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Last active June 4, 2018 18:49
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Box2D TypeScript benchmark
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<title>box2d.ts test</title>
<script src="box2d-ts.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="stage"></canvas>
var Config = {
timeScale: 1.25 / 1000,
gravity: -9.8,
positionIterations: 3,
velocityIterations: 8,
angularVelocity: 0.2,
boardWidth: 40,
boardHeight: 1,
circleRaius: 3,
circleMargin: 12,
boxSize: 0.8,
// allowSleep: true,
// warmStarting: true,
// continuousPhysics: true,
// subStepping: false,
// blockSolve: true,
var params = getUrlParams();
var tumblerBox;
var box2d;
function init() {
System.import("Box2D").then(function(Box2D) {
box2d = Box2D;
world = new box2d.b2World(new box2d.b2Vec2(0, Config.gravity));
var bd = new box2d.b2BodyDef();
bd.position.Set(0.0, 0.0);
// bd.type = box2d.b2BodyType.b2_staticBody;
if (params.type === 'kinematic') {
bd.type = box2d.b2BodyType.b2_kinematicBody;
bd.angularVelocity = Config.angularVelocity;
} else {
bd.type = box2d.b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody;
tumblerBox = world.CreateBody(bd);
if (bd.type === box2d.b2BodyType.b2_kinematicBody) {
// do nothing
} else if (bd.type === box2d.b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody) {
var jbd = new box2d.b2BodyDef();
var ground = world.CreateBody(jbd);
var jd = new box2d.b2RevoluteJointDef();
jd.bodyA = ground;
jd.bodyB = tumblerBox;
jd.localAnchorA.Set(-0.0, 0.0);
jd.localAnchorB.Set(0.0, 0.0);
jd.referenceAngle = 0.0;
jd.motorSpeed = Config.angularVelocity;
jd.maxMotorTorque = 1e8;
jd.enableMotor = true;
var shape;
var bwHalf = Config.boardWidth / 2;
var bhHalf = Config.boardHeight / 2;
shape = createRectShape(bhHalf, bwHalf, new box2d.b2Vec2(bwHalf, 0.0), 0.0);
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
shape = createRectShape(bhHalf, bwHalf, new box2d.b2Vec2(-bwHalf, 0.0), 0.0);
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
shape = createRectShape(bwHalf, bhHalf, new box2d.b2Vec2(0.0, bwHalf), 0.0);
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
shape = createRectShape(bwHalf, bhHalf, new box2d.b2Vec2(0.0, -bwHalf), 0.0);
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
var radius = Config.circleRaius;
var cx = Config.circleMargin;
var cy = Config.circleMargin;
shape = createCircleShape(radius, cx, cy)
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
shape = createCircleShape(radius, -cx, cy)
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
shape = createCircleShape(radius, -cx, -cy)
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
shape = createCircleShape(radius, cx, -cy)
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
var count = 0;
while (count < COUNT) {
var bd = new box2d.b2BodyDef();
bd.type = box2d.b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody;
bd.position.Set(0.0 + randomInt(-120, 120) / 10, 0.0 + randomInt(-120, 120) / 10);
var body = world.CreateBody(bd);
var shape = createRectShape(Config.boxSize / 2, Config.boxSize / 2);
// var shape = createCircleShape(Config.boxSize / 2);
body.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
}).catch(function(error) {
function createRectShape(w, h, center, angle) {
var shape = new box2d.b2PolygonShape();
shape.SetAsBox(w, h, center || box2d.ZERO, angle || 0.0);
return shape;
function createCircleShape(radius, x, y) {
var shape = new box2d.b2CircleShape(radius);
shape.m_p.Set(x || 0, y || 0);
return shape;
function render(ctx, timeStep) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);;
ctx.translate(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2); // Translate to the center
ctx.scale(10, -10); // Zoom in and flip y axis
ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
for (var b = world.m_bodyList; b; b = b.m_next) {
var xf = b.m_xf;;
ctx.translate(xf.p.x, xf.p.y);
for (var f = b.m_fixtureList; f; f = f.m_next) {
var shape = f.GetShape();
if (shape.m_vertices) {
drawPoly(context, shape.m_vertices, shape.m_count);
} else if (shape.m_p) {
drawCircle(context, shape.m_radius, shape.m_p.x, shape.m_p.y);
var tumblerAngle = 0;
function update(timeStep) {
timeStep *= Config.timeScale;
world.Step(timeStep, Config.velocityIterations, Config.positionIterations);
// tumblerAngle += 0.1 * timeStep;
// tumblerBox.SetAngle(tumblerAngle);
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0001, minimum-scale=1.0001, maximum-scale=1.0001, user-scalable=no" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./base/style.css">
<script src="./base/boot.js"></script>
<script src="./base/stats.min.js"></script>
<script src="./base/system-production.js"></script>
<title>box2d.ts test</title>
<script src="box2d-ts.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="stage"></canvas>
var Config = {
timeScale: 1.25 / 1000,
gravity: -9.8,
positionIterations: 3,
velocityIterations: 8,
angularVelocity: 0.2,
boardWidth: 40,
boardHeight: 1,
circleRaius: 3,
circleMargin: 12,
boxSize: 0.8,
// allowSleep: true,
// warmStarting: true,
// continuousPhysics: true,
// subStepping: false,
// blockSolve: true,
var params = getUrlParams();
var tumblerBox;
var box2d;
function init() {
System.import("Box2D").then(function(Box2D) {
box2d = Box2D;
world = new box2d.b2World(new box2d.b2Vec2(0, Config.gravity));
var bd = new box2d.b2BodyDef();
bd.position.Set(0.0, 0.0);
// bd.type = box2d.b2BodyType.b2_staticBody;
if (params.type === 'kinematic') {
bd.type = box2d.b2BodyType.b2_kinematicBody;
bd.angularVelocity = Config.angularVelocity;
} else {
bd.type = box2d.b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody;
tumblerBox = world.CreateBody(bd);
if (bd.type === box2d.b2BodyType.b2_kinematicBody) {
// do nothing
} else if (bd.type === box2d.b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody) {
var jbd = new box2d.b2BodyDef();
var ground = world.CreateBody(jbd);
var jd = new box2d.b2RevoluteJointDef();
jd.bodyA = ground;
jd.bodyB = tumblerBox;
jd.localAnchorA.Set(-0.0, 0.0);
jd.localAnchorB.Set(0.0, 0.0);
jd.referenceAngle = 0.0;
jd.motorSpeed = Config.angularVelocity;
jd.maxMotorTorque = 1e8;
jd.enableMotor = true;
var shape;
var bwHalf = Config.boardWidth / 2;
var bhHalf = Config.boardHeight / 2;
shape = createRectShape(bhHalf, bwHalf, new box2d.b2Vec2(bwHalf, 0.0), 0.0);
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
shape = createRectShape(bhHalf, bwHalf, new box2d.b2Vec2(-bwHalf, 0.0), 0.0);
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
shape = createRectShape(bwHalf, bhHalf, new box2d.b2Vec2(0.0, bwHalf), 0.0);
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
shape = createRectShape(bwHalf, bhHalf, new box2d.b2Vec2(0.0, -bwHalf), 0.0);
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
var radius = Config.circleRaius;
var cx = Config.circleMargin;
var cy = Config.circleMargin;
shape = createCircleShape(radius, cx, cy)
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
shape = createCircleShape(radius, -cx, cy)
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
shape = createCircleShape(radius, -cx, -cy)
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
shape = createCircleShape(radius, cx, -cy)
tumblerBox.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
var count = 0;
while (count < COUNT) {
var bd = new box2d.b2BodyDef();
bd.type = box2d.b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody;
bd.position.Set(0.0 + randomInt(-120, 120) / 10, 0.0 + randomInt(-120, 120) / 10);
var body = world.CreateBody(bd);
var shape = createRectShape(Config.boxSize / 2, Config.boxSize / 2);
// var shape = createCircleShape(Config.boxSize / 2);
body.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0);
}).catch(function(error) {
function createRectShape(w, h, center, angle) {
var shape = new box2d.b2PolygonShape();
shape.SetAsBox(w, h, center || box2d.ZERO, angle || 0.0);
return shape;
function createCircleShape(radius, x, y) {
var shape = new box2d.b2CircleShape(radius);
shape.m_p.Set(x || 0, y || 0);
return shape;
function render(ctx, timeStep) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);;
ctx.translate(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2); // Translate to the center
ctx.scale(10, -10); // Zoom in and flip y axis
ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
for (var b = world.m_bodyList; b; b = b.m_next) {
var xf = b.m_xf;;
ctx.translate(xf.p.x, xf.p.y);
for (var f = b.m_fixtureList; f; f = f.m_next) {
var shape = f.GetShape();
if (shape.m_vertices) {
drawPoly(context, shape.m_vertices, shape.m_count);
} else if (shape.m_p) {
drawCircle(context, shape.m_radius, shape.m_p.x, shape.m_p.y);
var tumblerAngle = 0;
function update(timeStep) {
timeStep *= Config.timeScale;
world.Step(timeStep, Config.velocityIterations, Config.positionIterations);
// tumblerAngle += 0.1 * timeStep;
// tumblerBox.SetAngle(tumblerAngle);
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