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Created January 20, 2015 01:51
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Python bug with logging and multiprocessing with maxtasksperchild=1
'''Demo of a bug with multiprocessing.Pool, logging, and maxtasksperchild=1.
This program uses Pool.imap_unordered() to execute 200 tasks. Each worker
task writes a log message and sleeps a short time. The master process
uses a timeout on next() to log a status message occasionally.
When it works, 200 jobs are completed quickly. When it breaks, roughly
195 of 200 jobs will have completed and next() never raises StopIteration.
If everything logs to logging.getLogger() and maxtasksperchild=1, it
usually breaks. It appears that sometimes jobs just get lost and don't
complete. We've observed that with maxtasksperchild=1 sometimes a new
worker process gets created but no work assigned to it. When that happens
the task queue never runs to completion.
If we log straight to stderr or don't set maxtasksperchild, the run
The bug has been observed in Python 2.7.6 and Python 3.4.0 on Ubuntu 14.04
This is a distillation of much more complex application-specific code.
Discussion of the bug and original code can be found at
Nelson Minar <> January 19, 2015
import logging, multiprocessing, time, os, sys, random
### This pair of settings makes the run break
maxtasksperchild = 1
def log(msg, *args): logging.getLogger().info(msg, *args)
### Using either of these, it will work
# maxtasksperchild = None
# def log(msg, *args): sys.stderr.write((msg + '\n') % args)
def run_all_tasks(tasks):
count = 0
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = 8,
maxtasksperchild = maxtasksperchild)
result_iter = pool.imap_unordered(fake_work, tasks, chunksize=1)
while True:
count += 1
except multiprocessing.TimeoutError:
pass # finally clause prints status
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except StopIteration:
log("All jobs complete!")
return count
log("Job completion: %d/%d", count, len(tasks))
raise Exception("Job queue exited in an odd manner.")
def fake_work(duration):
log("Sleeping for %.2f" % duration)
def main():
tasks = [random.uniform(0.01, 0.1) for n in range(0, 200)]
results = run_all_tasks(tasks)
print("Finished! %d results" % results)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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