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Last active November 7, 2021 13:32
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  • Save NeoTeo/b6195efb779d925fd7b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NeoTeo/b6195efb779d925fd7b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A minimal implementation of a Posix UDP server and client in Swift.
/// This playground shows how to send and receive packets with low-level Posix UPD protocol API.
import Foundation /// Used for NSUTF8StringEncoding
import XCPlayground
/// Ensure the playground doesn't stop executing at the end of the main thread.
XCPlaygroundPage.currentPage.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
/** Workaround for Swift not having access to the htons, htonl, and other C macros.
This is equivalent to casting the value to the desired bitsize and then
swapping the endian'ness of the result if the host platform is little endian.
In the case of Mac OS X on Intel it is.
let isLittleEndian = Int(OSHostByteOrder()) == OSLittleEndian
let htons = isLittleEndian ? _OSSwapInt16 : { $0 }
let htonl = isLittleEndian ? _OSSwapInt32 : { $0 }
let htonll = isLittleEndian ? _OSSwapInt64 : { $0 }
let ntohs = isLittleEndian ? _OSSwapInt16 : { $0 }
let ntohl = isLittleEndian ? _OSSwapInt32 : { $0 }
let ntohll = isLittleEndian ? _OSSwapInt64 : { $0 }
/// So htons casts to UInt16 and then turns into big endian (which is network byte order)
//let small = UInt16(1234)
//let swapped = small.bigEndian
let INETADDRESS_ANY = in_addr(s_addr: 0)
var sockAddress = sockaddr_in(
sin_len: __uint8_t(sizeof(sockaddr_in)),
sin_family: sa_family_t(AF_INET),
sin_port: htons(4242),
sin_addr: in_addr(s_addr: 0),
sin_zero: ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
/// inet_pton turns a text presentable ip to a network/binary representation
"".withCString({ cs in inet_pton(AF_INET, cs, &sockAddress.sin_addr) })
var responseSource: dispatch_source_t?
func receiver() -> dispatch_source_t? {
1) Create a socket.
2) Bind the socket.
3) Connect the socket (optional).
4) In a loop/separate thread/event listen for incoming packets.
/// A socket file descriptor
let sockFd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)
guard sockFd >= 0 else {
let errmsg = String.fromCString(strerror(errno))
print("Error: Could not create socket. \(errmsg)")
return nil
/// Bind the socket to the address
let bindSuccess = withUnsafePointer(&sockAddress) {
bind(sockFd, UnsafePointer($0), socklen_t( sizeofValue(sockAddress)))
guard bindSuccess == 0 else {
let errmsg = String.fromCString(strerror(errno))
print("Error: Could not bind socket! \(errmsg)")
return nil
/// Connect. Since we're using UDP this isn't actually a connection but it does save us
/// from having to restate the address when we want to use the socket.
Enabling this causes the server to not receive any messages and appears to dump/deny any
connections on the sockFd because when attempting to connect to it via the
nc -u 4242
command it drops out immedately after sending the first message and it never arrives at
the server, whereas when we don't call connect the nc command stays active and allows
subsequent messages to be sent.
This issue took a good while to discover. :(
// let connectSuccess = withUnsafePointer(&sockAddress) {
// connect(sockFd, UnsafePointer($0), socklen_t( sizeofValue(sockAddress)))
// }
// guard connectSuccess == 0 else {
// let errmsg = String.fromCString(strerror(errno))
// print("Could not connect! \(errmsg)")
// return nil
// }
/// Create a GCD thread that can listen for network events.
guard let newResponseSource = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, UInt(sockFd), 0, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)) else {
let errmsg = String.fromCString(strerror(errno))
print("dispatch_source_create failed. \(errmsg)")
return nil
/// Register the event handler for cancellation.
dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(newResponseSource) {
let errmsg = String.fromCString(strerror(errno))
print("Cancel handler \(errmsg)")
/// Register the event handler for incoming packets.
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(newResponseSource) {
guard let source = responseSource else { return }
var socketAddress = sockaddr_storage()
var socketAddressLength = socklen_t(sizeof(sockaddr_storage.self))
let response = [UInt8](count: 4096, repeatedValue: 0)
let UDPSocket = Int32(dispatch_source_get_handle(source))
let bytesRead = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&socketAddress) {
recvfrom(UDPSocket, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>(response), response.count, 0, UnsafeMutablePointer($0), &socketAddressLength)
let dataRead = response[0..<bytesRead]
print("read \(bytesRead) bytes: \(dataRead)")
if let dataString = String(bytes: dataRead, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
print("The message was: \(dataString)")
return newResponseSource
To send a packet on the socket.
1) Create a socket.
2) Send a message.
func sender() {
/// A file descriptor Int32
let sockFd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)
guard sockFd >= 0 else {
let errmsg = String.fromCString(strerror(errno))
print("Error: Could not create socket. \(errmsg)")
let outData = Array("Greetings earthling".utf8)
let sent = withUnsafePointer(&sockAddress) {
sendto(sockFd, outData, outData.count, 0, UnsafePointer($0), socklen_t(sockAddress.sin_len))
if sent == -1 {
let errmsg = String.fromCString(strerror(errno))
print("sendto failed: \(errno) \(errmsg)")
print("Just sent \(sent) bytes as \(outData)")
print("Receiver listening...")
responseSource = receiver()
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