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Last active October 16, 2021 01:36
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Save Nejat/0df134a3fbfc6f7d47d384f5e78a7b09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
installs MSys2 or refreshes an existing installation using winget; updates pacman, and optionally executes additional bash setup commands
param (
# provide a list of addition bash setup commands to invoke
[string] $additional = "msys2-additional-setup",
# true teardown existing installations, false to stop if installation exists
[switch] $refresh = $false
# constant defining MSys2 winget package name
[string] $package = "MSys2"
# checks to see if an installaiton already exists
[string] $check = winget list $package --source winget
# generates a user home path, c:\msys64 is default winget installation path
[string] $user_home = "C:\msys64\home\$($env:UserName)"
# determines the padding for uniform formated progress output
[int32] $padding = 18 + $user_home.Length # 18 is derived from potentially the widest output without the user name
# load and parse any additional bash setup commands if file it exists, otherwise skips any additional setup
[PSCustomObject[]] $bashCommands = if (Test-Path -Path $additional -PathType Leaf) {
[string[]] $parts = @()
[string] $command = ""
[string] $message = ""
Get-Content $additional | ForEach-Object {
# ignore blank lines or comment lines
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) -or $_.Trim().StartsWith("#")) {
# parses the line "command | message"
$parts = $_.Split('|')
$command = $parts[0].Trim()
# minimally validate command
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($command)) {
Write-Host "Additional setup must provide a valid bash ""Command""" -ForegroundColor Red
exit -1
$message = $parts[1].Trim()
# minimally validate message
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($message)) {
Write-Host "Additional setup must provide a descriptive ""Message""" -ForegroundColor Red
exit -2
# determines the padding for uniform formated progress output
if ($message.Length -gt $padding) {
$padding = $message.Length
# adds a --noconfirm flag to pacman instructions
if ($command.ToUpper().Contains("PACMAN") -and !$command.ToUpper().Contains("--NOCONFIRM")) {
$command += " --noconfirm"
[PSCustomObject] @{
Command = $command
Message = $message
} else {
@() # otherwise no additional setup
# confims the success of the previous instruction and outputs a status message, exits script if it failed
function Confirm-Success {
Write-Host " - " -NoNewline
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Host failed: $LASTEXITCODE -ForegroundColor Red
} else {
Write-Host succeeded -ForegroundColor Blue
# invokes and checks the success of bash command
function Invoke-BashCommand {
param ([string] $command)
# c:\msys64 is default winget installation path
C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -l -c $command *>$null
# checks to see if MSys2 is installed
if (!$check.ToUpper().Contains("NO INSTALLED PACKAGE") ) {
# if installed and the refresh flag is set, MSys2 is uninstalled
if ($refresh) {
Write-Host "Uninstalling $package".PadRight($padding) -NoNewline
winget uninstall $package --source winget | Out-Null
} else {
# otherwise the script is exited
Write-Host $package is already installed -ForegroundColor Yellow
# install MSys2 and confirm success
Write-Host "Installing $package".PadRight($padding) -NoNewline
winget install $package --source winget | Out-Null
# create the current users home folder and confirm success
Write-Host "Creating ""$user_home"" Folder".PadRight($padding) -NoNewline
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $user_home | Out-Null
# update system packages and confirm success
Write-Host "Updating $package System Packages".PadRight($padding) -NoNewline
Invoke-BashCommand "pacman -Syu --noconfirm"
# update packages and confirm success
Write-Host "Updating $package Packages".PadRight($padding) -NoNewline
Invoke-BashCommand "pacman -Su --noconfirm"
# invoke additional bash setup comands
foreach($bash in $bashCommands) {
Write-Host $bash.Message.PadRight($padding) -NoNewline
Invoke-BashCommand $bash.Command
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