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Created September 24, 2019 11:34
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coding question solution
# in_string = 'ABC' / 'AAA' / 'ABAF'
# delay = 5
# res 3, 13,
from collections import deque
def calc_processing_time(in_str: str, delay: int) -> int:
calculating running time for jobs in in_str with delay between consequent jobs
:param in_str: string of input jobs
:param delay: number of cycles to wait between 2 jobs of same type
:return: number of cycles it will take to work through the input sequence
if len(in_str) <= 1:
return len(in_str)
pipe_of_jobs = deque(["" for _ in range(delay + 1)])
num_operations, job_idx = 0, 0
# going through all jobs once, worst case all jobs are the same O(delay * len(in_str)) = O(n)
while job_idx < len(in_str):
if pipe_of_jobs.popleft() != '':
num_operations += 1
except IndexError:
# assuming delay is a const, running time of this check is O(1)
if in_str[job_idx] in pipe_of_jobs:
job_idx += 1
# emptying pipe of jobs O(1), delay is const
while len(pipe_of_jobs) > 0:
if pipe_of_jobs.popleft() != '':
num_operations += 1
return num_operations
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert calc_processing_time('ABC', 5) == 3
assert calc_processing_time('ABCA', 5) == 7
assert calc_processing_time('AAA', 5) == 13
assert calc_processing_time('AAA', 13) == 29
assert calc_processing_time('AAA', 2) == 7
assert calc_processing_time('AAA', 0) == 3
assert calc_processing_time('AAA', 1) == 5
assert calc_processing_time('A', 110) == 1
assert calc_processing_time('AA', 110) == 112
assert calc_processing_time('AABBCC', 1) == 9
assert calc_processing_time('AABBCC', 0) == 6
assert calc_processing_time('A1234567890A', 20) == 22
assert calc_processing_time('', 2) == 0
assert calc_processing_time('A', 2) == 1
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