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pragmatic programmer software craftsman clean code tdd clean architecture legacy
  • PART I Introduction
    • Chapter 1 What Is Design and Architecture?
      • The Goal?
      • Case Study
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 2 A Tale of Two Values
      • Behavior
      • Architecture
      • The Greater Value
      • Eisenhower’s Matrix
      • Fight for the Architecture
  • PART II Starting with the Bricks: Programming Paradigms
    • Chapter 3 Paradigm Overview
      • Structured Programming
      • Object-Oriented Programming
      • Functional Programming
      • Food for Thought
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 4 Structured Programming
      • Proof
      • A Harmful Proclamation
      • Functional Decomposition
      • No Formal Proofs
      • Science to the Rescue
      • Tests
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 5 Object-Oriented Programming
      • Encapsulation?
      • Inheritance?
      • Polymorphism?
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 6 Functional Programming
      • Squares of Integers
      • Immutability and Architecture
      • Segregation of Mutability
      • Event Sourcing
      • Conclusion
  • PART III Design Principles
    • Chapter 7 SRP: The Single Responsibility Principle
      • Symptom 1: Accidental Duplication
      • Symptom 2: Merges
      • Solutions
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 8 OCP: The Open-Closed Principle
      • A Thought Experiment
      • Directional Control
      • Information Hiding
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 9 LSP: The Liskov Substitution Principle
      • Guiding the Use of Inheritance
      • The Square/Rectangle Problem
      • LSP and Architecture
      • Example LSP Violation
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 10 ISP: The Interface Segregation Principle
      • ISP and Language
      • ISP and Architecture
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 11 DIP: The Dependency Inversion Principle
      • Stable Abstractions
      • Factories
      • Concrete Components
      • Conclusion
  • PART IV Component Principles
    • Chapter 12 Components
      • A Brief History of Components
      • Relocatability
      • Linkers
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 13 Component Cohesion
      • The Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle
      • The Common Closure Principle
      • The Common Reuse Principle
      • The Tension Diagram for Component Cohesion
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 14 Component Coupling
      • The Acyclic Dependencies Principle
      • Top-Down Design
      • The Stable Dependencies Principle
      • The Stable Abstractions Principle
      • Conclusion
  • PART V Architecture
    • Chapter 15 What Is Architecture?
      • Development
      • Deployment
      • Operation
      • Maintenance
      • Keeping Options Open
      • Device Independence
      • Junk Mail
      • Physical Addressing
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 16 Independence
      • Use Cases
      • Operation
      • Development
      • Deployment
      • Leaving Options Open
      • Decoupling Layers
      • Decoupling Use Cases
      • Decoupling Mode
      • Independent Develop-ability
      • Independent Deployability
      • Duplication
      • Decoupling Modes (Again)
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 17 Boundaries: Drawing Lines
      • A Couple of Sad Stories
      • FitNesse
      • Which Lines Do You Draw, and When Do You Draw Them?
      • What About Input and Output?
      • Plugin Architecture
      • The Plugin Argument
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 18 Boundary Anatomy
      • Boundary Crossing
      • The Dreaded Monolith
      • Deployment Components
      • Threads
      • Local Processes
      • Services
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 19 Policy and Level
      • Level
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 20 Business Rules
      • Entities
      • Use Cases
      • Request and Response Models
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 21 Screaming Architecture
      • The Theme of an Architecture
      • The Purpose of an Architecture
      • But What About the Web?
      • Frameworks Are Tools, Not Ways of Life
      • Testable Architectures
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 22 The Clean Architecture
      • The Dependency Rule
      • A Typical Scenario
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 23 Presenters and Humble Objects
      • The Humble Object Pattern
      • Presenters and Views
      • Testing and Architecture
      • Database Gateways
      • Data Mappers
      • Service Listeners
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 24 Partial Boundaries
      • Skip the Last Step
      • One-Dimensional Boundaries
      • Facades
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 25 Layers and Boundaries
      • Hunt the Wumpus
      • Clean Architecture?
      • Crossing the Streams
      • Splitting the Streams
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 26 The Main Component
      • The Ultimate Detail
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 27 Services: Great and Small
      • Service Architecture?
      • Service Benefits?
      • The Kitty Problem
      • Objects to the Rescue
      • Component-Based Services
      • Cross-Cutting Concerns
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 28 The Test Boundary
      • Tests as System Components
      • Design for Testability
      • The Testing API
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 29 Clean Embedded Architecture
      • App-titude Test
      • The Target-Hardware Bottleneck
      • Conclusion
  • PART VI Details
    • Chapter 30 The Database Is a Detail
      • Relational Databases
      • Why Are Database Systems So Prevalent?
      • What If There Were No Disk?
      • Details
      • But What about Performance?
      • Anecdote
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 31 The Web Is a Detail
      • The Endless Pendulum
      • The Upshot
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 32 Frameworks Are Details
      • Framework Authors
      • Asymmetric Marriage
      • The Risks
      • The Solution
      • I Now Pronounce You …
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 33 Case Study: Video Sales
      • The Product
      • Use Case Analysis
      • Component Architecture
      • Dependency Management
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 34 The Missing Chapter
      • Package by Layer
      • Package by Feature
      • Ports and Adapters
      • Package by Component
      • The Devil Is in the Implementation Details
      • Organization versus Encapsulation
      • Other Decoupling Modes
      • Conclusion: The Missing Advice
  • PART VII Appendix
    • Appendix A Architecture Archaeology
  • Chapter 1 Clean Code
    • There Will Be Code
    • Bad Code
    • The Total Cost of Owning a Mess
      • The Grand Redesign in the Sky
      • Attitude
      • The Primal Conundrum
      • The Art of Clean Code?
      • What Is Clean Code?
    • Schools of Thought
    • We Are Authors
    • The Boy Scout Rule
    • Prequel and Principles
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 2 Meaningful Names
    • Introduction
    • Use Intention-Revealing Names
    • Avoid Disinformation
    • Make Meaningful Distinctions
    • Use Pronounceable Names
    • Use Searchable Names
    • Avoid Encodings
      • Hungarian Notation
      • Member Prefixes
      • Interfaces and Implementations
    • Avoid Mental Mapping
    • Class Names
    • Method Names
    • Don’t Be Cute
    • Pick One Word per Concept
    • Don’t Pun
    • Use Solution Domain Names
    • Use Problem Domain Names
    • Add Meaningful Context
    • Don’t Add Gratuitous Context
    • Final Words
  • Chapter 3 Functions
    • Small!
      • Blocks and Indenting
    • Do One Thing
      • Sections within Functions
    • One Level of Abstraction per Function
      • Reading Code from Top to Bottom: The Stepdown Rule
    • Switch Statements
    • Use Descriptive Names
    • Function Arguments
      • Common Monadic Forms
      • Flag Arguments
      • Dyadic Functions
      • Triads
      • Argument Objects
      • Argument Lists
      • Verbs and Keywords
    • Have No Side Effects
      • Output Arguments
    • Command Query Separation
    • Prefer Exceptions to Returning Error Codes
      • Extract Try/Catch Blocks
      • Error Handling Is One Thing
      • The Dependency Magnet
    • Don’t Repeat Yourself
    • Structured Programming
    • How Do You Write Functions Like This?
    • Conclusion
    • SetupTeardownIncluder
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 4 Comments
    • Comments Do Not Make Up for Bad Code
    • Explain Yourself in Code
    • Good Comments
      • Legal Comments
      • Informative Comments
      • Explanation of Intent
      • Clarification
      • Warning of Consequences
      • TODO Comments
      • Amplification
      • Javadocs in Public APIs
    • Bad Comments
      • Mumbling
      • Redundant Comments
      • Misleading Comments
      • Mandated Comments
      • Journal Comments
      • Noise Comments
      • Scary Noise
      • Don’t Use a Comment When You Can Use a Function or a Variable
      • Position Markers
      • Closing Brace Comments
      • Attributions and Bylines
      • Commented-Out Code
      • HTML Comments
      • Nonlocal Information
      • Too Much Information
      • Inobvious Connection
      • Function Headers
      • Javadocs in Nonpublic Code
      • Example
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 5 Formatting
    • The Purpose of Formatting
    • Vertical Formatting
      • The Newspaper Metaphor
      • Vertical Openness Between Concepts
      • Vertical Density
      • Vertical Distance
      • Vertical Ordering
    • Horizontal Formatting
      • Horizontal Openness and Density
      • Horizontal Alignment
      • Indentation
      • Dummy Scopes
    • Team Rules
    • Uncle Bob’s Formatting Rules
  • Chapter 6 Objects and Data Structures
    • Data Abstraction
    • Data/Object Anti-Symmetry
    • The Law of Demeter
      • Train Wrecks
      • Hybrids
      • Hiding Structure
    • Data Transfer Objects
      • Active Record
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 7 Error Handling
    • Use Exceptions Rather Than Return Codes
    • Write Your Try-Catch-Finally Statement First
    • Use Unchecked Exceptions
    • Provide Context with Exceptions
    • Define Exception Classes in Terms of a Caller’s Needs
    • Define the Normal Flow
    • Don’t Return Null
    • Don’t Pass Null
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 8 Boundaries
    • Using Third-Party Code
    • Exploring and Learning Boundaries
    • Learning log4j
    • Learning Tests Are Better Than Free
    • Using Code That Does Not Yet Exist
    • Clean Boundaries
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 9 Unit Tests
    • The Three Laws of TDD
    • Keeping Tests Clean
      • Tests Enable the -ilities
    • Clean Tests
      • Domain-Specific Testing Language
      • A Dual Standard
    • One Assert per Test
      • Single Concept per Test
    • F.I.R.S.T.
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 10 Classes
    • Class Organization
      • Encapsulation
    • Classes Should Be Small!
      • The Single Responsibility Principle
      • Cohesion
      • Maintaining Cohesion Results in Many Small Classes
    • Organizing for Change
      • Isolating from Change
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 11 Systems
    • How Would You Build a City?
    • Separate Constructing a System from Using It
      • Separation of Main
      • Factories
      • Dependency Injection
    • Scaling Up
      • Cross-Cutting Concerns
    • Java Proxies
    • Pure Java AOP Frameworks
    • AspectJ Aspects
    • Test Drive the System Architecture
    • Optimize Decision Making
    • Use Standards Wisely, When They Add Demonstrable Value
    • Systems Need Domain-Specific Languages
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 12 Emergence
    • Getting Clean via Emergent Design
    • Simple Design Rule 1: Runs All the Tests
    • Simple Design Rules 2–4: Refactoring
    • No Duplication
    • Expressive
    • Minimal Classes and Methods
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 13 Concurrency
    • Why Concurrency?
      • Myths and Misconceptions
    • Challenges
    • Concurrency Defense Principles
      • Single Responsibility Principle
      • Corollary: Limit the Scope of Data
      • Corollary: Use Copies of Data
      • Corollary: Threads Should Be as Independent as Possible
    • Know Your Library
      • Thread-Safe Collections
    • Know Your Execution Models
      • Producer-Consumer
      • Readers-Writers
      • Dining Philosophers
    • Beware Dependencies Between Synchronized Methods
    • Keep Synchronized Sections Small
    • Writing Correct Shut-Down Code Is Hard
    • Testing Threaded Code
      • Treat Spurious Failures as Candidate Threading Issues
      • Get Your Nonthreaded Code Working First
      • Make Your Threaded Code Pluggable
      • Make Your Threaded Code Tunable
      • Run with More Threads Than Processors
      • Run on Different Platforms
      • Instrument Your Code to Try and Force Failures
      • Hand-Coded
      • Automated
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 14 Successive Refinement
    • Args Implementation
      • How Did I Do This?
    • Args: The Rough Draft
      • So I Stopped
      • On Incrementalism
    • String Arguments
    • Conclusion
  • Chapter 15 JUnit Internals
    • The JUnit Framework
    • Conclusion
  • Chapter 16 Refactoring SerialDate
    • First, Make It Work
    • Then Make It Right
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 17 Smells and Heuristics
    • Comments
      • C1: Inappropriate Information
      • C2: Obsolete Comment
      • C3: Redundant Comment
      • C4: Poorly Written Comment
      • C5: Commented-Out Code
    • Environment
      • E1: Build Requires More Than One Step
      • E2: Tests Require More Than One Step
    • Functions
      • F1: Too Many Arguments
      • F2: Output Arguments
      • F3: Flag Arguments
      • F4: Dead Function
    • General
      • G1: Multiple Languages in One Source File
      • G2: Obvious Behavior Is Unimplemented
      • G3: Incorrect Behavior at the Boundaries
      • G4: Overridden Safeties
      • G5: Duplication
      • G6: Code at Wrong Level of Abstraction
      • G7: Base Classes Depending on Their Derivatives
      • G8: Too Much Information
      • G9: Dead Code
      • G10: Vertical Separation
      • G11: Inconsistency
      • G12: Clutter
      • G13: Artificial Coupling
      • G14: Feature Envy
      • G15: Selector Arguments
      • G16: Obscured Intent
      • G17: Misplaced Responsibility
      • G18: Inappropriate Static
      • G19: Use Explanatory Variables
      • G20: Function Names Should Say What They Do
      • G21: Understand the Algorithm
      • G22: Make Logical Dependencies Physical
      • G23: Prefer Polymorphism to If/Else or Switch/Case
      • G24: Follow Standard Conventions
      • G25: Replace Magic Numbers with Named Constants
      • G26: Be Precise
      • G27: Structure over Convention
      • G28: Encapsulate Conditionals
      • G29: Avoid Negative Conditionals
      • G30: Functions Should Do One Thing
      • G31: Hidden Temporal Couplings
      • G32: Don’t Be Arbitrary
      • G33: Encapsulate Boundary Conditions
      • G34: Functions Should Descend Only One Level of Abstraction
      • G35: Keep Configurable Data at High Levels
      • G36: Avoid Transitive Navigation
    • Java
      • J1: Avoid Long Import Lists by Using Wildcards
      • J2: Don’t Inherit Constants
      • J3: Constants versus Enums
    • Names
      • N1: Choose Descriptive Names
      • N2: Choose Names at the Appropriate Level of Abstraction
      • N3: Use Standard Nomenclature Where Possible
      • N4: Unambiguous Names
      • N5: Use Long Names for Long Scopes
      • N6: Avoid Encodings
      • N7: Names Should Describe Side-Effects.
    • Tests
      • T1: Insufficient Tests
      • T2: Use a Coverage Tool!
      • T3: Don’t Skip Trivial Tests
      • T4: An Ignored Test Is a Question about an Ambiguity
      • T5: Test Boundary Conditions
      • T6: Exhaustively Test Near Bugs
      • T7: Patterns of Failure Are Revealing
      • T8: Test Coverage Patterns Can Be Revealing
      • T9: Tests Should Be Fast
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
  • Appendix A Concurrency II
    • Client/Server Example
      • The Server
      • Adding Threading
      • Server Observations
      • Conclusion
    • Possible Paths of Execution
      • Number of Paths
      • Digging Deeper
      • Conclusion
    • Knowing Your Library
      • Executor Framework
      • Nonblocking Solutions
      • Nonthread-Safe Classes
    • Dependencies Between Methods Can Break Concurrent Code
      • Tolerate the Failure
      • Client-Based Locking
      • Server-Based Locking
    • Increasing Throughput
      • Single-Thread Calculation of Throughput
      • Multithread Calculation of Throughput
    • Deadlock
      • Mutual Exclusion
      • Lock & Wait
      • No Preemption
      • Circular Wait
      • Breaking Mutual Exclusion
      • Breaking Lock & Wait
      • Breaking Preemption
      • Breaking Circular Wait
    • Testing Multithreaded Code
    • Tool Support for Testing Thread-Based Code
    • Conclusion
    • Tutorial: Full Code Examples
      • Client/Server Nonthreaded
      • Client/Server Using Threads
  • Appendix B
  • Appendix C Cross References of Heuristics

Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael C. Feathers, 2004

  • Part I The Mechanics of Change
    • Chapter 1 Changing Software
      • Four Reasons to Change Software
      • Risky Change
    • Chapter 2 Working with Feedback
      • What Is Unit Testing?
      • Higher-Level Testing
      • Test Coverings
      • The Legacy Code Change Algorithm
    • Chapter 3 Sensing and Separation
      • Faking Collaborators
    • Chapter 4 The Seam Model
      • A Huge Sheet of Text
      • Seams
      • Seam Types
    • Chapter 5 Tools
      • Automated Refactoring Tools
      • Mock Objects
      • Unit-Testing Harnesses
      • General Test Harnesses
  • Part II Changing Software
    • Chapter 6 I Don’t Have Much Time and I Have to Change It
      • Sprout Method
      • Sprout Class
      • Wrap Method
      • Wrap Class
      • Summary
    • Chapter 7 It Takes Forever to Make a Change
      • Understanding
      • Lag Time
      • Breaking Dependencies
      • Summary
    • Chapter 8 How Do I Add a Feature?
      • Test-Driven Development (TDD)
      • Programming by Difference
      • Summary
    • Chapter 9 I Can’t Get This Class into a Test Harness
      • The Case of the Irritating Parameter
      • The Case of the Hidden Dependency
      • The Case of the Construction Blob
      • The Case of the Irritating Global Dependency
      • The Case of the Horrible Include Dependencies
      • The Case of the Onion Parameter
      • The Case of the Aliashed Parameter
    • Chapter 10 I Can’t Run This Method in a Test Harness
      • The Case of the Hidden Method
      • The Case of the Helpful Language Feature
      • The Case of the Undectable Side Effect
    • Chapter 11 I Need to Make a Change. What Methods Should I Test?
      • Reasoning About Effects
      • Reasoning Forward
      • Effect Propagation
      • Tools for Effect Reasoning
      • Learning from Effect Analysis
      • Simplifying Effect Sketches
    • Chapter 12 I Need to Make Many Changes in One Area. Do I Have to Break Dependencies for All the Classes Involved?
      • Interception Points
      • Judging Design with Pinch Points
      • Pinch Point Traps
    • Chapter 13 I Need to Make a Change, but I Don’t Know What Tests to Write
      • Characterization Tests
      • Characterization Classes
      • Targeted Testing
      • A Heuristic for Writing Characterization Tests
    • Chapter 14 Dependencies on Libraries Are Killing Me
    • Chapter 15 My Application Is All API Calls
    • Chapter 16 I Don’t Understand the Code Well Enough to Change It
      • Notes/Sketching
      • Listing Markup
      • Scratch Refactoring
      • Delete Unused Code
    • Chapter 17 My Application Has No Structure
      • Telling the Story of the System
      • Naked CRC
      • Conversation scrutiny
    • Chapter 18 My Test Code Is in the Way
      • Class Naming Conventions
      • Test Location
    • Chapter 19 My Project Is Not Object Oriented. How Do I Make Safe Changes?
      • An Easy Case
      • A Hard Case
      • Adding New Behavior
      • Taking Advantage of Object Orientation
      • It's All Object Oriented
    • Chapter 20 This Class Is Too Big and I Don’t Want It to Get Any Bigger
      • Seeing Responsibilities
      • Other Techniques
      • Moving Forward
      • After Extract Class
    • Chapter 21 I’m Changing the Same Code All Over the Place
      • First Steps
    • Chapter 22 I Need to Change a Monster Method and I Can’t Write Tests for It
      • Varieties of Monsters
      • Tackling Monsters with Automated Refactoring Support
      • The Manual Refactoring Challenge
      • Strategy
    • Chapter 23 How Do I Know That I’m Not Breaking Anything?
      • Hyperaware Editing
      • Single-Goal Editing
      • Preserve Signatures
      • Lean on the Compiler
    • Chapter 24 We Feel Overwhelmed. It Isn’t Going to Get Any Better
  • Part III Dependency-Breaking Techniques
    • Chapter 25 Dependency-Breaking Techniques
      • Adapt Parameter
      • Break Out Method Object
      • Definition Completion
      • Encapsulate Global References
      • Expose Static Method
      • Extract and Override Call
      • Extract and Override Factory Method
      • Extract and Override Getter
      • Extract Implementer
      • Extract Interface
      • Introduce Instance Delegator
      • Introduce Static Setter
      • Link Substitution
      • Parameterize Constructor
      • Parameterize Method
      • Primitivize Parameter
      • Pull Up Feature
      • Push Down Dependency
      • Replace Function with Function Pointer
      • Replace Global Reference with Getter
      • Subclass and Override Method
      • Supersede Instance Variable
      • Template Redefinition
      • Text Redefinition
  • Appendix: Refactoring
    • Extract Method
  • Part I The Money Example
    • Chapter 1 Multi-Currency Money
    • Chapter 2 Degenerate Objects
    • Chapter 3 Equality for All
    • Chapter 4 Privacy
    • Chapter 5 Franc-ly Speaking
    • Chapter 6 Equality for All, Redux
    • Chapter 7 Apples and Oranges
    • Chapter 8 Makin' Objects
    • Chapter 9 Times We're Livin' In
    • Chapter 10 Interesting Times
    • Chapter 11 The Root of All Evil
    • Chapter 12 Addition, Finally
    • Chapter 13 Make It
    • Chapter 14 Change
    • Chapter 15 Mixed Currencies
    • Chapter 16 Abstraction, Finally
    • Chapter 17 Money Retrospective
  • Part II The xUnit Example
    • Chapter 18 First Steps to xUnit
    • Chapter 19 Set the Table
    • Chapter 20 Cleaning Up After
    • Chapter 21 Counting
    • Chapter 22 Dealing with Failure
    • Chapter 23 How Suite It Is
    • Chapter 24 xUnit Retrospective
  • Part III Patterns for Test-Driven Development
    • Chapter 25 Test-Driven Development Patterns
    • Chapter 26 Red Bar Patterns
    • Chapter 27 Testing Patterns
    • Chapter 28 Green Bar Patterns
    • Chapter 29 xUnit Patterns
    • Chapter 30 Design Patterns
    • Chapter 31 Refactoring
    • Chapter 32 Mastering TDD
  • Appendix I Influence Diagrams
  • Appendix II Fibonacci
  • Chapter 1 Professionalism
    • Be Careful What You Ask For
    • Taking Responsability
    • First, Do No Harm
    • Work Ethic
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 2 Saying No
    • Adversarial Roles
    • High Stakes
    • Being a Team Player
    • The Cost of Saying Yes
    • Code Impossible
  • Chapter 3 Saying Yes
    • A Language of Commitment
    • Learning How to Say Yes
    • Conclusion
  • Chapter 4 Coding
    • Preparedness
    • The Flow Zone
    • Writer's Block
    • Debugging
    • Pacing Yourself
    • Being Late
    • Helo
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 5 Test Driven Development
    • The Jury Is In
    • The Three Laws of TDD
    • What TDD Is Not
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 6 Practicing
    • Some Background on Practicing
    • The Coding Dojo
    • Broadening Your Experience
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 7 Acceptance Testing
    • Communicating Requirements
    • Acceptance Tests
    • Conclusion
  • Chapter 8 Testing Strategies
    • QA Should Find Nothing
    • The Test Automation Pyramid
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 9 Time Management
    • Meetings
    • Focus-Manna
    • Time Boxing and Tomatoes
    • Avoidance
    • Blind Alleys
    • Marshes, Bogs, Swamps, and Other Messes
    • Conclusion
  • Chapter 10 Estimation
    • What Is an Estimate?
    • PERT
    • Estimating Tasks
    • The Law of Large Numbers
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 11 Pressure
    • Avoiding Pressure
    • Handling Pressure
    • Conclusion
  • Chapter 12 Collaboration
    • Programmers versus People
    • Cerebellums
    • Conclusion
  • Chapter 13 Teams and Projects
    • Does It Blend?
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
  • Chapter 14 Mentoring, Apprenticeship, and Craftsmanship
    • Degrees of Failure
    • Mentoring
    • Apprenticeship
    • Craftsmanship
    • Conclusion
  • Appendix A Tooling
    • Tools
    • Source Code Control
    • IDE/Editor
    • Issue Tracking
    • Continuous Build
    • Unit Testing Tools
    • Component Testing Tools
    • Integration Testing Tools
    • UML/MDA
    • Conslusion

The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master by Andrew Hunt & David Thomas, 1999

  • La préface est déjà un bon résumé
    1. A Pragmatic Philosophy
    • Topic 1. It's Your Life
    • Topic 2. The Cat Ate My Source Code
    • Topic 3. Software Entropy
    • Topic 4. Stone Soup and Boiled Frogs
    • Topic 5. Good-Enough Software
    • Topic 6. Your Knowledge Portfolio
    • Topic 7. Communicate!
    1. A Pragmatic Approach
    • Topic 8. The Essence of Good Design
    • Topic 9. DRY—The Evils of DuplicationDRY—The Evils of Duplication
    • Topic 10. Orthogonality
    • Topic 11. Reversibility
    • Topic 12. Tracer Bullets
    • Topic 13. Prototypes and Post-it Notes
    • Topic 14. Domain Languages
    • Topic 15. Estimating
    1. The Basic Tools
    • Topic 16. The Power of Plain Text
    • Topic 17. Shell Games
    • Topic 18. Power Editing
    • Topic 19. Version Control
    • Topic 20. Debugging
    • Topic 21. Text Manipulation
    • Topic 22. Engineering Daybooks
    1. Pragmatic Paranoia
    • Topic 23. Design by Contract
    • Topic 24. Dead Programs Tell No Lies
    • Topic 25. Assertive Programming
    • Topic 26. How to Balance Resources
    • Topic 27. Don't Outrun Your Headlights
    1. Bend, or Break
    • Topic 28. Decoupling
    • Topic 29. Juggling the Real World
    • Topic 30. Transforming Programming
    • Topic 31. Inheritance Tax
    • Topic 32. Configuration
    1. Concurrency
    • Topic 33. Breaking Temporal Coupling
    • Topic 34. Shared State Is Incorrect State
    • Topic 35. Actors and Processes
    • Topic 36. Blackboards
    1. While You Are Coding
    • Topic 37. Listen to Your Lizard Brain
    • Topic 38. Programming by Coincidence
    • Topic 39. Algorithm Speed
    • Topic 40. Refactoring
    • Topic 41. Test to Code
    • Topic 42. Property-Based Testing
    • Topic 43. Stay Safe Out There
    • Topic 44. Naming Things
    1. Before the Project
    • Topic 45. The Requirements Pit
    • Topic 46. Solving Impossible Puzzles
    • Topic 47. Working Together
    • Topic 48. The Essence of Agility
    1. Pragmatic Projects
    • Topic 49. Pragmatic Teams
    • Topic 50. Coconuts Don't Cut It
    • Topic 51. Pragmatic Starter Kit
    • Topic 52. Delight Your Users
    • Topic 53. Pride and Prejudice
  • Chapter 1 Software Development in the Twenty-First Century
    • Seniority
    • A New Reality
  • Chapter 2 Agile
    • Process-Oriented Agile Disciplines
    • Technical-Oriented Disciplines
    • What Is It to Be Agile?
      • A Game Changer
      • People Empowerment
      • Professional Evolution
    • Agile Manifesto
      • Principles Behind the Agile Manifesto
    • The Agile Transformation Era
    • The Agile Hangover
      • A Partial Transformation
      • But It’s Not All Bad News
    • Agile Versus Software Craftsmanship
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3 Software Craftsmanship
    • A Better Metaphor
    • What Does Wikipedia Say?
    • A More Personal Definition
    • A Shorter Definition
    • Beyond Definitions
    • Craft, Trade, Engineering, Science, or Art
    • Software Craftsmanship History
      • The Software Craftsmanship Summit
      • Crossing Borders
      • Craftsman Swap
      • Software Craftsmanship Communities
      • The Software Craftsmanship Manifesto
      • The Manifesto
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4 The Software Craftsmanship Attitude
    • Who Owns Your Career?
      • Employer/Employee Relationship
    • Keeping Ourselves Up to Date
      • Books, Many Books
      • Blogs
      • Technical Websites
    • Know Who to Follow
      • Social Media
    • Practice, Practice, Practice
      • Katas
      • Pet Projects
      • Open Source
      • Pair Programming
    • Socialize
    • Deliberate Discovery
    • Work-Life Balance
      • Creating Time
      • Focus: The Pomodoro Technique
      • Balance
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5 Heroes, Goodwill, and Professionalism
    • Learning How to Say No
      • An Epic Failure
      • Lesson Learned
      • Being Professional
    • Providing Options
      • An Unexpected and Viable Option
    • Enlightened Managers
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6 Working Software
    • Working Software Is Not Enough
    • Looking After Our Garden
    • The Invisible Threat
      • Hostage of Your Own Software
      • Hire Craftsmen, Not Average Developers
    • The Wrong Notion of Time
      • A Technical Debt Story
      • A Busy Team with No Time to Spare
      • The Unit Test Task Card
      • Using Time Wisely
    • Legacy Code
      • A Change in Attitude
      • Personal and Client Satisfaction
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7 Technical Practices
    • The Right Thing versus the Thing Right
    • Context
    • Extreme Programming History
    • Practices and Values
      • Adding Value through Practices
    • Pair Programming
    • Accountability
    • Pragmatism
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8 The Long Road
    • A Tale from a Brazilian Teenager
    • Focus and Determination
      • But What if We Don’t Know Where We Are Going?
    • Job as Investment
    • Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose
    • Career Inside Companies
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9 Recruitment
    • An Ordinary Job Description
    • Too Busy to Interview
    • No Job Descriptions
      • What if a Job Description Is Needed?
      • A Job Is Not Just a Job
    • Recommendations
    • Community Involvement
    • Defining Effective Filtering Criteria
    • Proactive Recruitment
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10 Interviewing Software Craftsmen
    • A Business Negotiation
    • Identifying Productive Partnerships
      • A Hiring Company’s Perspective
      • A Candidate’s Perspective
    • Good Interviews
      • The Right Focus
      • Mind-Mapping a Conversation
      • Pair-Programming Interview
      • Bring Your Own Computer
      • Tailor-Made Interviews
    • Taking a Punt
    • Hiring for an Existing Team versus Hiring for a New Team
    • Pre-Interview Coding Exercises
    • Everyone Should Know How to Interview
    • Developers Must Interview Developers
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11 Interview Anti-Patterns
    • Don’t Be a Smart-Ass Interviewer
    • Don’t Use Brainteasers
    • Don’t Ask Questions to Which You Don’t Know the Answers
    • Don’t Try to Make the Candidate Look Like a Fool
    • Don’t Block the Internet
    • Don’t Code on a Piece of Paper
    • Don’t Use Algorithms
    • Don’t Conduct Phone Interviews
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12 The Cost of Low Morale
    • The Agile Hangover: Low Morale
    • The Cost of Employing 9-to-5 Developers
    • Constrained by Lack of Motivation
    • Injecting Passion
    • Summary
  • Chapter 13 Culture of Learning
    • Wrong Motivation
    • Creating a Culture of Learning
      • Start a Book Club
      • Have a Tech Lunch (Brown Bag Session)
      • Have Group Discussions (Roundtables)
      • Switch Projects for an Iteration
      • Conduct Group Code Reviews
      • Have Hands-On Coding Sessions
      • Start Internal Communities of Practice (CoP)
      • Encourage Pet-Project Time
      • Engage with External Technical Communities
    • What if Others Don’t Want to Join In?
      • Be an Example
      • Focus on Those Who Care
      • Don’t Force
      • Don’t Try to Change Everyone
      • Avoid Consensus Delays
      • Don’t Ask for Authorization
      • Don’t Complicate
      • Establish a Rhythm
    • Summary
  • Chapter 14 Driving Technical Changes
    • Identifying Skepticism Patterns
    • Be Prepared
    • Where Do We Start?
      • Establish Trust
      • Lead by Example
      • Choose Your Battles
      • Iterate, Inspect, and Adapt
    • Fear and Incompetence
    • How Do I Convince My Manager?
    • How Do I Convince My Team to Do TDD?
    • Facing the Skeptics
      • The Ivory-Tower Architect
      • The Wronged
    • Should We Really Care about All That?
    • Summary
  • Chapter 15 Pragmatic Craftsmanship
    • Quality Is Always Expected
    • Busting the “Expensive and Time-Consuming Quality” Myth
      • Do We Need to Test-Drive Everything?
    • Refactoring
    • The “One Way” of Developing Software
    • Helping the Business
      • A Simple and Quick Solution
    • Software Projects Are Not about Us
    • Great Versus Mediocre
    • Four Rules of Simple Design
      • Design Patterns
      • Refactoring to Patterns
    • Craftsmanship and Pragmatism
    • Summary
  • Chapter 16 A Career As a Software Craftsman
    • Being a Craftsman
      • Honesty and Courage
    • Career Progression
      • Different Ladders
    • Roads and Milestones
      • Building Our Careers, One Job at a Time
      • What if We Don’t Know Where We Want to Go?
    • Job Diversity
    • The Mission
  • Appendix Craftsmanship Myths and Further Explanations
    • Software Craftsman versus Software Developers
    • Elitism
    • Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master
    • Master Craftsman
    • Narrow Focus
    • Craftsmanship versus XP
    • Attachment to Practices
    • Agile Coaches and Managers
    • Software Apprenticeships
    • The Problem with Metaphors
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