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Last active May 26, 2020 18:21
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  • Save NeoCat/72390f357d3ee2ce339d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NeoCat/72390f357d3ee2ce339d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// Detail:
// Configurations
// B-route ID and Password (PANA authentication)
// Serial pins to BP35A1
#define BP35A1_rxPin A4 // <- BP35A1's TXD
#define BP35A1_txPin A5 // -> BP35A1's RXD
// Serial 7seg pins
#define dig_txPin 8 // -> serial 7seg RXpin
#define dig_gndPin 9 // -> serial 7seg GND (to reset)
// data trasnfer buffer
const int bufsize = 122;
char buf[bufsize];
const int size = bufsize - 1;
// debug message utilities
//#define DEBUG
char errbuf[80]; // error message buffer
#define error0(fmt) Serial.println(F(fmt));
#define error1(fmt, str) Serial.print(F(fmt)), Serial.println(str)
#define error(fmt, ...) sprintf(errbuf, fmt "\r\n", __VA_ARGS__), Serial.print(errbuf)
#define log0(fmt) Serial.println(F(fmt))
#define log1(fmt, str) Serial.print(F(fmt)), Serial.println(str)
#define log(fmt, ...) sprintf(errbuf, fmt "\r\n", __VA_ARGS__), Serial.print(errbuf)
#ifdef DEBUG
#define debug0(fmt, ...) Serial.println(F(fmt))
#define debug1(fmt, str) Serial.print(F(fmt)), Serial.println(str)
#define debug(fmt, ...) sprintf(errbuf, fmt "\r\n", __VA_ARGS__), Serial.print(errbuf)
#define debug0(fmt)
#define debug1(fmt, str)
#define debug(fmt, ...)
// BP35A1 communication class
// Note: Before using this class, BP35A1 UART must be set to
// 9600 bps / 400us pause by "WUART 43" command to
// ensure software serial to work properly.
class BP35A1 : public Print {
SoftwareSerial serial;
unsigned short tid;
bool found = false;
bool connected = false;
char channel[3];
char panid[5];
char addr[17];
char ipv6_addr[40];
BP35A1(int rxPin, int txPin) : serial(rxPin, txPin), tid(0) {
pinMode(rxPin, INPUT);
pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT);
void listen() {
virtual size_t write(uint8_t d) {
size_t ret = serial.write(d);
if (ret) {
// skip echo back
int max = 255;
while (!serial.available()) {
if (!--max)
}; // skip echo back
return ret;
void write_ln(const char *cmd, const char *arg) {
// Serial.println(cmd);
if (cmd)
Print::write((uint8_t*)cmd, strlen(cmd));
if (arg)
Print::write((uint8_t*)arg, strlen(arg));
if (cmd) debug1("> ", cmd);
if (arg) debug1("> ", arg);
bool available() {
return serial.available();
int read() {
int read_sync(int maxsec=-1) {
unsigned long start_ms = millis();
unsigned long end_ms = start_ms + 1000*maxsec;
int ret = -1;
do {
while (!serial.available())
if (maxsec >= 0 && long(millis() - end_ms) >= 0)
return -1;
ret = read();
} while (ret == '\n');
return ret;
int readline(char *resbuf, int size, int maxsec=-1, bool need_flush=true) {
for (int p = 0; p < size; p++) {
resbuf[p] = read_sync(maxsec);
if (resbuf[p] == '\r') {
resbuf[p] = 0;
debug1("< ", resbuf);
return p;
if (resbuf[p] <= 0) {
resbuf[p] = 0;
return -1;
debug1("<.. ", resbuf);
if (need_flush)
return size;
void flush() {
int ret;
do {
ret = read_sync();
} while (ret != '\r' && ret > 0);
int hex(char c) {
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0';
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 10;
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 10;
return -1;
bool startswith(const char *str, const char *search) {
while (*search)
if (*(search++) != *(str++))
return false;
return true;
int recv_udp(char *resbuf, int size, int len) {
unsigned short port, psize;
if (size < 7+40+40+5+5+17+2+5) {
error0("buffer is too short to handle ERXUDP!");
return -1;
int offset = 7+40+40+5;
port = (hex(resbuf[offset+0]) << 12) |
(hex(resbuf[offset+1]) << 8) |
(hex(resbuf[offset+2]) << 4) |
offset = 7+40+40+5+5+17+2;
psize = (hex(resbuf[offset+0]) << 12) |
(hex(resbuf[offset+1]) << 8) |
(hex(resbuf[offset+2]) << 4) |
log("UDP (port:%d size:%d): ", port, psize);
if (len > 7+40+40+5+5+17+2+5)
log1(" ", resbuf+7+40+40+5+5+17+2+5);
while (size == len) {
len = readline(resbuf, size, -1, false);
if (len < 0)
log1(" ", resbuf);
return psize;
enum {
WAIT_UDP = 0x01,
WAIT_OK = 0x02,
HANDLE_PAN = 0x04,
int wait_response(byte *events, int elen, unsigned int flags,
bool &ok, int maxsec, char *resbuf, int size) {
for (;;) {
int len = readline(resbuf, size, maxsec, false);
if (len == 0 || len == 1 && resbuf[0] == 0)
if (len < 0)
return len;
if (startswith(resbuf, "ERXUDP")) {
int ret = recv_udp(resbuf, size, len);
if (flags & WAIT_UDP)
return ret;
if (len == size)
if (startswith(resbuf, "OK")) {
ok = true;
if (flags & WAIT_OK)
return 0;
if (startswith(resbuf, "FAIL")) {
error1("command failed -> ", resbuf);
return -1;
if (startswith(resbuf, "EVER")) {
log1("Version: ", resbuf + 5);
if (startswith(resbuf, "EVENT")) {
byte id = (hex(resbuf[6]) << 4) | hex(resbuf[7]);
log("Event %x", id);
for (int i = 0; i < elen; i++)
if (id == events[i])
return id;
if (startswith(resbuf, "EPANDESC")) {
if (!(flags & HANDLE_PAN))
found = true;
readline(resbuf, size); // " Channel:xx"
strcpy(channel, resbuf + 10);
readline(resbuf, size); // " Channel Page:xx"
readline(resbuf, size); // " Pan ID:xxxx"
strcpy(panid, resbuf + 9);
readline(resbuf, size); // " Addr:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
strcpy(addr, resbuf + 7);
readline(resbuf, size); // " LQI:xx"
char lqi[3] = {resbuf[6],resbuf[7],0};
readline(resbuf, size); // " PairID:xxxx"
log("Pan ID %s (Channel:%s Addr:%s LQI:%s) found!",
panid, channel, addr, lqi);
error1("unknown response -> ", resbuf);
int wait_udp(char *resbuf, int size, int maxsec, bool &ok) {
if (size < 121) {
error0("buffer size is too short!");
return -1;
return wait_response(NULL, 0, WAIT_UDP, ok, maxsec, resbuf, size);
int wait_event(byte *events, int elen, char *resbuf, int size) {
bool ok = false;
return wait_response(events, elen, HANDLE_PAN, ok, -1, resbuf, size);
int exec_command(const char *cmd, const char *arg, char *resbuf, int size) {
write_ln(cmd, arg);
bool ok = false;
return wait_response(NULL, 0, WAIT_OK, ok, -1, resbuf, size);
bool setup(const char *id, const char *password, char *buf, int size) {
disconnect(buf, size);
if (exec_command("SKVER", NULL, buf, size) < 0)
return false;
if (exec_command("ROPT", NULL, buf, size) < 0)
return false;
if (buf[5] == '0') { // "OK 00"
log0("enabling ASCII dump mode");
if (exec_command("WOPT 01", NULL, buf, size) < 0)
return false;
if (exec_command("SKSETPWD C " , password, buf, size)) // set password
return false;
if (exec_command("SKSETRBID ", id, buf, size)) // set RBID
return false;
return true;
void active_scan(char *buf, int size) {
log0("Scanning PAN ...");
if (exec_command("SKSCAN 2 FFFFFFFF 6", NULL, buf, size)) { // active scan
byte events[] = {0x22};
wait_event(events, 1, buf, size);
if (!found) {
error0("PAN not found");
bool connect(char *buf, int size) {
while (!found)
active_scan(buf, size);
if (exec_command("SKSREG S2 ", channel, buf, size))
return false;
if (exec_command("SKSREG S3 ", panid, buf, size))
return false;
write_ln("SKLL64 ", addr);
readline(buf, size); // echo
if (readline(ipv6_addr, 40) != 39) {
error1("invalid ipv6 address: ", ipv6_addr);
return false;
log1("Connecting to ", ipv6_addr);
if (exec_command("SKJOIN ", ipv6_addr, buf, size))
return false;
byte events[] = {0x24, 0x25};
if (wait_event(events, 2, buf, size) != 0x25) {
error0("connection failed");
found = false;
return false;
log1("Connected to ", ipv6_addr);
connected = true;
bool ok = false;
wait_udp(buf, size, 3, ok); // wait instance announce
return true;
void disconnect(char *buf, int size) {
exec_command("SKTERM", NULL, buf, size); // disconnect forcively
bool epc_get(unsigned char epc, char *buf, int size) {
bool ok = false;
Print::write("SKSENDTO 1 ", 11);
Print::write(ipv6_addr, 39);
char msg[] = " 0E1A 1 000E \x10\x81\x00\x01\x05\xFF\x01\x02\x88\x01\x62\x01\xe7\x00";
msg[15] = tid >> 8;
msg[16] = tid & 0xff;
msg[25] = epc;
Print::write(msg, sizeof(msg)-1);
for (;;) {
int ret = wait_udp(buf, size, 5, ok);
if (ret < 0) {
error1("wait_udp failed! -> ", buf);
return false;
if (ret < 14) {
error1("response error: ", buf);
return false;
unsigned short rtid = (hex(buf[4]) << 12) | (hex(buf[5]) << 8) |
(hex(buf[6]) << 4) | hex(buf[7]);
if (rtid != tid)
if (buf[20] == '5' && buf[21] == '2') {
error0(" ** Get EPC not supported");
return false;
if (buf[20] != '7' || buf[21] != '2') {
error1("unknown message received: ", buf);
return false;
epc = (hex(buf[24]) << 4) | hex(buf[25]);
log(" ** EPC %x = ", epc);
log1(" ", buf+28);
if (!ok)
exec_command(NULL, NULL, buf, size);
return true;
void epc_set(unsigned char epc, char *data, int len, char *buf, int size) {
bool ok;
Print::write("SKSENDTO 1 ", 11);
Print::write(ipv6_addr, 39);
char msg[64] = " 0E1A 1 000E \x10\x81\x00\x01\x05\xFF\x01\x02\x88\x01\x61\x01\xe7";
msg[15] = tid >> 8;
msg[16] = tid & 0xff;
msg[25] = epc;
msg[26] = len;
memcpy(msg+27, data, len);
sprintf(msg + 8, "%04X", len+14);
msg[12] = ' ';
Print::write(msg, len+27);
int ret = wait_udp(buf, size, 3, ok);
if (ret < 0) {
error1("wait_udp failed! -> ", buf);
if (ret < 14) {
error1("response error: ", buf);
if (buf[20] == '5' && buf[21] == '1') {
error0(" ** Set EPC not supported");
if (buf[20] != '7' || buf[21] != '1') {
error1("unknown message received: ", buf);
log(" ** EPC %x =>", epc);
log1(" ", buf+28);
if (!ok)
exec_command(NULL, NULL, buf, size);
// Main routine
BP35A1 wisun(BP35A1_rxPin, BP35A1_txPin); // BP35A1 instance
SoftwareSerial dig(-1, dig_txPin); // serial 7seg display
void setup() {
// setup serial 7seg display
pinMode(dig_txPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dig_gndPin, INPUT); // power off 7seg display
pinMode(dig_gndPin, OUTPUT); // power on 7seg display
digitalWrite(dig_gndPin, LOW);
buf[size] = 0;
if (!wisun.setup(ID, PASSWORD, buf, size)) {
error0("setup failed");
for (;;); // stop forever on error
while (!wisun.connect(buf, size))
delay(5000); // reconnect on error after 5 sec
// check if the smart meter is in running state (EPC 0x80 = 0x30)
byte val = 0;
if (wisun.epc_get(0x80, buf, size))
val = (wisun.hex(buf[28]) << 4) | wisun.hex(buf[29]);
if (val != 0x30)
error0("SmartMeter is not working!");
// check if the smart meter is not in error state (EPC 0x88 = 0x42)
val = 0;
if (wisun.epc_get(0x88, buf, size))
val = (wisun.hex(buf[28]) << 4) | wisun.hex(buf[29]);
if (val != 0x42)
error0("SmartMeter is in error state!");
void loop() {
static int err_cnt = 0;
log0("getting EPC 0xe7 ...");
bool ret = wisun.epc_get(0xe7, buf, size);
if (ret) {
// convert hex string into unsigned long
unsigned long val = 0;
for (int i = 28; buf[i]; i++) {
val <<= 4;
val |= wisun.hex(buf[i]);
// print immediate power value to Serial
Serial.print(F("Power = "));
Serial.println(F(" Watt"));
// display power value to 7seg
if (val > 9999) val = 9999;
if (val < 1000) dig.print(0);
if (val < 100) dig.print(0);
if (val < 10) dig.print(0);
err_cnt = 0;
} else {
error0("EPC get failed");
if (err_cnt >= 5) {
err_cnt = 0;
log0("reconnecting ...");
wisun.disconnect(buf, size);
wisun.connect(buf, size);
bool ok;
unsigned long end = millis() + 3000; // wait 3 sec
while (long(millis() - end) < 0)
wisun.wait_udp(buf, size, 3, ok);
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