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Last active January 25, 2022 12:37
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ICT Module 294



var random = Math.random(); //random num 0-1
var randomInt = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); //random int 1-100


const fruits = ['orange', 'apple', 'banana'];
const newFruits = [...fruits, 'pineapple'];
const newFruits = fruits.append('pineapple');
const arr = ["value", "other value"];
arr.forEach((item) => {
const arr = {name: "Noah", age: 16};
for(var key in arr){
  console.log(key + ":" + arr[key]);
arr.push("test") //adds to array
arr.push(...arr) //adds array items to array
arr.unshift("test") //adds in front of array
arr.pop() //remove item from end of array
arr.shift() //remove item in front of array
arr.splice(0, cantons.length / 2) //splices half of array
cantons.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random()); //shuffles array
arr.includes("text") // returns bool if "text" in array

DOM Selectors


document.getElementById("htmlId"); //selects #htmlId
document.querySelector("#htmlId"); //selects like CSS
document.getElementsByClassName("htmlClass"); //selects by class


document.getElementById("htmlId").classList.add("mystyle"); //adds class to element
document.getElementById("htmlId").style.display = "none"; //hides element
document.querySelector("#htmlId").remove(); //deletes an element
document.querySelector("#htmlId").innerHtml = "new text"; //changes html text

Create Element

var node = document.createElement("h1"); //-> <h1></h1>
node.setAttribute("id", "htmlId"); //adds id to h1
node.setAttribute("class", "htmlClass"); //adds class to h1
node.setAttribute("src", "../img.png"); //adds src (for img)
var text = document.createTextNode("Your Title here");
node.appendChild(text); //-> <h1>Your Title here</h1>
document.body.appendChild(node); //adds title to end of body


var title = document.createElement("h1"); //-> <h1></h1>
title.setAttribute("id", "htmlId"); //adds id to h1
title.setAttribute("class", "htmlClass"); //adds class to h1
title.setAttribute("src", "../img.png"); //adds src (for img)
title.textContent = "Your Title here"; //-> <h1>Your Title here</h1>
title.innerHTML = "Your <b>Title</b> here"; //-> <h1>Your <b>Title</b> here</h1>
document.body.append(title); //adds title to end of body


Iput validation

The datalist displays shows possible "answers" and the pattern checks it.

<input type="text" required pattern="[Bb]anana|[Cc]herry" list="l1">
<datalist id="l1">

How to call function on click

<button id="htmlId" class="htmlClass" onclick="functionName()">Click!</button>


document.querySelector("#htmlId").addEventListener("click", "functionName()");




Submit Event Listener

document.querySelector("form").addEventListener('submit', (ev) => {
    const formData = new FormData(form);

Event listeners

element.addEventListener('event', ...);
  • mouseover
  • click
  • mouseout
  • resize
  • mouseup
  • mousedown
  • dblclickmouseout
  • keydown
  • keypress
  • keyup
  • focus
  • blur
  • change
  • submit
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