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Last active May 19, 2021 05:04
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Efficient Sparse Voxel Octrees
#version 460
#extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require
#extension GL_EXT_shader_8bit_storage : require
struct Node {
uint16_t occupancy_freemask;
uint16_t _padding2;
uint children;
uint16_t data[8];
struct Ray {
vec3 origin;
vec3 dir;
uint MaskLocationNthOne(uint mask, uint location) {
return bitCount(mask & ((1 << location) - 1));
#define GROUP_SIZE_X 8
#define GROUP_SIZE_Y 8
layout(local_size_x = GROUP_SIZE_X, local_size_y = GROUP_SIZE_Y, local_size_z = 1) in;
layout(rgba32f, set = 2, binding = 0) uniform image2D imgOutput;
layout(push_constant) uniform constants
uvec2 extents;
float aspectRatio;
} PushConstants;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform u_Camera {
mat3 rotation;
vec3 position;
float tanHalfFov;
} Camera;
layout(set = 1, binding = 0) readonly buffer Chunk {
Node Chunk_Nodes[];
Ray GenerateRay() {
uvec2 pixelRaster = gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy;
vec2 pixelNDC = vec2(pixelRaster) / vec2(PushConstants.extents);
vec2 pixelCamera = 2 * pixelNDC - 1;
pixelCamera.y *= -1;
pixelCamera.x *= PushConstants.aspectRatio;
pixelCamera *= Camera.tanHalfFov;
vec3 pixelCameraWorld = Camera.rotation * vec3(pixelCamera, -1);
Ray ray;
ray.origin = Camera.position;
ray.dir = normalize(pixelCameraWorld);
return ray;
struct ChildDescriptor {
uint children;
uint occupancy_freemask;
struct StackItem {
uint parent;
float t_max;
void main() {
Ray ray = GenerateRay();
ray.dir *= 100;
const float epsilon = exp2(-CAST_STACK_DEPTH);
uint iter = 0;
// Get rid of small ray direction components to avoid division by zero
// if (abs(ray.dir.x) < epsilon) ray.dir.x = copysign(epsilon, ray.dir.x);
// if (fabsf(ray.dir.y) < epsilon) ray.dir.y = copysignf(epsilon, ray.dir.y);
// if (fabsf(ray.dir.z) < epsilon) ray.dir.z = copysignf(epsilon, ray.dir.z);
vec3 t_coef = 1.0 / -abs(ray.dir);
vec3 t_bias = t_coef * ray.origin;
// Select octant mask to mirror the coordinate system so
// that ray direction is negative along each axis.
int octant_mask = 0; // This is different from the original esvo because our coordinate system was flipped.
if (ray.dir.x > 0.0f) octant_mask ^= 4, t_bias.x = 3.0f * t_coef.x - t_bias.x;
if (ray.dir.y > 0.0f) octant_mask ^= 2, t_bias.y = 3.0f * t_coef.y - t_bias.y;
if (ray.dir.z > 0.0f) octant_mask ^= 1, t_bias.z = 3.0f * t_coef.z - t_bias.z;
// Initialize the active span of t-values.
float t_min = max(max(2.0f * t_coef.x - t_bias.x, 2.0f * t_coef.y - t_bias.y), 2.0f * t_coef.z - t_bias.z);
float t_max = min(min(t_coef.x - t_bias.x, t_coef.y - t_bias.y), t_coef.z - t_bias.z);
float h = t_max;
t_min = max(t_min, 0.0f);
t_max = min(t_max, 1.0f);
bool hit_originally = false;
if (t_min < t_max){
hit_originally = true;
float t_max_original = t_max;
// Initialize the current voxel to the first child of the root.
uint parent = 0;
ChildDescriptor child_descriptor;
child_descriptor.children = 0;
child_descriptor.occupancy_freemask = 0; // invalid until fetched
uint idx = 0;
vec3 pos = vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
uint scale = CAST_STACK_DEPTH - 1;
float scale_exp2 = 0.5f; // exp2f(scale - s_max)
if (1.5f * t_coef.x - t_bias.x > t_min) idx ^= 4, pos.x = 1.5f;
if (1.5f * t_coef.y - t_bias.y > t_min) idx ^= 2, pos.y = 1.5f;
if (1.5f * t_coef.z - t_bias.z > t_min) idx ^= 1, pos.z = 1.5f;
// Traverse voxels along the ray as long as the current voxel
// stays within the octree.
// Fetch child descriptor unless it is already valid.
if (child_descriptor.children == 0) {
child_descriptor.occupancy_freemask = uint(Chunk_Nodes[parent].occupancy_freemask);
child_descriptor.children = Chunk_Nodes[parent].children;
// Determine maximum t-value of the cube by evaluating
// tx(), ty(), and tz() at its corner.
vec3 t_corner = pos * t_coef - t_bias;
float tc_max = min(min(t_corner.x, t_corner.y), t_corner.z);
// Process voxel if the corresponding bit in valid mask is set
// and the active t-span is non-empty.
uint child_shift = idx ^ octant_mask;
if (
((child_descriptor.occupancy_freemask & (1 << child_shift)) != 0) ||
(((child_descriptor.occupancy_freemask >> 8) & (1 << child_shift )) != 0) // check occupancy
) &&
(t_min <= t_max)
) {
// Terminate if the voxel is small enough.
// Intersect active t-span with the cube and evaluate
// tx(), ty(), and tz() at the center of the voxel.
float tv_max = min(t_max, tc_max);
float half_length = scale_exp2 * 0.5f;
vec3 t_center = half_length * t_coef + t_corner; // maybe replace t_corner her to reduce register usage?
if (t_min <= tv_max) {
// Terminate if the corresponding bit in the non-leaf mask is not set.
if ((child_descriptor.occupancy_freemask & (1 << child_shift)) == 0)
// Write current parent to the stack.
if (tc_max < h)
// stack.write(scale, parent, t_max);
StackItem item;
item.parent = parent;
item.t_max = t_max;
stack[gl_LocalInvocationIndex][scale] = item;
h = tc_max;
// Find child descriptor corresponding to the current voxel.
parent = child_descriptor.children + MaskLocationNthOne(child_descriptor.occupancy_freemask, child_shift);
// Select child voxel that the ray enters first.
idx = 0;
scale_exp2 = half_length;
if (t_center.x > t_min) idx ^= 4, pos.x += scale_exp2;
if (t_center.y > t_min) idx ^= 2, pos.y += scale_exp2;
if (t_center.z > t_min) idx ^= 1, pos.z += scale_exp2;
// Update active t-span and invalidate cached child descriptor.
t_max = tv_max;
child_descriptor.children = 0;
// Step along the ray
uint step_mask = 0;
if (t_corner.x <= tc_max) step_mask ^= 4, pos.x -= scale_exp2;
if (t_corner.y <= tc_max) step_mask ^= 2, pos.y -= scale_exp2;
if (t_corner.z <= tc_max) step_mask ^= 1, pos.z -= scale_exp2;
// Update active t-span and flip bits of the child slot index.
t_min = tc_max;
idx ^= step_mask;
// Proceed with pop if the bit flips disagree with the ray direction.
if ((idx & step_mask) != 0) {
// POP
// Find the highest differing bit between the two positions.
uint differing_bits = 0;
if ((step_mask & 4) != 0) differing_bits |= floatBitsToUint(pos.x) ^ floatBitsToUint(pos.x + scale_exp2);
if ((step_mask & 2) != 0) differing_bits |= floatBitsToUint(pos.y) ^ floatBitsToUint(pos.y + scale_exp2);
if ((step_mask & 1) != 0) differing_bits |= floatBitsToUint(pos.z) ^ floatBitsToUint(pos.z + scale_exp2);
scale = (floatBitsToUint(float(differing_bits)) >> 23) - 127; // position of the highest bit
if (scale >= CAST_STACK_DEPTH) {
scale_exp2 = uintBitsToFloat((scale - CAST_STACK_DEPTH + 127) << 23); // exp2f(scale - s_max)
// Restore parent voxel from the stack.
StackItem stackVal = stack[gl_LocalInvocationIndex][scale];
parent = stackVal.parent;
t_max = stackVal.t_max;
uint shx = floatBitsToUint(pos.x) >> scale;
uint shy = floatBitsToUint(pos.y) >> scale;
uint shz = floatBitsToUint(pos.z) >> scale;
pos.x = uintBitsToFloat(shx << scale);
pos.y = uintBitsToFloat(shy << scale);
pos.z = uintBitsToFloat(shz << scale);
idx = (shz & 1) | ((shy & 1) << 1) | ((shx & 1) << 2);
// Prevent same parent from being stored again and invalidate cached child descriptor.
h = 0.0f;
child_descriptor.children = 0;
// Indicate miss if we are outside the octree.
t_min = 2.0f;
// Undo mirroring of the coordinate system.
if ((octant_mask & 4) == 0) pos.x = 3.0f - scale_exp2 - pos.x;
if ((octant_mask & 2) == 0) pos.y = 3.0f - scale_exp2 - pos.y;
if ((octant_mask & 1) == 0) pos.z = 3.0f - scale_exp2 - pos.z;
// Output results.
res.t = t_min;
res.iter = iter;
res.pos.x = fminf(fmaxf(ray.orig.x + t_min * ray.dir.x, pos.x + epsilon), pos.x + scale_exp2 - epsilon);
res.pos.y = fminf(fmaxf(ray.orig.y + t_min * ray.dir.y, pos.y + epsilon), pos.y + scale_exp2 - epsilon);
res.pos.z = fminf(fmaxf(ray.orig.z + t_min * ray.dir.z, pos.z + epsilon), pos.z + scale_exp2 - epsilon);
res.node = parent;
res.childIdx = idx ^ octant_mask ^ 7;
res.stackPtr = scale;
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ,1.0);
if (t_min > 1.0) {
// No hit
if(hit_originally) {
color.r = 1.0;
} else {
float v = float(iter) / 200;
color.r = v;
color.g = v;
color.b = v;
imageStore(imgOutput, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy), color);
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