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Created March 20, 2020 03:40
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variable decleration
fn convert<S>(option: Option<S>) -> Option<String>
S: Into<String>,
match option {
Some(string) => Some(string.into()),
None => None
fn is_ferris<S>(option: Option<S>) -> bool
S: AsRef<str>,
match option {
Some(string) => string.as_ref() == "Ferris",
None => false
fn main() {
let ferris: Option<String> = Some("Ferris").map(|s| s.into());
let world = convert(Some("World"));
let array: &[Option<String>] = &[None, ferris, world];
for o in array.iter() {
match o {
Some(string) => println!("Hello {}", string),
None => println!("PANIC!")
let ferris: Option<&str> = Some("Ferris").map(|s| s.as_ref());
let world: Option<String> = Some(String::from("World"));
println!("Is it Ferris: none: {}, ferris: {}, world: {}",
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