState
ph_debugGeoCtrlVectors 0 N Draws GeoControl speed and normals
ph_debugGeoCtrlWorkColls 0 N Show player physics collision points those worked
ph_debugGeoStuck 0 N Show player stuck time
ph_debugGrass 0 D Debug grass info
ph_debugGrassPatches 0 N
ph_debugIntersections 0 D Show points intersect points
ph_debugIntUBox 0 D Draw Uboxes' collision point
ph_debugIsland 0 D Draw current Island Technics structure
ph_debugMeat 0 D Draw RagDoll pieces, info about them
ph_debugMedium 0 D Draw debug info about physical mediums
ph_debugParticles 0 AD
ph_debugPhHook_Decrease 0 D Pull hooked body
ph_debugPhHook_Drop 0 D Drop hooked body
ph_debugPhHook_Increase 0 D Push hooked body
ph_debugRagDoll 0 D Draw RagDoll pieces' titles on screen
ph_debugRagdollImpulse 0 D
ph_debugRagDollInteraction 0 D Show info about RagDoll collisions and interaction
ph_debugRagDollJoints 0 D Draw debug ragdoll joints info
ph_debugRope 0 D Draw debug rope info
ph_debugStickBodies 0 D Draw stick Uboxes
ph_debugSubgroups 0 D Debug subgrups
ph_debugSuspension 0 D
ph_debugUBox 0 D Draw Uboxes' collision point
ph_debugUBoxFilter 0 D Limit [ph_debugUBox] draws with specified actor ID
ph_debugUBoxVel 0 D Draws UBox velocities
ph_debugUBoxVolume 0 D Draw Uboxes' volume bounding box
ph_debugVehicleState 0 D
ph_debugWheels 0 D
ph_diffGrasslets 10 D
ph_disableCheckedSleep 0 D Disable falling asleep (cancel simulation) for physical objects
ph_disableGeoCtrlBackSlide 1 N Turn sliding back
ph_disableInteraction 0 D Disables physics interaction
ph_distFactor 0.001 D Max point move distance to scale it on unsuccess move, values: 0-1
ph_dumpEngineSoundFreq cmd - Dumps last used engine sound frequency
ph_dumpStickBodies cmd - Dump stick bodies
ph_edge_edge_jump 0 D turn edge-edge jump
ph_enableDebugPhHook 0 AD Enable debug ph_hook
ph_enableGeoControlStep 1 N Enable step-algorithm for GeoControl
ph_enableGeoRagIntersection 1 D Enables intersection between geocontrol and ragdoll
ph_enableHook 1 N Enable ph_hook
ph_EnableHookTransparency 0 N Enabling transparency for hooking objects
ph_enableInteration2 1 N Enables physics interation callback
ph_excludeNormals 1 N Excude collision points by the subnormal
ph_explosion_expanding_speed_scale 1 AD
ph_explosion_gap 10 AD Gap between particles, grad
ph_explosion_radius_init 0.1 AD
ph_explosion2Gap 10 D Gap between picks on sphere, grad
ph_explosion2Picks 40 D Max explosion pick per one tick
ph_freeze 0 D Freeze main physical simulation cycle
ph_freezeDSys 0 D Stop joints solving
ph_freezeRope 0 D Stop rope update
ph_geoControlJumpImpMult 0.0 D
ph_geoControlPointSkipper 1 N Allow skip some points in TranslateToMax
ph_geoControlSkipSize 1 N GeoControl skips uboxes with this size
ph_geoControlSwipDownMove 1 N Moves geocontrol down when swim
ph_GeoRagInfluence 1000 D Intersection joint force limit(in parrots)
ph_GrassAdjustByPickGap 3.0 D
ph_GrassDamping 0.71 D
ph_GrassDoubleSided 0 N Enables doublesided grass
ph_GrassElastisity 1 D Coef. for grass elastisity adjustment
ph_GrassEnableOptimization 0 D
ph_GrassGravity 1 D Coef. for grass gravity adjustment
ph_GrassMult 2 D
ph_GrassRenderPathesLimit 5 D
ph_GrassSpring 8.5 D
ph_grassStandTickDelta 0.03 D Stand tick delta
ph_grassStandTicks 300 D
ph_GrassTwistAngleMultiplier 1 D
ph_GrassVisc -1 D Coef. for grass viscosity adjustment
ph_GrassWarmFactor 0.1 D Noise velocity for grass warming
ph_GrassWarmUpIterations 10 D Count of warming iterations
ph_hackGeoControlFlush 0 D Enables precomputing collision points in Flush
ph_HarpoonEnabled 0 N Enable player harpoon use
ph_HarpoonVel 40 N Start harpoon velocity
ph_hingeJointErp 1.0 D
ph_Hook_Factor_Critical 25000 N
ph_Hook_Factor_L 350 N
ph_HookCollEnableDist 3 N Distance for enabling collsion
ph_HookDelta 1 N Holding delta
ph_HookDist 2 N
ph_HookDistHold 1.5 N Distance of holding object
ph_InteractionHit_Max 2 N Maximum velocity in hit sound volume calculation
ph_InteractionHit_Min 0.1 N Minimal velocity in hit sound volume calculation
ph_interactionLevel 0.1 N Minimal hit velocity
ph_InteractionMaxSFXHit 4 N Max num of sfxes on hit for one body
ph_InteractionMaxSFXRoll 4 N Max num of sfxes on slide for one body
ph_InteractionMaxSFXSlide 4 N Max num of sfxes on slide for one body
ph_InteractionRolling_FreqDev 300 N Maximum frequency deviation
ph_InteractionRolling_FreqMax 10 N Maximum velocity in sliding sound frequency calculation
ph_InteractionRolling_FreqMin 0 N Minimal velocity in sliding sound frequency calculation
ph_InteractionSliding_FreqDev 300 N Maximum frequency deviation
ph_InteractionSliding_FreqMax 10 N Maximum velocity in sliding sound frequency calculation
ph_InteractionSliding_FreqMin 0 N Minimal velocity in sliding sound frequency calculation
ph_InteractionTime 1000 D Time between ubox interaction
ph_intersectionDMeshElasticity 1.0 D DynamicMesh elasticity
ph_intersectionFricion 50 D Friction in intersection joint
ph_intersectionJointErp 1.0 D Error reduction parameter
ph_intersectionJointForceLimit 1000000 D Intersection joint force limit(in parrots)
ph_intersectionJointMaxVel 1.0 D Limit C parameter
ph_intersectionJointMinDep 0.001 D Joint min dep
ph_intersectionUBoxElasticity 0.1 D UBox elasticity
ph_IntersectMaxTimeStep 0.025f D Limits time step for intersection primitives(seconds)
ph_LockRagdollPiece 0 D Lock RagDoll's piece with a correspondent number
ph_maxFragIter 1 D Max iterations for one physical simulation cycle
ph_maxIter 5 D Max iterations for one physical simulation cycle
ph_maxStuckedIters 5 D Max stucked iterations for one physical simulation cycle
ph_MeatPieceDamping 0.1 D
ph_mediumMode 0 N 0 - old Obb style, 1 - CDEngine based
ph_playerAsPrizma 1 N Use prizma or 3 spheres for GeoControl phycical representation
ph_putUBoxesAsleep cmd - Put all Uboxes to sleeping state (cancel simulation) once
ph_RagDoll_BubbleMan 1 D Use speres+capsules or boxes as physical RagDoll structure
ph_RagDollEmptyLinkWarning 0 AD Enable special warning
ph_RagDollEnableCapsule 1 D Enable box between two spheres
ph_RagDollHitVel 0.8 AD Interaction limit
ph_RagDollInteractionTime 500 AD Mininum time between ragdoll interactions
ph_ragDollJointErp 0.1 D Error reduction parameter
ph_RagDollJointSoftness 1 D Softness of ragdoll joint
ph_RagdollLockHitted 0 D Lock RagDoll's piece nearest to point hit
ph_RagDollMaxTimeStep 0.03 D Limits time step for ragdoll(seconds)
ph_RagDollSlidingGap 100 AD Maximum time gap between two sliding updates, msec
ph_RagDollSlidingTime 500 AD Minimal time before start new sliding, msec
ph_RagDollSlidingVel 1 AD Minimal velocity to ignite sliding
ph_restart_vehicle cmd - Restart a vehicle
ph_RopeHitMultiplier 10 D Rope interaction impulse multiplier
ph_RopeIterations 20 D Rope iterations
ph_RopeSegmentLengthScale 1 N Scales rope segments length, use it to test ropes with many segments
ph_ShowDiffInfo 0 AD
ph_ShowEngineInfo 0 AD
ph_ShowGearInfo 0 AD
ph_ShowStatisticDepth 20 D Show registered objects statistic
ph_ShowStatistics 0 N Show registered objects statistic
ph_ShowVehicleInfo 0 AD
ph_sleepingFactor 0.1 D Min velocity for rigid body to fall asleep (cancel simulation)
ph_spectate_vehicle cmd - Spectate a vehicle
ph_spiderman 0 D Player as Spiderman
ph_spidermode 0 D Enables Spider Mode for SpiderMan
ph_StandartDensityValue 1 N Standard air friction for UBoxes
ph_StandartGravityValue 10 N Standard gravity force for UBoxes
ph_step 0 D Do one step in step-by-step physic's simulation
ph_stepEnabled 0 D Turn step-by-step physic's simulation
ph_timeFactor 0.001 D Value to scale internal physical time
ph_track_brake 1000 AD
ph_UBoxMaxTimeStep 0.05 D Limits time step for ubox(seconds)
ph_uboxSmallRadius 0.2 D Radius less which ubox is considered small. Small uboxes can't use intersections
ph_UnlockRagdollPiece 0 D UnLock RagDoll's piece with a correspondent number
ph_veh_eng_accel_scale 1 D
ph_veh_eng_real_tach 1 D
ph_veh_resistance_scale 100 D
ph_veh_speed_inaccuracy 0.5 AD
ph_veh_wheel_param 0.1 D
ph_veh_wheel_sidetraction_scale 1 D
ph_vehicle_cam_dist_x 2 A
ph_vehicle_cam_dist_y 2 A
ph_vehicle_fix_cam 0 A
ph_vehicle_joy_slider 10 AD
ph_vehicleBindToFrame cmd - Bind to frame under vehicle
ph_vehicleHullSleepingFactor 0.4 N
ph_vehicleSleepTime 1 N
ph_vehicleSuspensionElast1 50000 N Scale of vehicle suspension elasticity coefficient 2
ph_vehicleSuspensionElast2 170000 N Scale of vehicle suspension elasticity coefficient 2
ph_vehicleSuspensionLimScale 0.75 N
ph_vehicleSuspensionVisc 2000 N Scale of vehicle suspension limit
ph_vehicleSuspensionWeak 1 N Enable weak vehicle suspention
ph_vehicleTorque 1000 N Acceleration effect constant
ph_vehicleTorque2 100 N Acceleration effect constant 2
ph_vehicleUnbindFromFrame cmd - Unbind from frame
ph_water_density_scale 1 D Water medium density scale
ph_water_disp_impulse 0.5 N Minimal impulse for water surface interaction
ph_water_eff_coeff 1 N Foot step velocity
ph_water_footstep_vel 2 N Foot step velocity
ph_water_gravity -9.8 N Gravity for Archimed force
ph_water_splash_limit 1 N Vertical velocity limit to generate splash interaction
ph_water_visc_scale 1 D Viscosity value for water physical medium
ph_wheel_decal_fadetime 10 N Vehicle wheel decal fade time
ph_wheel_decal_lifetime 0 N Vehicle wheel decal life time
ph_wheelForceTrailTexVStep 0.0 N
ph_wheelIntrRollingVelLimit 1.0 N Minimum velocity for calling callback in sliding contact
ph_wheelIntrSlidingVelLimit 0.2 N Minimum velocity for calling callback in sliding contact
ph_wheelLongTrailSegmentLenght 0.8 N
ph_wheelRollTime 0 N
ph_wheelShortTrailSegmentLenght 0.2 N
ph_wheelSleepingFactor 0.2 N
ph_wheelSlideTime 500 N
phm_buildCache cmd - PH material cache
pl_armour cmd - Lua: Set player armour
pl_bobPitch 0.05 S Player eye bobbing pitch
pl_bobRoll 0.025 S Player eye bobbing roll
pl_bobUp 0.012 S Player eye bobbing up
pl_demo 0 AE Lua: Demo
pl_disableCameraShake 0 N Disable any camera jolting
pl_duckMode 0 A Duck mode: 0 - hold key to duck, otherwise key press toggles duck state
pl_enableCorpseCollision 1 N Enable collision player with corpse
pl_enableScreenEffect 1 AE Lua: enable cecker screen effects
pl_enableShakers 1 E Lua: enable camera shakers
pl_footstep 1 S Enable player footsteps
pl_giveAll cmd - Lua: Give all inventory
pl_giveAllWeapon cmd - Lua: Give all weapon
pl_giveKeys cmd - Lua: Give all keys
pl_giveWeapon cmd - Lua: Give specified weapon
pl_god 0 ASE Lua: Make player invulnerable
pl_health cmd - Lua: Set player health
pl_infiniteAmmo 0 ASE Lua: Infinite ammo for player
pl_invisible cmd - Lua: Invisible mode
pl_loadStartMenu 1 AE Lua: enables base room loading
pl_lockTargetTime 1500 N Lock time for auto-aiming rocket launcher
pl_markerPivotOffset -0.5 N Player`s marker pivot offset
pl_net 0 ASE Lua: enables cheats
pl_nextSelect cmd - Lua: Select next weapon
pl_noDie 0 ASE Lua: Make player immortal
pl_notarget 0 E Lua: AI doesn't see or hear player
pl_notargetsound 0 E Lua: AI doesn't hear player
pl_notargetvisual 0 E Lua: AI doesn't see player
pl_prevSelect cmd - Lua: Select previous weapon
pl_projectionShadows 1 AE Lua: enable projection shadows
pl_punch_damping 9. N Punch damping
pl_punch_safemode 1 N Punch dt safe clamp
pl_punch_spring 65. N Punch spring
pl_recoilHitPitch 0.6 S Player reciol hit view pitch
pl_recoilHitRoll 0.6 S Player reciol hit view roll
pl_resurrect cmd - Lua: Resurrect player
pl_selectLastWeapon cmd - Lua: Select last used weapon
pl_selectWeapon cmd - Lua: Select specified weapon
pl_spectate cmd - Lua: Spectator mode
pl_toggleObjectives cmd - Lua: Show/hide mission objectives
pl_translateVehicle cmd - Lua: Translate player vehicle
pl_weaponAmmo cmd - Lua: Set player weapon ammo
pl_weaponAutoSwitch 1 AE Lua: Enable weapon autoswitch
pl_wpnDeviation 2 AE Lua: 0 - disabled, 1 - simple algorithm, 2 - Tank`s algorithm
pl_wpnEnableMelee 1 AE Lua: enable melee attack
pl_wpnIdleDelay 30 AE Lua: weapon custom idle delay
pl_wpnNewRecoil 0 AE Lua: enable new recoil system
pm_checkEffects cmd - Check sfx effects exist
pm_foggymarkFadeFactor 0.75 N Foggy marks fade factor
pm_listInteractionEffects cmd - List loaded interaction effects matrix to csv
pm_reloadEffects cmd - Reload interaction effects
pm_useDecals 0 N Use decals system
pp_beginProfilngPicksToFile cmd - Pick profile - beginning save picks to log file
pp_benchmark cmd - Pick profile - benchmark
pp_benchmark2 cmd - Pick profile - benchmark
pp_convertFile2Txt cmd - Convert file to
pp_printFileToLog cmd - Pick profile - print from file to log
pp_reproducePicksToFile cmd - Reproduce picks to file
prc_testJobs cmd - Perform test of prc::AssyncJobPump
precache cmd - Load and hold given resource
precacheclear cmd - Clear resource cache
profiler_bottomField 0.15 A Bottom position of profiler/stats (0..1)
profiler_dump cmd - Dump profiler statistics to console
profiler_dumpChunk cmd - Dump profiler statistics to file using chunk; default filename created using timestamp
profiler_dumpTotals cmd - Print total times; you can provide argument in the same format, as for profiler_rootNode
profiler_minPeakDelta 5 A Profiler peaks minimum delta, ms
profiler_peakHistoryTime 5 A Profiler peaks history time
profiler_rootNode 0 A List of nodes displayed in profiler (IDs or names, separated with ',')
profiler_showPeaks 2 A Peaks display mode: 0=disabled, other - sorted: 1=by appearance; 2=by value; 3=by normalized value
profiler_sortMode 0 A Profiler sort mode: 0=name, 1=time, 2=nCalls, other=unsorted
profiler_test 0 N Enable profiler performance testing
profiler_topField 0.05 A Top position of profiler/stats (0..1)
profiler_treeDepth 1 A Depth of displayed profiler tree (0=peaks only, 1=single level, 2=unroll tree ...)
quickload cmd - Load the most recently saved game
quicksave cmd - Save game into 'quicksave' slot
quit cmd - Terminate application
r_ambientLightIntensityC 1.7 D Set ambient light intensity for dynamic objects cube lighting
r_aureolePicksInterval 0.3 A aureoles traces interval (sec)
r_aureolePicksLimit 10 A aureoles traces limit on 1 tick (except picks then max interval excess)
r_autolodMaximumLodMeshRadius 3 A Sets starting radius for generating maximum number of lods
r_autolodMaximumLodNumber 7 A Sets maximum number of generated autolods
r_autolodMaximumMeshRadius 5 A Sets maximum radius of mesh for generating lods
r_autolodMinDifferenceInFacesLimit 50 A Sets minimum difference between max and min lods, required to create lods for model
r_autolodMinFacesLimit 1000 A Sets minimum faces in model, required to create autolods
r_autolodMinimumGenerationBoundary 0.3 A Sets minimum bounadry for generation autolods, range: 0..1
r_autolodMinimumLodNumber 2 A Sets minimum number of generated autolods
r_autolodMinimumMeshRadius 0 A Sets minimum radius for generating lods
r_autolodSMDMaximumLodMeshRadius 3 A Sets starting radius for generating maximum number of lods for SMD
r_autolodSMDMaximumLodNumber 7 A Sets maximum number of generated autolods for SMD
r_autolodSMDMaximumMeshRadius 5 A Sets maximum radius of mesh for generating lods for SMD
r_autolodSMDMinDifferenceInFacesLimit 50 A Sets minimum difference between max and min lods, required to create lods for model for SMD
r_autolodSMDMinFacesLimit 1000 A Sets minimum faces in model, required to create autolods for SMD
r_autolodSMDMinimumGenerationBoundary 0.3 A Sets minimum bounadry for generation autolods, range: 0..1 for SMD
r_autolodSMDMinimumLodNumber 2 A Sets minimum number of generated autolods for SMD
r_autolodSMDMinimumMeshRadius 0 A Sets minimum radius for generating lods for SMD
r_autolodSMDType 0 A Sets type of simplification: 0 - vertices, 1 - faces for SMD
r_autolodSMDWeightOfBoundary 1 A Sets weight of blend weights during simplification for SMD
r_autolodSMDWeightOfLightmapTextureCoords 1 A Sets weight of lightmap texture coordinates during simplification for SMD
r_autolodSMDWeightOfLightmapVertexColor 1 A Sets weight of lightmap vertex color during simplification for SMD
r_autolodSMDWeightOfNormal 1 A Sets weight of vertex normal during simplification for SMD
r_autolodSMDWeightOfPosition 1 A Sets weight of vertex position during simplification for SMD
r_autolodSMDWeightOfTangentSpaceMatrix 1 A Sets weight of tangent space matrix during simplification for SMD
r_autolodSMDWeightOfTextureCoords 1 A Sets weight of texture coordinates during simplification for SMD
r_autolodSMDWeightOfVertexColor 1 A Sets weight of vertex color during simplification for SMD
r_autolodType 0 A Sets type of simplification: 0 - vertices, 1 - faces
r_autolodWeightOfBoundary 1 A Sets weight of blend weights during simplification
r_autolodWeightOfLightmapTextureCoords 1 A Sets weight of lightmap texture coordinates during simplification
r_autolodWeightOfLightmapVertexColor 1 A Sets weight of lightmap vertex color during simplification
r_autolodWeightOfNormal 1 A Sets weight of vertex normal during simplification
r_autolodWeightOfPosition 1 A Sets weight of vertex position during simplification
r_autolodWeightOfTangentSpaceMatrix 1 A Sets weight of tangent space matrix during simplification
r_autolodWeightOfTextureCoords 1 A Sets weight of texture coordinates during simplification
r_autolodWeightOfVertexColor 1 A Sets weight of vertex color during simplification
r_avmAutoLightIntensityScale 1.0 D Set ambient light intensity for dynamic objects cube lighting with auto light
r_avmIntesityScale 1.7 D Ambient light intesity
r_convertInstanceMeshes2StaticMeshes 0 N
r_dbg_focalDistance 5 D
r_dbg_focalRange 0.2 D
r_debugGlobalAmbient 0 D Debug global ambient
r_debugGlobalAmbientTree 0 D Debug global ambient
r_debugMakeAmbientSample 0 D Making ambient sample
r_debugResources 0 N Enable resources creation/destruction log
r_defaultLightLimit 2 D Default dynamic lights limit for lighted objects
r_DOFAccomodationSpeed 2.0 N In autofocus mode. Speed of accommodation in fraction of desire focal distance per second
r_DOFFocalRange 5 N Not in autofocus mode. Focal range
r_DOFFocalRangeRatio 1 N In autofocus mode. Focal range in fraction of focal distance
r_DOFNearFocusPlaneDistance 5 N Not in autofocus mode. Distance to focal plane
r_dumpCommandBuffer 0 D dump command buffer (once)
r_enableAlphaCombineDIPs 1 N
r_enableAureoleTraces 1 D enable aureoles traces
r_enableAureols 1 D Toggles aureoles
r_enableAutoLightUpdates 1 N
r_enableAutoLODs 0 A Enable auto LOD generation for static meshes
r_enableAVM 1 D Toggles dynamic lighting
r_enableBBParticles 1 D Toggles bill-board particles
r_enableBump 1 D Enable bump-mapping
r_enableDecals 1 D Toggles decals
r_enableDepthShadows 0 D Toggles shadow mapping
r_enableDepthShadowScissorTest 1 D
r_enableDepthShadowStencilFill 1 D
r_enableDetailTextures 1 N
r_enableDLights 1 D Toggles dynamic lighting
r_enableDOF 0 N Depth of field
r_enableDOFAutoFocus 1 N Autofocus mode of DOF
r_enableEnvironmentObjectsClipping 1 D
r_enableFog 1 N Enable fog rendering
r_enableFogClipping 1 N
r_enableGlobalFog 1 N Enable global fog rendering
r_enableGlobalProjectiveShadows 1 D Toggles global projective shadows
r_enableGlobalProjectiveShadowStencilMask 1 D
r_enableGlow 1 N Enable glow-effect
r_enableGlyph 1 D Toggles Glyph meshes
r_enableGPUSync 0 A Sets mode for GPU sync: 0 - disabled, else sets frame for perfoming sync (1 - every frame, 2 - every second, but no more than 3)
r_enableGUI3D 1 N Enable rendering gui3d objects
r_enableHDR 0 A Enables HDR rendering. Restart needed
r_enableInstanceMeshes 1 D Toggles instance meshes
r_enableInteractiveMarkers 1 D Enable interactive markers visualizition
r_enableLayerFog 1 N Enable layer fog rendering
r_enableLerp 1 D
r_enableLighting 1 N Toggles lighting
r_enableLightMaps 1 D Toggles light-maps
r_enableMeshes 1 N Enable rendering meshes
r_enableMirrors 1 N
r_enableMonitor 1 D Toggles monitors
r_enableNoneStandartPrimitiveLighting 0 D
r_enableObliqueFrustum 1 D
r_enableOcclusionMaps 1 D Toggles occlusion-maps
r_enableOcclusionTesters 1 N Toggles occlusion testers
r_enableOcean 1 D Enable ocean
r_enableParallaxBM 1 N
r_enableParticles 1 D Enable particles
r_enablePointLights 1 D
r_enablePostEffects 1 D Enables post-procces effects
r_enableProjectiveShadowBlur 1 A Enables/disables blurring of projective shadows
r_enableProjectiveShadows 1 D Toggles shadowing
r_enableProjectors 1 D Toggles projectors
r_enablePSParticles 1 D Toggles point-sprite particles
r_enableReflection 1 D Toggles reflection
r_enableReflectorsCliping 1 D Enable additional clipping for reflectors
r_enableRefraction 1 D Toggles refraction
r_enableRenderProfiler 0 D Show render in eg_profile
r_enableSetPostProcessFilter 1 N Enbales setpostprocessfilter
r_enableSFX 1 N Enable special effects
r_enableSFXLighting 1 D Toggles sfx lighting meshes
r_enableShadowCasters 1 D Enable shadow catsers visualization
r_enableShadowReceivers 1 D Enable shadow receivers visualization
r_enableSMD 1 D Toggles SMD meshes
r_enableSMDAutoLODs 0 A Enable auto LOD generation for SMD
r_enableSMDDecals 1 D Toggles decals
r_enableSmdGlobalShadows 1 N Enable global SMD shadows
r_enableSMDShadows 1 N Enable SMD shadows
r_enableSpecular 1 D Toggles specular lighting
r_enableSpotLights 1 D
r_enableTextGlyphInterpolation 1 D Enable interpolation for TextGlyph then setting transform, offset, rect, color, etc.
r_enableUboxGlobalShadows 1 N Enable local SMD shadows
r_enableUboxLocalShadows 1 N Enable local SMD shadows
r_enableVertexLightmap 1 D Toggles vertex lightmaps
r_enableVideoTextures 1 N
r_forceDLightLimit 0 N
r_forceLod 0 D Forces all models to desired lod
r_forceNoUseClipPlanes 0 D Forcing no using hardware clip planes
r_forceOpacity 1.0f D Force opacity
r_fovDif 2 D Extrude auto-casters shadow volume in far direction with (number * box_radius)
r_globalFogDissappearRange 3.0 N Fog dissappear range(while going to min distance
r_globalFogMaxDistAdd 0 N Global fog max distance addition
r_globalFogMinDistMul 0.08 N Enable fog min distance multiplier
r_globalProjectiveShadowMapSize 64 N Allows to control size of global projective shadow texture
r_globalShadowAspectExtrude 1 D
r_globalShadowAutoCasterBoxExtrude 1.5 D Extrude auto-casters shadow volume in far direction with (number * box_radius)
r_globalShadowAutoCasterFovExtrude 0 D
r_globalShadowFovExtrude 0.3f D
r_globalShadowsBallance 0.8 A percents of global shadows from all
r_HDRAdoptionMaxValue 19.5 A Eye adoption max value
r_HDRAdoptionMinValue 0.06 A Eye adoption min value
r_HDRAdoptionSpeed 1 A Eye adoption speed value in range x > 0 && x < ~
r_HDRColorMapMaxValue 1 A Color map max value
r_HDRColorMapMinValue 0 A Color map max value
r_interactiveMarkerCornersSize 8 A Size of interactive marker corners
r_interactiveMarkerMinSize 32 A Min interactive markers size
r_interactiveMarkerOffset 2 A Interactive markers offset
r_interactiveMarkerWidth 2 A Width of interactive marker lines
r_listFonts cmd - List all registered FTK fonts
r_listInstances cmd - Lists all instances
r_listMeshes cmd - Lists all meshes
r_listPostEffects cmd -
r_listSMD cmd - Lists all SMD
r_lodDefaultDistanceFactor 300 N Lod default distance factor
r_lodFaceFactorClamp 0.2 A Sets clamp for face ration (see docs)
r_lodFaceFactorExp -0.1 A Sets exponent factor (see docs)
r_lodFactor 1 A Scale factor affecting LODs activation, and distance clipping
r_lodFovBoundry 75 N Maximal FOV of LOD-distance correction performing
r_lodLowerBoundary 0 D Sets start lod index for model (0 - disabled)
r_lodOrthoFactor 1.45 N LOD distance multipilier for ortho mode
r_lodRadius1MaxDistance 20 A SetsMaxDistance for model with radius 1 (see docs)
r_lodRecalculateDistances cmd - Recalculates distances for autolods
r_lodSMDFaceFactorClamp 0.2 A Sets clamp for face ration (see docs) for SMD
r_lodSMDFaceFactorExp -0.1 A Sets exponent factor (see docs) for SMD
r_lodSMDRadius1MaxDistance 20 A SetsMaxDistance for model with radius 1 (see docs) for SMD
r_lodUpperBoundary 0 D Limits maximum number of lods for models
r_logCalls 0 D Enables loggin
r_noCull 0 D Disable frustum culling
r_particles_lod_factor 1.0 N Reduce number of rendered particles
r_particles_reflection_lod_factor 0.5 N Reduce number of rendered particles in reflections/refraction
r_pixelAlignment -0.5 AD Pixel position
r_priorityLowerBound 0 D Rendering priority lower bound
r_priorityUpperBound 1000 D Rendering priority upper bound
r_profileFrame 0 D
r_profileFrameMode 0 D
r_profileFrameScene 0 D Scene to show profile info
r_profileInstances 0 D
r_profileMeshes 0 D
r_projectiveShadowMapSize 256 N Allows to control size of projective shadow texture
r_reflectionClippingPlaneOffset 0.1 D Reflection clipping plane offset in meters to eye
r_reflectionClippingPlanePriority 3 D When rendering reflection or refraction. Clipping plane will be activated after this priority.
r_reflectionMapSize 512 N Allows to control size of reflection texture
r_refractionClippingPlaneOffset 0.1 D Refraction clipping plane offset in meters to eye
r_resetDisplaySettings cmd -
r_restartMeshes cmd - Restart loaded meshes
r_safeFullScreen 0 A blocks fullscreen mode change if game window is inactive
r_screenShotExt jpg D Screen shot file extension
r_secondCameraPriority 0 A if nonzero, then it's start priority for rendering with fov = cl_fovWeapon
r_showAureoleBox 0 D shows aureoles bounding boxes
r_showDecals 0 D Show decals debug information
r_showDepthComplexity 0 D
r_showDLights 0 N Show dynamic lights
r_showGlobalAmbient 0 N Show global ambient debug info
r_showGroupInfo 0 D shows group bounding box and number of elements
r_showGroupInfoHierarchyLevel -1 D sets level of group hierarchy to be shown (-1 - disables)
r_showHDRColorMap cmd - shows hdr color map
r_showInstanceInfo 0 D shows instance bounding boxes
r_showLayerFog 0 D shows layer fog
r_showLighting 0 D Shows lighting
r_showMeshInfo 0 D shows static bounding boxes
r_showMeshLODInfo 0 D
r_showMeshTree 0 D Show meshes tree in debug mode
r_showNormalMaps 0 D
r_showOcclusionTesterInfo 0 D shows occlusion tester info
r_showPointLights 0 D shows point lights
r_showPointLightsDistance 50 D
r_showProjectivePointLights 0 D shows projective point lights
r_showProjectiveShadowSpotLights 0 D shows shadow projectors
r_showProjectiveSpotLights 0 D shows projectors
r_showReflection 0 D
r_showRefraction 0 D
r_showSMDInfo 0 D shows smd bounding boxes
r_showSpotLights 0 D shows spot lights
r_showTangentSpace 0 D Shows tangent space. 1 - S, 2 - T, 3 - SxT
r_showTris 0 D Shows wire frame
r_smdAutoLightDiffuseB 0.4 N
r_smdAutoLightDiffuseG 0.45 N
r_smdAutoLightDiffuseR 0.5 N
r_smdAutoLightEnable 1 N
r_smdAutoLightLumBias 0.4 N
r_smdAutoLightLumScale 4 N
r_smdAutoLightPitch 45 N
r_smdAutoLightRadius 20 N
r_smdAutoLightRange 8 N
r_smdAutoLightSpecularB 0.8 N
r_smdAutoLightSpecularG 0.85 N
r_smdAutoLightSpecularR 1 N
r_smdAutoLightYaw 30 N
r_startUpPriorityForBackToFrontSort 6 A Sets start priority for back to front sorting
r_threadDebug 0 D
r_threadFudgeFactor 3 D Fudge factor for multithread rendering
r_threadSleepTime 0 D
r_transformZoneFactor 1.1 N
r_vsmBias 0.0001 N
r_vsmPower 1 N
r_vsmScale 1 N
r_vsmZBias 0.0 N
report_begin cmd -
report_end cmd -
report_screenshot cmd -
report_switch_output cmd -
res_debug 0 D Log resource packing/creating/loading
res_debugAggregate 0 D debug aggregate packs
res_debugPack 0 D Log resource packing
res_enableMemStats 0 D enable resources memory usage in eg_stats
res_listCached cmd - list cached resources
res_listMemoryInfo cmd - list memory, taken by resources
res_listMemoryUsage cmd - list memory, taken by resources types
res_listPacks cmd - list loaded packs
res_listPacksInputs cmd - list loaded packs' inputs
res_logBuildMessages 0 A Log resource building messages
res_logResourceUsers 0 N Log info about ResourceUsers
res_printList cmd - Lua:
res_purePackMode 0 N do not allow to load resources from cache packs. 0 - do not block or warn, 1 - warn only, 2 - block and warn
res_timing 0 D Resource creation time
res_verboseRestart 0 A log detailed restart info
rtl_benchmarkchunk cmd - Benchmarknig chunk
rtl_benchmarkstring cmd - Benchmarknig strings
rtl_debugCaches 0 A Show cache debug infromation
rtl_debugCVars 0 N Log changes of all console variables
rtl_debugMemVault 0 D Debug mem vault events
rtl_debugProcessor 0 D Enable console commands tracing
rtl_developer 0 A Enable developer mode
rtl_disableVerifyDlg 0 D disable verify message box
rtl_enableBinaryArchive 1 A Enable binary chunk format for savegame and BFS
rtl_enableBlockOutput 0 A Enable block output: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
rtl_enableBugReports 1 A enable/disable bug report generation
rtl_enableCache 0 A Enable caching resources
rtl_enableErrorSuppression 0 A Enable error supression: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
rtl_enumSuppressedMessages cmd - Enumerate suppressed messages
rtl_jobsMaxTime 2 N Max job life time (main loop frames)
rtl_jobsMaxTimeInQueue 1 N Max job wait in queue time (main loop frames)
rtl_jobsThreads 0 A Assync job manager threads count (0 = do sync)
rtl_listNamedResources cmd - Show list all cached resources
rtl_loadCVars cmd - Load variable from config
rtl_logsOverwriteCycle 5 A logs rotation cycle
rtl_pauseVTune cmd - Pause vtune perfomance analizer
rtl_pdc_maxIter 10 D
rtl_pdc_ow_derivCoef 0.0 D
rtl_pdc_ow_drag 0.0 D
rtl_pdc_ow_maxaccel 0.0 D
rtl_pdc_ow_propCoef 0.0 D
rtl_pdc_timeStep 0.01 D
rtl_private cmd - for developers only
rtl_resBlockMode 1 A 0 - do not block or warn, 1 - warn only, 2 - block and warn
rtl_resCheckDepends 1 AD Use extended Pack information to check
rtl_resClearRecordedFiles cmd - list recorded files
rtl_resDebugPreCache 0 D Log resource chache
rtl_resDumpLevelCachedResources cmd - dump resources, precached for levels
rtl_resEnableFileLogging 0 N Record filenames while opening files
rtl_resetCVars cmd - Reset all variables to default values
rtl_resetErrorsSuppression cmd - Reset error suppression
rtl_resListRecordedFiles cmd - list recorded files
rtl_resLoadHierarchy cmd - load resource hierarchy
rtl_resLogRequests 0 N Log all resources requests
rtl_resPackHierarchy cmd - pack resource hierarchy
rtl_resSaveHierarchy cmd - save resource hierarchy
rtl_resumeVTune cmd - Resume vtune perfomance analizer
rtl_resUseNamespaces 1 A 1 - enable resource user namespaces (engine only), 0 - always disable
rtl_saveConsoleInfo cmd - Save console commands and variables to <file>
rtl_saveCVars cmd - Save variable to config
rtl_testErrorsRegistry cmd - Post Errors Registry message for given error ID
rtl_testZipFiles cmd - Test files in working archives.
rtl_userDataFolder 0 A force saving to user data folder. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
s_debugEAXZones 0 N Draws EAX zones
s_debugFSBFilters 0 N Show samples Load/Unload events
s_debugMusic 0 N Print info about start/stop of music tracks and play lists
s_debugSounds 0 D Print info about start/stop of sound samples and assigning channels for them (2)
s_dopplerScale 1 D Doppler scale
s_dspResamplerBufferSize 666 A Size of buffer, using by sound software mixer
s_eax 1 A Enable sounds effects
s_enabled 1 A Enable sounds
s_enableDSP 1 A Enable FMod software DSP
s_enablePause 1 N
s_enablePriorityGroups 0 A Enable priority groups
s_forceOggSamples 1 A Use ogg sample instead wav if aviable
s_fsbCacheUseActualSettings 0 A Enable to include actual fsb settings for samples then building pack (for auto rebuild if settings changed)
s_fsbEnabled 1 A Use fsb-files for packing sounds
s_fsbFormat 1 A 1 = PCM, 2 = mp2 (need toolame.dll), 3 = mp3 (need lame_enc.dll), 4 = xma (need xmaencoder.dll)
s_fsbQuality 100 A Encoding fsb files compressing rate
s_listtypes cmd - List sound types used by priority system
s_loadEffect N Loads effect in EAX slot
s_maxBuffers 40 A Maximum number of software channels
s_minSoundsDisplace 10 N Min sounds on scene then to start displacnemt non-audible looped sounds (0 = never)
s_musicVolume 60 A Music volume in percents
s_outputFreqRate 22050 A Sound system output rate
s_play cmd - Play the specified sound file
s_reloadEncodeList cmd - Reload 'sounds/encoding.lst'
s_safeMode 0 A Disable hardware channels
s_settypepriority cmd - Set priority level to specified sound type
s_showOnly N Draw only this sound
s_showSounds 0 N Print playing sounds
s_soundVolume 100 A Sound volume in percents
s_statsFlush cmd - Flush 'max' counter of sounds time tick statistic
s_statsMode 0 A Show sounds stats mode
s_streamDecoderBufferSize 0 A Size of buffer, using by sound streams decoder
s_useSoftwareMixer 1 D Enable FMod software mixer
s_volumeSounds 100 A gui, normal, and ambient sounds volume
s_volumeVoice 100 A voices volume
save cmd - Save current game
screenShot cmd - Make screen shot and save it to file
set cmd - Assign console variable
setpostprocessfilter cmd - Set current post process filter
sfx_debugSerialize 0 D Show BinarySerialise debug info
sfx_debugSfxName D Mask of effect name, need to show traffic debug info
sfx_debugTraffic 0 D Pring sfx traffic debug info
sfx_enableDecals 1 D Enable SFX Decals
sfx_enableLights 1 D Enable sfx Lights
sfx_enablePicks 1 N Enable picks in sfx2 particle systems and MOD_PAR_xxx modifiers
sfx_enableSounds 1 D Enable Sfx Sounds
sfx_enableTracers 1 N Show debug information about tracers
sfx_forceResourceCaching 1 N Force caching all resource, though on properties in primitve
sfx_listEffects cmd - list sfx2 effects instances
sfx_listModels cmd - list loaded effects models
sfx_modifierParPosPicksTimeDelta 0.3 N Parts picks time delta for modifiers TM_SFX_MODPARTICLE_START and TM_SFX_MODPARTICLE_END
sfx_particleForcePickProb 100 N Particles picks probality (percents)
sfx_showAureoles 0 N Show debug info near aureoles (1 - name only, 2 - more info, 3 - with shader template)
sfx_showMeshes 0 N Show debug info near sfx meshes (1 - name only, 2 - more info, 3 - with shader template)
sfx_showSurfaces 0 N Show debug info near sfx surfaces (1 - name only, 2 - more info, 3 - with shader template)
sfx_stateInfoMinTime 0 D Minimal time for eg_showSfxState
sfx_useJobs 1 A Use assync job pump for sfx2::Particles2 update
sfx2_enablePortalSystem 0 N Switch off SFXContainerEntity by portal system
sfx2_players_killall cmd - Kill all created Sfx2_Players
sfx2_showBoundingBoxes 0 N Show sfx containers bounding boxes
snd_showGeometry 1 N Show eax-geometry
spectate cmd - Start spectating specified bot
spu_aureoleOQDistanceOffset 0 D Toggles aureoles
spu_debugGlobalAmbient 0 D Debug global ambient
spu_disableInstanceOpaqueMeshes 0 D Toggles opaque instance meshes
spu_doNotLimitLights 0 D Removes light count limits
spu_enableAdvancedMatrixInterpolation 1 D Use quaternion slerp to interplate rotations
spu_enableBufferMerge 1 D Enables buffer merging for diff. meshes
spu_enableCull 1 D Enable frastum and distance culling
spu_enableEnvironmentTransformUpdates 1 D
spu_enableLightClipping 1 D
spu_enableMeshTransformUpdates 1 D
spu_enableParticlesOQ 1 D Toggles point-sprite occlusion queries
spu_enableShadowClipping 1 D
spu_enableSmdOQ 1 D Toggles SMD occlusion queries
spu_enableSPUSettingCache 1 D
spu_enableStaticVBLocks 1 D Toggles static vertex buffer locks
spu_enableWGDTrace 1 D Enables wgd traces
spu_flush cmd - flush all resources
spu_OQDipFrameLag 3 D Enables to lag o.q. D.I.P
spu_OQFrameLag 3 D Enables to lag o.q. queries result
spu_showGlobalAmbient 0 D Show global ambient debug info
spu_showOcclusionBox 0 D shows occlusion boxes
spu_tempATSFramesCount 18 N Number frames for particle animation
spu_viewCullDelay 1 D
startgame cmd - Start a new game
sys_buildInfo cmd - Show Build Version
sys_date cmd - Show curent date and time
test_decal cmd -
test_tabulator cmd - Test output for tab
test_testEnum cmd - for developers only
tmp_chopperTurbineAccel 5 AE Lua: Chopper turbine acceleration coefficient
tmp_chopperTurbineRotCoeff 1.5 AE Lua: Chopper turbine rotation coefficient
tmp_debugGarryMovie 0 A Only for debug, don`t use it
tmp_disableContextHints 0 AE Lua: disable context hints
tmp_disableUpdates 0 N
tmp_enableDamageDebugMessages 0 E Lua: enables damage debug messages
tmp_enableWGDGrenade 0 E Lua: use wgd grenade instead of ubox
tmp_impulseMult 10 AE Lua:
tmp_lazyCamera_K 0.5 AE Lua: Hero`s Lazy camera K parameter
tmp_lazyCamera_radius 0.075 AE Lua: Hero`s Lazy camera radius parameter
tmp_newSecMan 0 AE Lua: new security man body enable/disable
tmp_robotRun 0 E Lua: - robot explodes barrel
tmp_testLuaRead 0 N
tmp_useSwat2 0 E Lua: use Swat2 instead of Swat
tmp_WGDGrenadeDamping 0.4 E Lua: wgd grenade damping
tmp_WGDGrenadeGravity 10 E Lua: wgd grenade gravity
toggle cmd - Toggle console variable between 0/1
toggleconsole cmd - Show/hide GUI console
togglePause cmd - Toggle game pausing
touch cmd - Touch (load and release) given resource
translate cmd - Move player to given position
varlist cmd - Log all console variables
veh_noDie 0 E Lua: UFOnaut experimental variable - vehicle god mode
vid_soundVolume 100 A Sound volume in percents (for movies)
vm_allPortalZoning 1 N Zone object to zones of all portals it intersects
vm_boxExtent 0.1 A Coefficient of object box extension
vm_boxScale 1.1 A Coefficient of object box scaling
vm_bspHeightRatio 4 D Height/Width ratio for BSP tree (BSP is less dense on Y axis)
vm_bspMinCellSize 8 N Minimal cell size for BSP tree
vm_debug 0 N 1 - draw bounding boxes of visual objects, 2 - draw visual objects' names, 3 - draw zones of the visual object
vm_debugAdd cmd - Add a visual object to the list of debugged objects
vm_debugClear cmd - Clear the list of debugged objects
vm_debugFilterVisibility cmd - 0 - debug all objects, 1 - only visible, 2 - only invisible
vm_debugPrecisePick 1 D Log objects if PrecisePick's count>18`
vm_debugRemove cmd - Remove a visual object to the list of debugged objects
vm_debugTree 0 D Debug BSP tree
vm_debugWorldBox 0 D Show some info about world box
vm_debugZoneFocus 0 D Log focused zone changes
vm_debugZoneVisibilityChanges 0 D Log zones visibility changes
vm_disablePlayerPortalZoning 0 A Disable searching active zone by portals
vm_disablePortalZoning 0 A Disable zoning objects by portals
vm_doNotAllowCycles 1 N block multiple entering in the same zone till Portal-Zones search
vm_dumpPrecizedObjects cmd - dump PrecizedByPick objects
vm_enableComplexes 1 N Enable complex visual objects
vm_enabled 1 N Enable visual manager
vm_enableMirrors 1 N Enable mirrors
vm_enablePortalDistances 1 N Enable portal distances calculations
vm_forceOmni 0 N Disable frustum visibility: all objects in active zones are visible
vm_freeze 0 N Freeze visual manager - snapshot
vm_hugeZoneFactor 5000 D
vm_keepLastZone 1 A When can't determine active zone, use last determined active zone(s)
vm_listBSPTreeObjects cmd - List vismanager`s bsp tree registered objects info
vm_listObjectsIntersectMoreThanOnePortal cmd - List objects which intersect with more than 2 portals
vm_maxFindStep 64 N Max steps to visuslize through portals
vm_memoryInfo cmd - Print vismanager memory usage info
vm_noBSPContent 1 A Disable zones content registration in BSP
vm_playerAllPortalZoning 1 N Make active all zones of all portals that camera intersects
vm_portalDistanceUpperLimit 3 N Max steps to calculate portal distance
vm_portalInfo cmd - List vismanager's objects in different ways; type <vm_portal_info> without params for help
vm_preciseByPick 1 N Precise object zone by downpick
vm_preciseByVolume 1 N Pick by volume meshes only
vm_showDistance cmd - Print portal distance for the specified objects
vm_showFrustum 0 N Show frustum in freeze mode
vm_showMirrors 0 N Draw polygons of mirrors
vm_showPortals 0 N Draw portals: cyan - open, blue - close
vm_showStats 0 N Show some vismanager statistics
vm_showZones 0 N Draw zones: 1 - only boxes, 2 - boxes and names, 3 - also highlight intersected zones
vm_UboxVOBoxMovePredictionDistance 0.2 A minimum speed for Ubox move prediction (used to form Visual Box)
vm_UboxVOBoxMovePredictionTime 0.1 A time of Ubox move prediction (used to form Visual Box)
vm_walkMirrors 0 A Walk throuh more than one mirror reqursively (makes no sense at all)
wait cmd - Pause console commands processor until next frame
wg_buildCache cmd - rebuild wg material cache
wg_debugGrid 0 N Draws global grid
wg_debugGridBorders 0 N Prints names of bordered wgobjects
wg_debugLoading 0 N
wg_debugResources 0 D Print information about loading meshes
wg_disable16bitWgdWarn 1 A Disables warning about using WGD with 16 bit index format (old version)
wg_disableFastWgdWarn 1 A Disables warning about creating slow WGD information
wg_disableNulWgdWarn 1 A Disables warning about using empty WGD information
wg_dumpGrid cmd - Prints information about WGD's global grid
wg_dumpTree cmd - Prints information about WGD's tree structure
wg_enableGridOptimization 1 N Turn WGD pick optimization using Grid-technology
wg_restartMeshes cmd -
wg_saveState cmd - Saves state of the wgd objects into file
wg_traceStatistics 0 N Draws WGD trace information
wg_treeShowFilter 300 N min amount of faces in node needed to draw this node
wg_verboseLevel 1 A Disables warning about OTM tree version mismatch
where cmd - Print origin of the player
world_log_detail 1 N Detalization of log output
world_log_enable 0 N Enables world event loging
world_log_filter N Filtering the event stream
wpn_bobbing_demphing 0.25 DS Weapon bobbing demphing
wpn_bobbing 1 A Enable weapon bobbing
wpn_bobHorizontalClamp 0.045 D Weapon horizontal bobbing clamp
wpn_bobPitch 0.001 D Weapon pitch bobbing
wpn_bobUp -0.0006 D Weapon vertical bobbing
wpn_bobVelocity 2.3 D Weapon bobbing velocity
wpn_bobVerticalClamp 0.045 D Weapon vertical bobbing clamp
wpn_bobYaw -0.001 D Weapon yaw bobbing
wpn_debugCalls cmd - Lua:
wpn_dumpSelState cmd - Lua: Debug dump player weapon selector state
wpn_firePrimary cmd - Lua:
wpn_fireSecondary cmd - Lua:
wpn_forcehomingbullettorque 0 N Force homing bullet torque
wpn_movementbobbing 1 N Weapon movement bobbing
wpn_reloadPivotParams cmd - Lua: Reload weapon pivot`s params
wpn_reloadZoomParams cmd - Lua: Reload weapons zoom params
wpn_retraction 1 N Enable weapon retraction
wpn_retractionFactor 0.1 N Weapon retraction factor
wpn_retractionTime 0 N Weapon retraction time
wpn_shakegravity 1.2 N After jump weapon returning force (gravity)
wpn_shakespeed 0.25 N After jump weapon initial speed
wpn_updateRLTargeter cmd - Lua: Update rocket launcher targeter params
wpn_vOffset -0.075 D Weapon offset empiric
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