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Created September 22, 2010 17:13
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace vtstring {
// 文字列を表す可変引数テンプレート
template <char... a> struct vtstring;
template <char a, char... b>
struct vtstring<a, b...>
static const int size = 1 + vtstring<b...>::size; // サイズ
// C文字列を返す関数 (定数はダメ。初期化リスト未サポートのため?)
static const char* c_str() {
static const char ret[] = {a,b...,0}; return ret;
template <>
struct vtstring<>
static const int size = 0;
static const char* c_str() { return ""; }
// 文字列の再帰的結合
template <class A, class... B>
struct join;
// 再帰
template <class A, class B, class... C>
struct join<A, B, C...>
typedef typename join<typename join<A,B>::result,
C...>::result result;
// 結合
template <char... a, char... b>
struct join<vtstring<a...>, vtstring<b...>>
typedef vtstring<a..., b...> result;
// 数値→文字列変換
template <int n>
struct from_int
{ // 10以上の場合
typedef typename from_int<n/10>::result tens;
typedef typename from_int<n%10>::result ones;
typedef typename join<tens, ones>::result result;
// 10未満の場合
#define DEF_FROM_INT(N) \
template <> struct from_int<N> { typedef vtstring<N+'0'> result; }
// FizzBuzz
template <int i>
struct fizzbuzz {
template <int n, int mod3, int mod5>
struct fizzbuzz_ {
typedef typename vtstring::from_int<n>::result result;
template <int n, int mod5>
struct fizzbuzz_<n, 0, mod5> {
typedef vtstring::vtstring<'F','i','z','z'> result;
template <int n, int mod3>
struct fizzbuzz_<n, mod3, 0> {
typedef vtstring::vtstring<'B','u','z','z'> result;
template <int n>
struct fizzbuzz_<n, 0, 0> {
typedef typename vtstring::vtstring<'F','i','z','z',
'B','u','z','z'> result;
typedef typename vtstring::join<
typename fizzbuzz_<i, i%3, i%5>::result,
>::result result;
// i〜maxをループしてTを適用(map)し, Mでfold
template <int i, int max, template<int n> class T,
template<class... A> class M>
struct loopN
typedef typename M<
typename T<i>::result,
typename loopN<i+1, max, T, M>::result
>::result result;
// 最後のループ
template <int max, template<int n> class T,
template<class... A> class M>
struct loopN<max, max, T, M>
typedef typename T<max>::result result;
int main()
// Hello World
typedef vtstring::vtstring<'H','e','l','l','o',','> str;
typedef vtstring::vtstring<'W','o','r','l','d','!'> str2;
typedef vtstring::join<str, str2>::result ret;
cout << ret::c_str() << endl;
// length of vtstring
cout << "length: " << ret::size << endl;
// Null string
typedef vtstring::vtstring<> null;
cout << null::c_str();
// int => vtstring
cout << vtstring::from_int<100>::result::c_str() << endl;
cout << "---" << endl;
// fizzbuzz
cout << loopN<1,100,fizzbuzz,vtstring::join>::result::c_str();
return 0;
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