You can use these commands and rules to search for exploitation attempts against log4j RCE vulnerability CVE-2021-44228
This command searches for exploitation attempts in uncompressed files in folder /var/log
and all sub folders
sudo egrep -I -i -r '\$(\{|%7B)jndi:(ldap[s]?|rmi|dns|nis|iiop|corba|nds|http):/[^\n]+' /var/log
This command searches for exploitation attempts in compressed files in folder /var/log
and all sub folders
sudo find /var/log -name \*.gz -print0 | xargs -0 zgrep -E -i '\$(\{|%7B)jndi:(ldap[s]?|rmi|dns|nis|iiop|corba|nds|http):/[^\n]+'
These commands cover even the obfuscated variants but lack the file name in a match.
This command searches for exploitation attempts in uncompressed files in folder /var/log
and all sub folders
sudo find /var/log/ -type f -exec sh -c "cat {} | sed -e 's/\${lower://'g | tr -d '}' | egrep -I -i 'jndi:(ldap[s]?|rmi|dns|nis|iiop|corba|nds|http):'" \;
This command searches for exploitation attempts in compressed files in folder /var/log
and all sub folders
sudo find /var/log/ -name '*.gz' -type f -exec sh -c "zcat {} | sed -e 's/\${lower://'g | tr -d '}' | egrep -i 'jndi:(ldap[s]?|rmi|dns|nis|iiop|corba|nds|http):'" \;
A massive regex to cover even the most obfuscated variants:
Python based scanner to detect the most obfuscated forms of the exploit codes.
ps aux | egrep '[l]og4j'
find / -iname "log4j*"
lsof | grep log4j
grep -r --include *.[wj]ar "JndiLookup.class" / 2>&1 | grep matches
gci 'C:\' -rec -force -include *.jar -ea 0 | foreach {select-string "JndiLookup.class" $_} | select -exp Path
by @CyberRaiju
Please report findings that are not covered by these detection attempts.
I got help and ideas from
- @matthias_kaiser
- @daphiel
- @Reelix
- @atom-b
If you have root access to a box containing docker images, based on @umitgunduz 's comment, you can use the following script to iterate through all docker containers, and find usages of JndiLookup.class: