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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022 brainelectronics and contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Implementation to interact with Winbond W25Q Flash with software reset.
Credits & kudos to crizeo
Taken from
Converted from
from micropython import const
from microcontroller import delay_us
from adafruit_bus_device.spi_device import SPIDevice
_SECTOR_SIZE = const(4096)
_BLOCK_SIZE = const(512)
_PAGE_SIZE = const(256)
class W25QFlash(object):
"""W25QFlash implementation"""
def __init__(self,
spi: SPI,
cs: Pin,
baud: int = 40000000,
software_reset: bool = True) -> None:
Constructs a new instance.
:param spi: The SPI object
:type spi: SPI
:param cs: The CS pin object
:type cs: Pin
:param baud: The SCK clock rate
:type baud: int
:param software_reset: Flag to use software reset
:type software_reset: bool
self.device = SPIDevice(spi, cs, baudrate=baud, phase=1, polarity=1)
self._busy = False
if software_reset:
# buffer for writing single blocks
self._cache = bytearray(_SECTOR_SIZE)
# calc number of bytes (and makes sure the chip is detected and
# supported)
# address length (default: 3 bytes, 32MB+: 4)
self._ADR_LEN = 3 if (len(bin(self._CAPACITY - 1)) - 2) <= 24 else 4
# setup address mode:
if self._ADR_LEN == 4:
if not self._read_status_reg(nr=16): # not in 4-byte mode
print("entering 4-byte address mode")
with self.device as spi:
spi.write(b'\xB7') # 'Enter 4-Byte Address Mode'
def reset(self) -> None:
Reset the Winbond flash if the device has no hardware reset pin.
See datasheet section 7.2.43 Enable Reset (66h) and Reset (99h)
Because of the small package and the limitation on the number of pins,
the W25Q64FV provide a software Reset instruction instead of a
dedicated RESET pin. Once the Reset instruction is accepted, any
on-going internal operations will be terminated and the device will
return to its default power-on state and lose all the current volatile
settings, such as Volatile Status Register bits, Write Enable Latch
(WEL) status, Program/Erase Suspend status, Read parameter setting
(P7-P0), Continuous Read Mode bit setting (M7-M0) and Wrap Bit setting
"Enable Reset (66h)" and "Reset (99h)" instructions can be issued in
either SPI mode or QPI mode. To avoid accidental reset, both
instructions must be issued in sequence. Any other commands other than
"Reset (99h)" after the "Enable Reset (66h)" command will disable the
"Reset Enable" state. A new sequence of "Enable Reset (66h)" and
"Reset (99h)" is needed to reset the device. Once the Reset command is
accepted by the device, the device will take approximately tRST=30us
to reset. During this period, no command will be accepted.
Data corruption may happen if there is an on-going or suspended
internal Erase or Program operation when Reset command sequence is
accepted by the device. It is recommended to check the BUSY bit and
the SUS bit in Status Register before issuing the Reset command
if self._busy:
self._busy = True
with self.device as spi:
spi.write(b'\x66') # 'Enable Reset' command
with self.device as spi:
spi.write(b'\x99') # 'Reset' command
self._busy = False
# print('Reset performed')
def identify(self) -> None:
Identify the Winbond chip.
Determine the manufacturer and device ID and raises an error if the
device is not detected or not supported.
The capacity variable is set to the number of blocks (calculated based
on the detected chip).
with self.device as spi:
spi.write(b'\x9F') # 'Read JEDEC ID' command
# manufacturer id, memory type id, capacity id
buffer = bytearray(3)
mf, mem_type, cap = buffer
self._CAPACITY = int(2**cap)
if not (mf and mem_type and cap): # something is 0x00
raise OSError("device not responding, check wiring. ({}, {}, {})".
format(hex(mf), hex(mem_type), hex(cap)))
if mf != 0xEF or mem_type not in [0x40, 0x60]:
# Winbond manufacturer, Q25 series memory (tested 0x40 only)
raise OSError("manufacturer ({}) or memory type ({}) unsupported".
format(hex(mf), hex(mem_type)))
print("manufacturer: {}".format(hex(mf))) # 0xef
print("mem_type: {}".format(mem_type))
print("device: {}".format(hex(mem_type << 8 | cap))) # 0x4016
print("capacity: {} bytes".format(self._CAPACITY)) # 4194304 bytes
# return self._CAPACITY # calculate number of bytes
def get_size(self) -> int:
Get the flash chip size.
:returns: The flash size in byte.
:rtype: int
return self._CAPACITY
def format(self) -> None:
Format the Winbond flash chip by resetting all memory to 0xFF.
Important: Run "os.VfsFat.mkfs(flash)" to make the flash an accessible
file system. As always, you will then need to run
"os.mount(flash, '/MyFlashDir')" then to mount the flash
with self.device as spi:
spi.write(b'\xC7') # 'Chip Erase' command
self._await() # wait for the chip to finish formatting
def _read_status_reg(self, nr) -> int:
Read a status register.
:param nr: Register number to read
:type nr: int
:returns: The value (0 or 1) in status register (S0, S1, S2, ...)
:rtype: int
reg, bit = divmod(nr, 8)
with self.device as spi:
# 'Read Status Register-...' (1, 2, 3) command
spi.write((b'\x05', b'\x35', b'\x15')[reg])
buffer = bytearray(1)
spi.readinto(buffer, write_value=0xFF)
stat = 2**bit & buffer[0]
return stat
def _await(self) -> None:
Wait for device not to be busy
self._busy = True
buffer = bytearray(1)
with self.device as spi:
spi.write(b'\x05') # 'Read Status Register-1' command
# last bit (1) is BUSY bit in stat. reg. byte (0 = not busy, 1 = busy)
spi.readinto(buffer, write_value=0xFF)
while 0x1 & buffer[0]:
self._busy = False
def _sector_erase(self, addr) -> None:
Resets all memory within the specified sector (4kB) to 0xFF
:param addr: The address
:type addr: int
with self.device as spi:
spi.write(b'\x20') # 'Sector Erase' command
spi.write(addr.to_bytes(self._ADR_LEN, 'big'))
def _read(self, buf: bytearray, addr: int) -> None:
Read the length of the buffer bytes from the chip.
The buffer length has to be a multiple of _SECTOR_SIZE (or less).
:param buf: The buffer
:type buf: list
:param addr: The start address
:type addr: int
assert addr + len(buf) <= self._CAPACITY, \
"memory not addressable at %s with range %d (max.: %s)" % \
(hex(addr), len(buf), hex(self._CAPACITY - 1))
# print("read {} bytes starting at {}".format(len(buf), hex(addr)))
with self.device as spi:
# 'Fast Read' (0x03 = default), 0x0C for 4-byte mode command
spi.write(b'\x0C' if self._ADR_LEN == 4 else b'\x0B')
spi.write(addr.to_bytes(self._ADR_LEN, 'big'))
spi.write(b'\xFF') # dummy byte
spi.readinto(buf, 0xFF)
def _wren(self) -> None:
Set the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit in the status register
with self.device as spi:
spi.write(b'\x06') # 'Write Enable' command
def _write(self, buf: bytearray, addr: int) -> None:
Write the data of the given buffer to the address location
Writes the data from <buf> to the device starting at <addr>, which
has to be erased (0xFF) before. Last byte of <addr> has to be zero,
which means <addr> has to be a multiple of _PAGE_SIZE (= start
of page), because wrapping to the next page (if page size exceeded)
is implemented for full pages only. Length of <buf> has to be a
multiple of _PAGE_SIZE, because only full pages are supported at
the moment (<addr> will be auto-incremented).
:param buf: The data buffer to write
:type buf: list
:param addr: The starting address
:type addr: int
assert len(buf) % _PAGE_SIZE == 0, \
"invalid buffer length: {}".format(len(buf))
assert not addr & 0xf, \
"address ({}) not at page start".format(addr)
assert addr + len(buf) <= self._CAPACITY, \
("memory not addressable at {} with range {} (max.: {})".
format(hex(addr), len(buf), hex(self._CAPACITY - 1)))
# print("write buf[{}] to {} ({})".format(len(buf), hex(addr), addr))
for i in range(0, len(buf), _PAGE_SIZE):
with self.device as spi:
spi.write(b'\x02') # 'Page Program' command
spi.write(addr.to_bytes(self._ADR_LEN, 'big'))
spi.write(buf[i:i + _PAGE_SIZE])
addr += _PAGE_SIZE
def _writeblock(self, blocknum: int, buf: list) -> None:
Write a data block.
To write a block, the sector (e.g. 4kB = 8 blocks) has to be erased
first. Therefore, a sector will be read and saved in cache first,
then the given block will be replaced and the whole sector written
back when
:param blocknum: The block number
:type blocknum: int
:param buf: The data buffer
:type buf: list
assert len(buf) == self.BLOCK_SIZE, \
"invalid block length: {}".format(len(buf))
# print("writeblock({}, buf[{}])".format(blocknum, len(buf)))
sector_nr = blocknum // 8
sector_addr = sector_nr * _SECTOR_SIZE
# index of first byte of page in sector (multiple of _PAGE_SIZE)
index = (blocknum << 9) & 0xfff
self._read(buf=self._cache, addr=sector_addr)
self._cache[index:index + self.BLOCK_SIZE] = buf # apply changes
# addr is multiple of _SECTOR_SIZE, so last byte is zero
self._write(buf=self._cache, addr=sector_addr)
def readblocks(self, blocknum: int, buf: bytearray) -> None:
Read a data block. The length has to be a multiple of self.BLOCK_SIZE
:param blocknum: The starting block number
:type blocknum: int
:param buf: The data buffer
:type buf: list
assert len(buf) % _BLOCK_SIZE == 0, \
'invalid buffer length: {}'.format(len(buf))
buf_len = len(buf)
if buf_len == self.BLOCK_SIZE:
self._read(buf=buf, addr=blocknum << 9)
offset = 0
buf_mv = memoryview(buf)
while offset < buf_len:
self._read(buf=buf_mv[offset:offset + self.BLOCK_SIZE],
addr=blocknum << 9)
offset += self.BLOCK_SIZE
blocknum += 1
def writeblocks(self, blocknum: int, buf: list) -> None:
Write a data block.The length has to be a multiple of self.BLOCK_SIZE
:param blocknum: The block number
:type blocknum: int
:param buf: The data buffer
:type buf: list
assert len(buf) % _BLOCK_SIZE == 0, \
'invalid buffer length: {}'.format(len(buf))
buf_len = len(buf)
if buf_len == self.BLOCK_SIZE:
self._writeblock(blocknum=blocknum, buf=buf)
offset = 0
buf_mv = memoryview(buf)
while offset < buf_len:
buf=buf_mv[offset:offset + self.BLOCK_SIZE])
offset += self.BLOCK_SIZE
blocknum += 1
def count(self) -> int:
Return the number of blocks available on the device
:returns: Number of blocks
:rtype: int
return int(self._CAPACITY / self.BLOCK_SIZE)
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