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Last active January 10, 2021 09:59
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Arduino sketch installer from the command line (mac version)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse, os, re, subprocess, glob, datetime, sys, shutil
import usb
tmpFiles= "/tmp/arduinotmp"
logFile = "/Users/spyro/Developement/ArduinoLib/ArduinoInstall.log"
arduinoCommand = ['arduino-cli',"compile"]
RED = '\033[91m'
GREEN = '\033[92m'
YELLOW = '\033[93m'
BLUE = '\033[94m'
PURPLE = '\033[95m'
CYAN = '\033[96m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--test','-t',help="Just a test, display the command without executing it", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--board','-b', help='Name of the board or code if it has ":"', default="")
parser.add_argument('--port','-p', help="Com port (if cannot be found)", default = "")
parser.add_argument('--verbose','-v',help="Verbose", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--list','-l',help="Lister les boards", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--compile','-c',help="Compile (verify) without uploading", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('sketch',type=str,help="Target sketch (folder or file)")
args = parser.parse_args()
testMode = args.test
comPort = args.port
boardName = args.board
boardTitle = boardName
boardConfig = ""
- boards that have a comPort will just use that
- boards that have "-" as a comPort will not use a comPort
- boards that have a USBName will look for the comPort on USB
- boards that have neither will need you to give a -p comPort
names : argument for this script --board (and synonyms)
name : for print (command line feedback and log)
board : code to use for Arduino's --board
USBName : name under which the board appears in the USB
To test read USB info, use the script
To find board codes, got to this (for adafruit samd boards for exemple)
# TODO: ESP32 (ou pas ?)
sudo python3 -m pip install pyusb
sudo python3 -m pip install pyserial
+ libusb (homebrew on mac)
arduino-cli board list ?
boards = [
'name':"CircuitPlayground Express",
'USBName':"CircuitPlayground Express",
'name':"Feather M0 Express",
'USBName':"Feather M0 Express",
'name':"ItsyBitsy M0 Express",
'USBName':"ItsyBitsy M0 Express",
'name':"Trinket M0",
'USBName':"Trinket M0",
'name':"Gemma M0",
'USBName':"Gemma M0",
'name':"Feather WICED",
'USBName':"WICED Feather Board",
'name':"Feather Huzzah",
'USBName':"CP2104 USB to UART Bridge Controller",
'name':"Feather M0 (any)",
'USBName':"Feather M0",
'name':"Feather M0 (basic)",
'USBName':"Feather M0 Basic",
'name':"Arduino Micro",
'USBName':"Arduino Micro",
'name':"Circuit Playground",
'USBName':"Circuit Playground",
'name':"Trinket 5V",
'name':"Trinket 3V",
'name':"Pro Trinket 5V",
'name':"Pro Trinket 3V",
if args.list:
print("List of known boards:")
print("\n".join([x['name']+" : "+" ".join(x['names']) for x in boards]))
# find the trinkets currently in bootloader mode
# (they are not listed as serial ports)
# it's impossible to identify what board they are exactly this way
trinkets = []
for bus in usb.busses():
for device in bus.devices:
dev =
if dev.product in ["Trinket","USBTiny"]:
trinkets += [{
print(RED+BOLD+"USB ERROR:",sys.exc_info()[0])
if len(trinkets)>0:
print(CYAN+"Saw a (Pro) Trinket or a Gemma or USBTiny in bootloader mode")
# list the available serial ports, we'll need that
ports =
existingPorts = []
for port in ports:
if port.product == None: continue
existingPorts += [{'name':port.product, 'port':port.device}]
# if the full board config is specified, just use that
m ="^([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+)",boardName)
if m:
boardConfig = boardName
boardTitle =":"":"
print(YELLOW+"Board config “"+boardConfig+"”")
# try to find the board by name
# - try to get the com port(s) it is connected to
# - if boardConfig given, don't do that (require comport ?)
found = []
if boardName != "" and boardConfig == "":
boardFound = False
for bo in boards:
if boardName.lower() in bo['names']:
boardFound = True
if 'name' in bo:
boardTitle = bo['name']
if "board" in bo and boardConfig == "":
boardConfig = bo['board']
if "noComPort" in bo:
comPort = "-"
elif "USBName" in bo and comPort == "":
for realPort in existingPorts:
if bo['USBName'] == realPort['name']:
comPort = realPort['port']
found += [realPort]
# if board name not found, die now
if not boardFound:
print(RED+"Board “"+boardTitle+"” unknown, what are you talking about ?")
elif comPort == "":
print(RED+"Port not found for the board “"+boardTitle+"”")
print("Give a port or plug the board with a working cable")
if not args.compile:
print(YELLOW+"Using the board “"+boardTitle+"”")
# try to find the board and port by looking at the USB register
# - find all potential ports
if comPort == "" and not args.compile:
for bo in boards:
if "USBName" in bo:
for realPort in existingPorts:
if bo['USBName'] == realPort['name']:
found += [realPort]
if "noComPort" in bo:
comPort = "-"
comPort = realPort['port']
if 'name' in bo:
boardTitle = bo['name']
if "board" in bo and boardConfig == "":
boardConfig = bo['board']
# not found
if comPort == "":
print(RED+"No port found, ever, give a port or plug the board")
print(YELLOW+"Board “"+boardTitle+"” found on serial port")
# if port given but not the board config
# - scan the boards to find which one has the correct USB Name
elif boardConfig == "":
USBName = ""
for port in existingPorts:
if port['port'] == comPort:
USBName = port['name']
elif port['port'] == "/dev/"+comPort:
USBName = port['name']
if USBName:
for bo in boards:
if "USBName" in bo:
if bo['USBName'] == USBName:
if 'name' in bo:
boardTitle = bo['name']
if "board" in bo and boardConfig == "":
boardConfig = bo['board']
if boardConfig != "":
print(YELLOW+"Board “"+boardTitle+"” found on serial port")
# if the given board name/port are not enough
if len(found) > 1: # +len(trinkets)
print(RED+"Too many ports found specify a board name and/or a port")
for ff in found:
print("%s : %s" % (ff['name'],ff['port']))
for ff in trinkets:
print("%s (%d,%d)" % (ff['name'],ff['vendor'],ff['product']))
# find the sketch by name of folder or file
# "sketch" or "sketch.ino" finds sketch/sketch.ino
# whether the current directory is "sketch/" or the parent directory
sketch = args.sketch
if sketch[-1] == "/":
sketch = sketch[0:-1]
if sketch == ".":
sketch = os.path.abspath(".")
if re.match('.*\.ino$',sketch):
if not os.path.exists(sketch):
path = os.path.split(sketch)
tName = os.path.splitext(path[-1])[0]
lPath = list(path[0:-1])+[tName,tName+".ino"]
sPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(*lPath))
if os.path.exists(sPath):
sketch = sPath
tName = os.path.basename(sketch)
sPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sketch,tName+".ino"))
if os.path.exists(sPath):
sketch = sPath
sPath = sketch+".ino"
if os.path.exists(sPath):
sketch = sPath
# validate the com port
# if it's "-", just don't specify it
if comPort == "" and not args.compile:
print(RED+"No COM PORT found or given")
elif comPort == "-" or args.compile:
if os.path.exists(comPort):
print(YELLOW+"Com port used <"+comPort+">")
elif os.path.exists("/dev/"+comPort):
comPort = "/dev/"+comPort
print(YELLOW+"Com port used <"+comPort+">")
print(RED+"It seems the com port <"+comPort+"> does not exist.")
print("Is the board correctly plugged in with a data cable ?")
print("And is it in bootloader mode ? (if necessary)")
# validate
if boardConfig == "":
print(RED+"Board config can not be found (use the -b option)")
# check that the sketch file exists
if not os.path.exists(sketch):
print(RED+"Sketch <"+sketch+"> not found or not valid")
# check if the sketch is in a folder of the same name
path = os.path.abspath(sketch)
if not re.match(r'.*/([^/]+)/\1\.ino$',path):
print(RED+"Sketch <"+sketch+"> not in a folder by the same name\n(fix it or the Arduino app will complain)")
# is there a build dir ?
buildDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sketch)) + "/build"
hasBuildDir = os.path.exists(buildDir)
# create the command
command = arduinoCommand
# keep temporary files in a normal session
if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(tmpFiles)):
if not os.path.exists(tmpFiles):
command += [
"--build-cache-path", tmpFiles,
"--build-path", tmpFiles,
# the options
if args.verbose:
command += ["-v"]
if comPort != "-":
command += ["--port",comPort]
command += ["--fqbn",boardConfig]
if args.compile:
command += ["--verify"]
command += ["--upload"]
command += [sketch]
# log every compile operation if you want
def logIt(com):
if not logFile or not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(logFile)):
with open(logFile,"a") as fp:
fp.write("#### ")
fp.write("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
fp.write(" ####")
fp.write(" ".join(sys.argv))
fp.write(" ".join(com))
# do the thing
print(" ".join(command),ENDC)
if testMode == False:
if not hasBuildDir:
if os.path.exists(buildDir):
print(CYAN+"Deleting build path: "+buildDir)
print(RED+"rm -rf "+buildDir)
print(RED+"Not"+CYAN+" deleting build path: "+buildDir)
print(CYAN+"FIN !")
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