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Created January 8, 2022 07:56
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type AppleLiteral = 'Apple'
let appleName: AppleLiteral = 'Apple'
type LiteralIsStringType<Type> = Type extends string
? string
: Type extends number
? number
: Type extends boolean
? boolean
: never
type AppleLiteralType = LiteralIsStringType<AppleLiteral> // string
type NonNullableApple = NonNullable<AppleLiteral> // 'Apple'
type ExcludeFromUnion<Type, Union> = Type extends Union ? never : Type
type FavoriteLetters = 'h' | 'a' | 'o'
type Vowels = 'a' | 'e' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u'
type NonFavoriteVowels = ExcludeFromUnion<Vowels, FavoriteLetters>
type ExtractFromUnion<Type, Union> = Type extends Union ? Type : never
type FavoriteVowels = ExtractFromUnion<Vowels, FavoriteLetters>
addClassNameToElement(document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0], 'fruit-list-div')
function addClassNameToElement(element: unknown, className: string) {
// element.classList.add(className)
// for any functions, if the function corresponds to this type annotation,
// in which the type of the return value can be inferred automatically by TypeScript,
// return the inferred type of the return value, otherwise just return any
type ReturnFunctionType<Type extends (...args: any) => any> = Type extends (
...args: any
) => infer RType
? RType
: any
// for any functions, if the function corresponds to this type annotation,
// in which the type of the second parameter can be inferred automatically by TypeScript,
// return the inferred type of the second parameter, otherwise just return any
type SecondParameterType<Type extends (...args: any) => any> = Type extends (
arg1: any,
arg2: infer SecondParam,
) => any
? SecondParam
: any
type ClassNameSecondParam = SecondParameterType<typeof addClassNameToElement>
// for any types, if the type corresponding the annotation,
// which is an array and in which the type of the element can be inferred
// then return the inferred type of the element, otherwise return the original type
type UnwrapArray<Type> = Type extends (infer Element)[] ? Element : Type
// for any types, if the type corresponding the annotation,
// which is a promise and whose the type of the resolved value can be inferred
// then return the inferred type of the resolved value, otherwise return the original type
type UnwrapPromise<Type> = Type extends Promise<infer ResolvedValue>
? ResolvedValue
: Type
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