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Created November 3, 2016 00:49
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  • Save NeQuissimus/9a01a2215fffba1ce789ca598486fa46 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NeQuissimus/9a01a2215fffba1ce789ca598486fa46 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gnutar-${version}";
version = "1.30-unstable";
src = fetchgit {
url = "";
rev = "7340f67b9860ea0531c1450e5aa261c50f67165d";
sha256 = "03q5vglkx891asl8jmn850vkks6bkv5np6n9abqfwjgd9i32h10h";
# avoid retaining reference to CF during stdenv bootstrap
configureFlags = stdenv.lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
nix-build -A gnutar --show-trace
error: while evaluating the attribute ‘src’ of the derivation ‘gnutar-1.30-unstable’ at /home/nequi/dev/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/archivers/gnutar/default.nix:4:3:
while evaluating the attribute ‘nativeBuildInputs’ of the derivation ‘tar-7340f67’ at /home/nequi/dev/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/fetchgit/default.nix:46:10:
while evaluating the attribute ‘nativeBuildInputs’ of the derivation ‘git-2.10.1’ at /home/nequi/dev/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/version-management/git-and-tools/git/default.nix:19:3:
while evaluating the attribute ‘patches’ of the derivation ‘cpio-2.12’ at /home/nequi/dev/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/archivers/cpio/default.nix:7:10:
while evaluating anonymous function at /home/nequi/dev/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/fetchpatch/default.nix:8:1, called from /home/nequi/dev/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/archivers/cpio/default.nix:15:6:
anonymous function at /home/nequi/dev/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/fetchurl/boot.nix:5:1 called with unexpected argument ‘name’, at /home/nequi/dev/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/fetchpatch/default.nix:10:1
let mirrors = import ./mirrors.nix; in
{ system }:
{ url ? builtins.head urls
, urls ? []
, sha256
, ...
import <nix/fetchurl.nix> {
inherit system sha256;
url =
# Handle mirror:// URIs. Since <nix/fetchurl.nix> currently
# supports only one URI, use the first listed mirror.
let m = builtins.match "mirror://([a-z]+)/(.*)" url; in
if m == null then url
else builtins.head (mirrors.${builtins.elemAt m 0}) + (builtins.elemAt m 1);
nix-build -A gnutar
these derivations will be built:
building path(s) ‘/nix/store/7ibiy9bf5maidla7dz5rchv0djsrm7yr-gnutar-1.30-unstable-info’, ‘/nix/store/rdwmfxzp1f7n62m623nnm80gpd5yn318-gnutar-1.30-unstable’
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/dy4dsa78yb5zzy2l5zpayd2fnkb4nn3l-tar-7340f67
source root is tar-7340f67
patching sources
grep: Invalid range end
no configure script, doing nothing
no Makefile, doing nothing
install flags: install pkgconfigdir=/nix/store/rdwmfxzp1f7n62m623nnm80gpd5yn318-gnutar-1.30-unstable/lib/pkgconfig m4datadir=/nix/store/rdwmfxzp1f7n62m623nnm80gpd5yn318-gnutar-1.30-unstable/share/aclocal aclocaldir=/nix/store/rdwmfxzp1f7n62m623nnm80gpd5yn318-gnutar-1.30-unstable/share/aclocal
make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.
builder for ‘/nix/store/xw7fkp0nizibhgzy1i0mrbv0iqxk703i-gnutar-1.30-unstable.drv’ failed with exit code 2
error: build of ‘/nix/store/xw7fkp0nizibhgzy1i0mrbv0iqxk703i-gnutar-1.30-unstable.drv’ failed
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  1. Changed the fetchurl to fetchgit
  2. nix-build complains about a chain of things, which lead me back to fetchurl/boot.nix
  3. Added a , ... argument to the function there "fixes" the issue
  4. C build does not work; and I have no idea about C builds :)

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