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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save NeuronQ/11119444 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NeuronQ/11119444 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import System.IO.Unsafe
data CWorld = CWorld {
cin :: String,
cout :: String
newtype CWIO a = CWIO { unCWIO :: CWorld -> (a, CWorld) }
instance Monad CWIO where
action1 >>= action2 = CWIO $ \w0 ->
let (x1, w1) = (unCWIO action1) w0
(x2, w2) = (unCWIO $ action2 x1) w1
in (x2, w2)
return a = CWIO $ \world -> (a, world)
cwWrite :: String -> CWIO ()
cwWrite str = CWIO $ \(CWorld cin cout0) ->
((), CWorld cin (cout0 ++ "~ " ++ str ++ "\n"))
cwWrite_really :: String -> CWIO ()
cwWrite_really str = CWIO $ \(CWorld cin cout0) ->
unsafePerformIO $ do
putStrLn str
return ((), CWorld cin (cout0 ++ "~ " ++ str ++ "\n"))
cwRead :: CWIO String
cwRead = CWIO $ \(CWorld cin0 cout) ->
(cin0, CWorld "" cout)
cwUserInput :: String -> CWIO ()
cwUserInput str = CWIO $ \(CWorld cin0 cout0) ->
((), CWorld str (cout0 ++ "~ " ++ str ++ "\n"))
cwRead_really :: CWIO String
cwRead_really = CWIO $ \(CWorld cin0 cout0) ->
unsafePerformIO $ do
input <- getLine
return (input, CWorld "" (cout0 ++ "~ " ++ input ++ "\n"))
cwMain :: CWIO String
--cwMain =
-- (cwWrite "What's your name?") >>
-- (cwUserInput "John") >>
-- cwRead >>= (\name ->
-- cwWrite $ "Hello " ++ name ++ "!") >>
-- (return "42")
cwMain = do
cwWrite "What's your name?"
cwUserInput "John"
name <- cwRead
cwWrite $ "Hello " ++ name ++ "!"
return "42"
cwMain_really :: CWIO String
--cwMain_really =
-- (cwWrite_really "What's your name?") >>
-- cwRead_really >>= (\name ->
-- cwWrite_really $ "Hello " ++ name ++ "!") >>
-- (return "fourtytwo")
cwMain_really = do
cwWrite_really "What's your name?"
name <- cwRead_really
cwWrite_really $ "Hello " ++ name ++ "!"
return "fourtytwo"
main = do
putStr (cout cworld_a)
putStrLn $ "...and the a answer is: " ++ a
putStr (cout cworld_b)
putStrLn $ "...and the b answer is: " ++ b
x <- return "XX"
putStrLn $ "...and x is: " ++ x
let y = "YY" in
putStrLn $ "...and y is: " ++ y
(a, cworld_a) = unCWIO cwMain $ CWorld "" ""
(b, cworld_b) = unCWIO cwMain_really $ CWorld "" ""
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