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Created February 25, 2017 14:11
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Neil Madden Erlang MOOC assignment 1
% Functional Programming in Erlang MOOC
% Week 1 assignment submission - Neil Madden
% Type definitions! Found out Erlang supports these...
-type point() :: {number(), number()}.
-type circle() :: {circle, point(), number()}.
-type rectangle() :: {rectangle, point(), number(), number()}.
-type triangle() :: {triangle, point(), point(), point()}.
-type shape() :: circle() | rectangle() | triangle().
% area/1 -- calculates the area of a shape
-spec area(shape()) -> number().
area({circle, _, R}) ->
math:pi() * math:pow(R,2);
area({rectangle, _, W, H}) ->
area({triangle, {X0,Y0}, {X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}}) ->
% Area of an arbitrary triangle given vertices, from
% Had to look this up as it's been too long since I did GCSE maths!
abs((X0*(Y1-Y2) + X1*(Y2-Y0) + X2*(Y0-Y1)) / 2.0).
% perimeter/1 -- calculates the perimeter of a shape
-spec perimeter(shape()) -> number().
perimeter({rectangle,_,H,W}) ->
2 * (H + W);
perimeter({circle,_,R}) ->
2 * math:pi() * R;
perimeter({triangle,P1,P2,P3}) ->
distance(P1, P2) + distance(P2,P3) + distance(P1,P3).
% enclose/1 -- calculates the bounding box of a shape
-spec enclose(shape()) -> rectangle().
enclose({rectangle,P,W,H}) ->
{rectangle,P,W,H}; % Probably a simpler way to define this, maybe an is_rect macro?
enclose({circle, {X,Y}, R}) ->
% Subtract radius from X and Y coords of centre point to get bottom-left, then the width
% and height are just twice the radius.
{rectangle, {X-R,Y-R}, 2*R, 2*R};
enclose({triangle, {X0,Y0}, {X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}}) ->
% Use minThree/3 previously defined (and maxThree/3) to determine least and greatest
% bound coordinates of the three points.
Left = minThree(X0, X1, X2),
Right = maxThree(X0, X1, X2),
Bottom = minThree(Y0, Y1, Y2),
Top = maxThree(Y0, Y1, Y2),
{rectangle, {Left,Bottom}, Right-Left, Top-Bottom}.
% minThree/3 -- returns the minimum of 3 numbers
-spec minThree(number(), number(), number()) -> number().
minThree(X, Y, Z) ->
min(X, min(Y, Z)).
% maxThree/3 -- returns the maximum of 3 numbers
-spec maxThree(number(), number(), number()) -> number().
maxThree(X, Y, Z) ->
max(X, max(Y, Z)).
% distance/2 -- calculates the straight-line distance between two points
-spec distance(point(), point()) -> number().
distance({X0,Y0}, {X1,Y1}) ->
% Pythagoras...
math:sqrt(math:pow(X1-X0,2) + math:pow(Y1-Y0,2)).
% bits/1 -- returns the sum of the bits in the binary representation of the given integer
-spec bits(non_neg_integer()) -> integer().
bits(N) -> bits_iter(N, 0). % Call tail-recursive helper
% bits_iter/2 -- tail-recursive helper for calculating bits/1.
-spec bits_iter(non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
bits_iter(0, A) -> A;
bits_iter(1, A) -> 1 + A;
bits_iter(N, A) when N > 1 ->
bits_iter(N div 2, A + N rem 2).
% Direct recursive version of bits would look like:
% bits(0) -> 0;
% bits(1) -> 1;
% bits(N) when N > 1 -> N rem 2 + bits(N rem 2).
% The tail-recursive/iterative version is better because it runs in constant space.
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I have interpreted the rectangle {rectangle, Point, Width, Height} with the point being the bottom-left coordinate. Re-watching the videos I see it was supposed to be the centre point, so my solution is different due to that.

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