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Created September 20, 2018 14:09
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const_v<> template variable
// Helper template
template <auto V>
struct const_value
static constexpr auto value = V;
constexpr operator decltype(V)() const noexcept
return V;
constexpr decltype(V) operator ()() const
return V;
// Specialize for function pointers
template <typename R, typename... Args, R(*F)(Args...)>
struct const_value<F>
static constexpr auto value = F;
constexpr operator decltype(F)() const noexcept
return F;
constexpr R operator ()(Args&&... args) const
return F(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Specialize for pointer to member function
template <typename R, typename B, typename... Args, R(B::*M)(Args...)>
struct const_value<M>
static constexpr auto value = M;
constexpr operator decltype(M)() const noexcept
return M;
constexpr R operator ()(B& base, Args&&... args) const
return (base.*M)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Specialize for pointer to const member function
template <typename R, typename B, typename... Args, R(B::*M)(Args...) const>
struct const_value<M>
static constexpr auto value = M;
constexpr operator decltype(M)() const noexcept
return M;
constexpr R operator ()(const B& base, Args&&... args) const
return (base.*M)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Specialize for pointer to data member
template <typename R, typename B, R B::* M>
struct const_value<M>
static constexpr auto value = M;
constexpr operator decltype(M)() const noexcept
return M;
constexpr R operator ()(const B& base) const
return (base.*M);
constexpr decltype(auto) operator ()(B& base, R value) const
return (base.*M) = std::move(value);
// Bind a template argument (any compatible constant) to a type (callable, convertible)
template <auto V>
constexpr const_value<V> const_v{};
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