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Forked from egid/progressive-template.html
Created March 12, 2014 15:13
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Progressive Disclosure Demo - Updated 15 August, 2012 by Ros
Thank you for taking a look under the hood of our progressive disclosure demo. Please note that this is a work in progress, so it's a tad messy and bound to change.
If you have any questions, feel free to pop a line to - we might learn something, too!
Known bugs
To do
- Given the limitation above, v2 will be likely to be based on Philip Renich's CSS menu demo ( See this forum post for the current discussion:
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<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="contentblock"><h4 class="secondary"><strong><a href="" class="link">Kittens</a></strong> </h4>
<p>A kitten is a juvenile domesticated cat.</p>
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<p class="bodytext"><img src="" style="margin: 0 10px 10px 0; float: left;" >A feline litter usually consists of two to five kittens. To survive, kittens need the care of their mother for the first several weeks of their life. Kittens are highly social animals and spend most of their waking hours playing and interacting with available companions.</p>
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<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="contentblock"><h4 class="secondary"> <strong><a href="" class="link">Etymology</a></strong> </h4>
<p>The word &quot;kitten&quot; derives from Middle English kitoun (ketoun, kyton etc.), which itself came from Old French chitoun, cheton: &quot;kitten&quot;.</p>
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<p class="bodytext"><img src="" style="margin: 0 10px 10px 0; float: left;"> The young of big cats are called cubs rather than <a href="#">kittens</a>. Either term may be used for the young of smaller wild felids such as ocelots, caracals, and lynx, but &quot;kitten&quot; is usually more common for these species.</p>
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