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Last active August 17, 2021 18:59
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  • Save Nercury/9360438f607f7093b0e82402e4505fc4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Nercury/9360438f607f7093b0e82402e4505fc4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WITH deals AS (
WITH deals_shortlist AS (
WITH departure_goods AS (
WITH search_options AS (
WITH input AS (
10 as dep_airport_distance, -- distance to other airports to include in departure airport search
500 as arr_airport_distance, -- distance to arrival airports from center
'CAT11' as career_name, -- your NeoFly career name
'DOG22' as tail_number, -- this plane will be used as center. bu you can also modify the code bellow to set a specific airport
1030 + 170 as reserve_weight_lbs -- how much of plane's weight is already used for fuel or other stuff
a.lonx - (dep_airport_distance / 2 / 0.53996 / 111) as dep_lonx_min,
a.lonx + (dep_airport_distance / 2 / 0.53996 / 111) as dep_lonx_max,
a.lonx - (arr_airport_distance / 2 / 0.53996 / 111) as arr_lonx_min,
a.lonx + (arr_airport_distance / 2 / 0.53996 / 111) as arr_lonx_max,
a.laty - (dep_airport_distance / 2 / 0.53996 / 111) as dep_laty_min,
a.laty + (dep_airport_distance / 2 / 0.53996 / 111) as dep_laty_max,
a.laty - (arr_airport_distance / 2 / 0.53996 / 111) as arr_laty_min,
a.laty + (arr_airport_distance / 2 / 0.53996 / 111) as arr_laty_max,
h.MaxPayloadlbs max_payload,
from input, career c
inner join hangar h on h.tailNumber = input.tail_number and h.status = 0 and h.owner =
inner join airport a on
-- the center of search (uncomment by removing -- to enable)
a.ident = h.Location -- use hangar plane location as center
-- a.ident = 'EYVI' -- use custom location as center
where = input.career_name
select search_options.arr_lonx_min, search_options.arr_lonx_max, search_options.arr_laty_min, search_options.arr_laty_max,
dep.ident as dep_ident, dep_gm.unitprice as dep_price, CAST(replace(dep_gm.unitweight, ',', '.') as float) as unit_w,
dep_gm.quantity as dep_qty, as good_name,
dep.lonx as dep_lonx, dep.laty as dep_laty, as dep_name,
search_options.max_payload, search_options.reserve_weight_lbs,
dep.has_avgas as dep_avgas, dep.has_jetfuel as dep_jetfuel,
dep.num_runway_end_ils >= 1 dep_ils, dep.num_runway_hard > 0 dep_hard, dep.rating as dep_rating
from search_options, airport dep
inner join goodsMarket dep_gm on dep.ident = dep_gm.location
and dep_gm.quantity > 0 and dep_gm.tradetype = 0
and dep_gm.refreshdate >= date('now', '-22 hours')
where dep.lonx between search_options.dep_lonx_min and search_options.dep_lonx_max
and dep.laty between search_options.dep_laty_min and search_options.dep_laty_max
select dg.good_name,
dg.dep_price as dep_price,
dg.dep_ident as dep,
arr_gm.location arr,
min(dg.dep_qty, arr_gm.quantity) as qty,
arr_gm.unitprice - dg.dep_price as unit_profit,
(arr_gm.unitprice - dg.dep_price) / dg.unit_w as unit_profit_per_w,
dg.arr_lonx_min, dg.arr_lonx_max, dg.arr_laty_min, dg.arr_laty_max,
dg.dep_lonx, dg.dep_laty, dg.dep_name,
dg.max_payload, dg.reserve_weight_lbs,
dep_avgas, dep_jetfuel, dep_ils, dep_hard, dep_rating
from departure_goods dg
inner join goodsMarket arr_gm on = dg.good_name and arr_gm.tradetype = 1
and arr_gm.unitprice > dg.dep_price
and arr_gm.refreshdate >= date('now', '-22 hours')
order by (arr_gm.unitprice - dg.dep_price) / dg.unit_w desc
limit 10000
select sl.good_name,
sl.dep, sl.dep_name,
sl.arr, as arr_name,
sl.max_payload - sl.reserve_weight_lbs as free_weight,
sl.unit_w unit_weight,
min(cast((sl.max_payload - sl.reserve_weight_lbs) / sl.unit_w as integer), sl.qty) as can_carry_quantity,
sl.dep_laty || ',' || sl.dep_lonx as dep_coord,
arr_a.laty || ',' || arr_a.lonx as arr_coord,
dep_avgas, dep_jetfuel, dep_ils, dep_hard, dep_rating,
arr_a.has_avgas as arr_avgas, arr_a.has_jetfuel as arr_jetfuel,
arr_a.num_runway_end_ils >= 1 arr_ils, arr_a.num_runway_hard > 0 arr_hard, arr_a.rating as arr_rating,
arr_a.longest_runway_length as arr_rw_len
from deals_shortlist sl
inner join airport arr_a on arr_a.ident = sl.arr and arr_a.lonx between sl.arr_lonx_min and sl.arr_lonx_max
and arr_a.laty between sl.arr_laty_min and sl.arr_laty_max
select d.good_name,
-- display departure name and other things (uncomment by removing -- to enable)
-- d.dep_name,
-- dep_avgas, dep_jetfuel, dep_ils, dep_hard, dep_rating,
d.arr, d.arr_name,
-- arr_avgas, arr_jetfuel, arr_ils, arr_hard, arr_rating,
d.can_carry_quantity as buy_qty,
d.qty as max_qty,
round(min(free_weight, d.unit_weight * d.qty), 4) as buy_weight,
round(d.unit_weight * d.qty, 4) as max_weight,
d.can_carry_quantity * d.unit_profit as buy_profit,
d.qty * d.unit_profit as max_profit,
d.can_carry_quantity * d.dep_price as buy_price,
from deals d
where 1=1
-- filter out final results to include only specific departure airport (uncomment by removing -- to enable)
-- and dep = 'ESSU'
-- and dep_avgas is true
-- and dep_jetfuel is true
-- and dep_ils is true
-- and dep_hard is true
and dep_rating > 1
-- filter out arrival airport name or options
-- and arr = 'ESGN'
-- and arr_avgas is true
-- and arr_jetfuel is true
-- and arr_ils is true
-- and arr_hard is true
and arr_rating > 1
and arr_rw_len > 1000
order by buy_profit desc;
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