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Last active August 5, 2019 13:46
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small matrix test
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <functional>
#include <exception>
#include <cstring>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
#define MUL(other, i, j, k) m[i][k] * other.m[k][j]
#define SUM(other, i, j, dst) dst.m[i][j] = MUL(other, i, j, 0) + MUL(other, i, j, 1) + MUL(other, i, j, 2) + MUL(other, i, j, 3) ;
#define MUL_ROW(other, r, dst) SUM(other, r, 0, dst) SUM(other, r, 1, dst) SUM(other, r, 2, dst) SUM(other, r, 3, dst)
#define SUM_ROW(r) m[r][0] + m[r][1] + m[r][2] + m[r][3]
#define RANDOM_ROW(r, gen) m[r][0] = gen(); m[r][1] = gen(); m[r][2] = gen(); m[r][3] = gen();
struct Matrix4x4
float m[4][4];
Matrix4x4() {memset(m, 0, sizeof(m));}
void rand() {
auto gen = std::bind(uniform_real_distribution<float>(0.f,1.f), mt19937{random_device{}()});
// for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
// for(int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
// m[i][j] = gen();
// return;
RANDOM_ROW(0, gen)
RANDOM_ROW(1, gen)
RANDOM_ROW(2, gen)
RANDOM_ROW(3, gen)
//1.5x slower
Matrix4x4 mul_v1 (const Matrix4x4& other) const
Matrix4x4 res;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
for(int j = 0; j < 4; ++j){
for(int k = 0; k < 4; ++k){
res.m[i][j] += m[i][k] * other.m[k][j];
return res;
Matrix4x4 operator * (const Matrix4x4& other) const
//return mul_v1(other);
Matrix4x4 res;
MUL_ROW(other, 0, res)
MUL_ROW(other, 1, res)
MUL_ROW(other, 2, res)
MUL_ROW(other, 3, res)
return res;
inline float& at(int i, int j){
return m[i][j];
float sum() const{
return SUM_ROW(0) + SUM_ROW(1) + SUM_ROW(2) + SUM_ROW(3);
#undef MUL
#undef SUM
#undef SUM_ROW
#undef MUL_ROW
#define DECLARE_ROW(r) float m ## r ## 0 = 0, m ## r ## 1 = 0, m ## r ## 2 = 0, m ## r ## 3 = 0;
#define RANDOM_ROW(r, gen) m ## r ## 0 = gen(); m ## r ## 1 = gen(); m ## r ## 2 = gen(); m ## r ## 3 = gen();
#define MUL(other, i, j, k) m ## i ## k * other.m ## k ## j
#define SUM(other, i, j, dst) dst.m ## i ## j = MUL(other, i, j, 0) + MUL(other, i, j, 1) + MUL(other, i, j, 2) + MUL(other, i, j, 3) ;
#define MUL_ROW(other, r, dst) SUM(other, r, 0, dst) SUM(other, r, 1, dst) SUM(other, r, 2, dst) SUM(other, r, 3, dst)
#define SUM_ROW(r) m ## r ## 0 + m ## r ## 1 + m ## r ## 2 + m ## r ## 3
#define CASE_IN_ROW(r, selector) { switch(selector) { \
case 0: return m ## r ## 0; \
case 1: return m ## r ## 1; \
case 2: return m ## r ## 2; \
case 3: return m ## r ## 3; \
} }
#define CASE(i, j) switch(i) {\
case 0: CASE_IN_ROW(0, j) \
case 1: CASE_IN_ROW(1, j) \
case 2: CASE_IN_ROW(2, j) \
case 3: CASE_IN_ROW(3, j) \
struct Matrix4x4m
void rand()
auto gen = std::bind(uniform_real_distribution<float>(0.f,1.f), mt19937{random_device{}()});
RANDOM_ROW(0, gen)
RANDOM_ROW(1, gen)
RANDOM_ROW(2, gen)
RANDOM_ROW(3, gen)
Matrix4x4m operator * (const Matrix4x4m& other) const
Matrix4x4m res;
MUL_ROW(other, 0, res)
MUL_ROW(other, 1, res)
MUL_ROW(other, 2, res)
MUL_ROW(other, 3, res)
return res;
float& at(int i, int j)
CASE(i, j)
throw range_error("range error");
float sum() const{
return SUM_ROW(0) + SUM_ROW(1) + SUM_ROW(2) + SUM_ROW(3);
template <typename MatT>
void test(volatile int rand_step, volatile int rand_pos)
MatT first;
MatT second;
float sum = 0;
auto start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for (size_t i = 1; i < 10000000u; ++i){
if (i % rand_step == rand_pos){
auto mul = first * second;
sum += mul.sum();
auto elapsed = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start;
cout << "sum: " << sum << endl;
cout << "elapsed " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(elapsed).count() << endl;
int main()
int rand_step = 500 + rand() % 1000;
int rand_pos = rand() % rand_step;
cout << "array:\n";
test<Matrix4x4>(rand_step, rand_pos);
cout << "members:\n";
test<Matrix4x4m>(rand_step, rand_pos);
return 0;
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