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Colour Space CheatSheet
Sonification commands - GAC workshop
IM = ImageMagick
Image format conversion:
[1] convert image.jpg image.bmp
[2] convert image.jpg image.tga
Convert to RAW:
[3] convert image.jpg -depth 8 rgb:image.raw (rgb raw)
[4] convert image.jpg -depth 8 -interlace line rgb:image.raw (rgb raw with interlace option set)
[5] convert image.jpg -colorspace luv -separate -set colorspace srgb -combine -depth 8 -interlace plane rgb:image.raw (as above, with color space changed)
[6] convert image.jpg -depth 8 yuv:image.raw (yuv raw)
[7] convert image.jpg -depth 8 -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -interlace none yuv:image.raw (with set sampling factor and interlace)
[8] convert image.jpg -colorspace hwb -separate -set colorspace srgb -combine -depth 8 -sampling-factor 4:1:1 -interlace line yuv:image.raw (as above, with color space conversion)
Convert from RAW:
[9] convert -depth 8 -size WIDTHxHEIGHT rgb:image.raw result.jpg
[10] convert -depth 8 -size WIDTHxHEIGHT -interlace line rgb:image.raw result.png
[11] convert -depth 8 -size WIDTHxHEIGHT -interlace plane -colorspace srgb rgb:image.raw -separate -set colorspace luv -combine -colorspace srgb result.tiff
[12] convert -depth 8 -size WIDTHxHEIGHT yuv:image.raw result.jpg
[13] convert -depth 8 -size WIDTHxHEIGHT -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -interlace none yuv:image.raw result.png
[14] convert -depth 8 -size WIDTHxHEIGHT -sampling-factor 4:1:1 -interlace line -colorspace srgb yuv:image.raw -separate -set colorspace hwb -combine -colorspace srgb result.tiff
Additional options (before result file):
-normalize (normalize histogram)
-gamma VALUE (adjust gamma)
-equalize (equalize historgram)
-auto-level (auto adjust color levels)
-quality VALUE (compression quality, eg. jpg, png)
+dither -colors VALUE (reduce colors number without dithering)
-colors VALUE (reduce colors number with dithering)
For example:
[15] convert image.jpg -equalize -normalize +dither -colors 11 -quality 50 result.jpg
Create image frames from animated gif:
[16] convert animation.gif -coalesce frames%04d.jpg
Create animated gif from frames:
[17] convert -delay 6 frames*.jpg -loop 0 result.gif
Convert RAW to WAV:
[18] sox -r SAMPLE_RATE -e CODING -b BITS -c CHANNELS -t TYPE input.raw result.wav
SAMPLE_RATE: number from 1000 to 200000+, eg. 44100, 22050, 192000
CODING: singed-interger, unsigned-integer, a-law, u-law, float
BITS: bits per sample: 8, 16 or 24, 32 for float
CHANNELS: number of channels, 1-mono, 2-stereo
TYPE: s8, u8, s16, u16, s24, u24, al, ul, f32
For example:
[19] sox -r 44100 -e a-law -b 8 -c 2 -t al input.raw output.wav
Convert WAV to RAW:
[20] sox input.wav -r SAMPLE_RATE -e CODING -b BITS -c CHANNELS -t TYPE result.raw
Convert part of the VIDEO to frames, 10 seconds starting from 01m02s
[21] ffmpeg -ss 00:01:02 -t 10 -i video.mp4 -f image2 -q:v 1 frame%04d.jpg
Combine back:
[22] ffmpeg -f image2 -i frame%04d.jpg -r 25 video.mp4
[23] ffmpeg -f image2 -start_number 11 -i frame%04d.jpg -r 25 video.mp4 (start from frame 11)
Convert video to raw:
[24] ffmpeg -ss 00:01:02 -t 5 -i video.mp4 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p result.yuv
Convert raw to video:
[25] ffmpeg -f rawvideo -video_size 1280x720 -pix_fmt yuv420p -i result.yuv output.mp4
List of image formats in IM:
convert -list format
List of color spaces in IM:
convert -list colorspace
List of RAW interlace methods in IM:
Line (each line RRR...GGG...BBB...)
Plane (whole image RRR...GGG...BBB...)
List of YUV sampling factors in IM:
List of rawvideo formats in FFMPEG:
ffmpeg -pix_fmts
Batch processing
Convert all images from folder to raws:
[26] for f in *.jpg; do convert $f -depth 8 rgb:${f}.raw; done
Convert all raws to wavs:
[26*] for f in *.raw; do sox -r 44100 -e a-law -b 8 -c 2 -t al $f ${f}.wav; done
Operate on WAVs in Audacity (File->Apply chain). All results are now in ‘cleaned’ folder.
Change folder:
cd cleaned
Convert all wavs to raws:
[27*] for f in *.wav; do sox $f -r 44100 -e a-law -b 8 -c 2 -t al ${f}.raw; done
Convert raw to images:
[27] for f in *.raw; do convert -depth 8 -size WIDTHxHEIGHT rgb:$f ${f}.jpg; done
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