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Created March 31, 2024 13:23
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Install Python from source code
# -----------------------------------------------
# Download and Install python from source code
# -----------------------------------------------
# This script will download python source code and install using make altinstall
# Download this script as and give execute permission
# chmod 777 ./
# usage ./ <major_version> <minor_version> <tarxz_location>
# e.g if you want to install Python-3.11.8 from internet
# major_version = 11
# minor_version = 8
# keep tarxz_location blank
# usage: ./ 11 8
# e.g if you want to install Python-3.11.8 from local Python-3.11.8.tar.xz file
# major_version = 11
# minor_version = 8
# tarxz_location = /path/containing/Python-3.11.8.tar.xz
# supposing Python-3.11.8.tar.xz is in the Downloads folder then
# usage: ./ 11 8 /home/$USER/Downloads
# NOTE: don't provide the full path of tar file, only provide the folder that it is inside
# will automatically look for file named "Python-3.11.8.tar.xz"
# file name should not be changed from what it is by default
# Will try to clean up extracterd files, do not not run under any directory where python is going to be installed
# prefer home directory or downloads directory
# best way is to cd into Downloads folder and use
# usage: ./ 11 8 ./ # if you have the source code tar.xz
# usage: ./ 11 8 # if you want to download and install from source code tar.xz
if [[ "$1" == '' ]] ; then
echo "major version required!"
exit 1
if [[ "$2" == '' ]] ; then
echo "minor version required!"
exit 2
echo "Installing Python-$pyver"
echo "Installing dependencies..."
sudo apt install wget build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev libgdbm-dev libdb5.3-dev libbz2-dev libexpat1-dev liblzma-dev tk-dev libffi-dev libnss3-dev
echo "Installing python..."
if [[ "$3" == '' ]] ; then
echo "Downloading Python from $pyurl"
wget $pyurl -O ./Python-$pyver.tar.xz
tar -xf ./Python-$pyver.tar.xz --directory=./
echo "Using Local Source from $3"
ls -lash $3/Python-$pyver.tar.xz
tar -xf $3/Python-$pyver.tar.xz --directory=./
cd Python-$pyver
echo "Configuring..."
./configure --enable-optimizations --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --with-ensurepip=install
echo "Installing..."
sudo make -j $(nproc)
sudo make altinstall
cd ..
echo "Testing..."
#"/usr/local/bin/python$pyv" --version
python$pyv --version
python$pyv -m pip --version
python$pyv -m pip list
python$pyv -c "import _sqlite3"
echo "Finished!"
echo "Cleaning up... ./Python-$pyver"
sudo rm -r ./Python-$pyver
echo "Finished installing Python-$pyver"
whereis python$pyv
echo "Done! python command is python$pyv"
# -----------------------------------------------
# Add python to as a command
# -----------------------------------------------
# This script will set python as a command
# i.e., a shell command that can be called from terminal
# Download this script as and give execute permission
# chmod 777 ./
# usage ./ <major_version> <command>
# e.g if you want to make command for Python-3.11.x as "python"
# and you have a directory like "/usr/local/games" that is already in $PATH then
# major_version = 11
# command = python
# usage: sudo ./ 11 /usr/local/games/python
# e.g if you want to make command for Python-3.11.x as "py"
# and you have a directory like "/home/$USER/bin" that you added to your $PATH
# major_version = 11
# command = py
# usage: ./ 11 ~/bin/py
if [[ "$1" == '' ]] ; then
echo "major version required!"
exit 1
if [[ "$2" == '' ]] ; then
echo "command required!"
exit 3
echo "Creating command ..."
echo "python$pyv \"\$@\"" > $2
chmod 777 $2
echo "Testing..."
$2 --version
$2 -m pip --version
$2 -m pip list
$2 -c "import _sqlite3"
echo "Done! created command file at $2"
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