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Created March 11, 2019 14:39
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Using JS to implement the operation of binary search tree(BST)
* Create a tree node
* @function createTreeNode
* @param {Number} key Key of the node to distinguish with others
* @param {*} data Data belongs to the node. If data is not given, it equals to key.
* @return {Object} Tree node
const createTreeNode = (key, data=key) => ({
leftChild: null,
rightChild: null
* Insert node in binary search tree
* @function insertNode
* @param {Object} parent Root node of binary search tree
* @param {Object} insertedNode The node which is going to insert
* @return {Boolean} result of insertion Only when the key exists return false, otherwise, Return true.
const insertNode = (parent, insertedNode) => {
if (insertedNode.key === parent.key) {
return false;
} else if (insertedNode.key < parent.key && parent.leftChild) {
return insertNode(parent.leftChild,insertedNode);
} else if (insertedNode.key < parent.key) {
parent.leftChild = insertedNode;
} else if (insertedNode.key > parent.key && parent.rightChild) {
return insertNode(parent.rightChild,insertedNode);
} else {
parent.rightChild = insertedNode;
return true;
* Find node from the current node and its subtree in binary search tree
* @function findNode
* @param {Object} currentNode Root node of binary search tree
* @param {Number} key The search key
* @return {Boolean} Status of search If it does find the node with the key, return true, otherwise, return false.
const findNode = (currentNode, key) => {
if (key < currentNode.key && currentNode.leftChild) {
// To find the smaller key in left subtree
return findNode(currentNode.leftChild, key);
} else if (key > currentNode.key && currentNode.rightChild) {
// To find the larger key in right subtree
return findNode(currentNode.rightChild, key);
} else {
// Is the currentNode with the key?
return currentNode.key === key;
* Find the minimum key in a binary search tree
* @function findMin
* @param {Object} BST The root node of binary search tree
* @return {Object} The node with the minimum key
const findMin = (BST) => {
let currentNode = BST;
while (currentNode.leftChild) {
currentNode = currentNode.leftChild;
return currentNode;
* Find the maximum key in a binary search tree
* @function findMax
* @param BST The root node of binary search tree
* @return {Object} The node with the maximum key
const findMax = (BST) => {
let currentNode = BST;
while (currentNode.rightChild) {
currentNode = currentNode.rightChild;
return currentNode;
* Delete the node with the giving key in binary search tree
* @function deleteNode
* @param {Object} currentNode Current node in traversal
* @param {Number} key The giving key
* @param {Object} parent The parent of current node. At the beginning, it equals to the currentNode by default.
* @return {boolean} status of deletion If it does delete the node with the key, return true, otherwise, return false.
const deleteNode = (currentNode, key, parent=currentNode) => {
if (key < currentNode.key && currentNode.leftChild) { // -------
return deleteNode(currentNode.leftChild, key, currentNode); // |
} else if (key < currentNode.key) { // | try to find the key but not find it
return false; // |
} else if (key > currentNode.key && currentNode.rightChild) { // | return false
return deleteNode(currentNode.rightChild, key, currentNode); // |
} else if (key > currentNode.key) { // -------
return false;
} else { // #####################
if ( // below: the key has been found, do deletion
!currentNode.leftChild && // #####################
!currentNode.rightChild && // -------, parent.leftChild) // |
) { // | [Condition]:
parent.leftChild = null; // | the current node is a leaf node, no children
currentNode = null; // |
} else if ( // | [Handling]:
!currentNode.leftChild && // | just clean the current node and its connection
!currentNode.rightChild && // | to parent, parent.rightChild) // |
) { // |
parent.rightChild = null; // |
currentNode = null; // -------
} else if (
currentNode.leftChild && // -------
!currentNode.rightChild && // |, parent.leftChild) // |
) { // |
parent.leftChild = currentNode.leftChild; // |
currentNode = null; // |
} else if ( // | [Condition]:
!currentNode.leftChild && // | the current node have one child(left or right),
currentNode.rightChild && // | the current node is the left or right child, parent.leftChild) // | of the parent node
) { // |
parent.leftChild = currentNode.rightChild; // | (the total kinds of condition is 4)
currentNode = null; // |
} else if ( // | [Handling]:
currentNode.leftChild && // | connect the child of the current node,
!currentNode.rightChild && // | and clean the current node, parent.rightChild) // |
) { // |
parent.rightChild = currentNode.leftChild; // |
currentNode = null; // |
} else if ( // |
!currentNode.leftChild && // |
currentNode.rightChild && // |, parent.rightChild) // |
) { // |
parent.rightChild = currentNode.rightChild; // --------
currentNode = null;
} else {
// the current node has 2 children
// in order to maintain the BST structure with the minimum change
// we need to find a node in subtree of the current node to replace it
// the node with maximum key in the left subtree and the node with minimum key in the right tree are both suitable
// just get the key, data of replacing node and delete the replacing node
let replacingNode = {...findMin(currentNode.rightChild), leftChild: null, rightChild: null};
// replace the current node with the minimum key of right subtree
currentNode.key = replacingNode.key; =;
deleteNode(currentNode.rightChild, replacingNode.key, currentNode);
// delete node successfully
return true;
* Logging the key of tree node in ascending order in the binary search tree
* @function inOrderTraversal
* @param {object} node Root node of binary search tree
const inOrderTraversal = (node) => {
if (node.leftChild) {
if (node.rightChild) {
const createBinarySearchTree = () => {
const root = createTreeNode(50);
const node_2 = createTreeNode(12);
const node_3 = createTreeNode(100);
const node_4 = createTreeNode(64);
const node_5 = createTreeNode(78);
const node_6 = createTreeNode(45);
const node_7 = createTreeNode(36);
const node_8 = createTreeNode(57);
insertNode(root, node_6);
insertNode(root, node_4);
insertNode(root, node_2);
insertNode(root, node_5);
insertNode(root, node_7);
insertNode(root, node_3);
insertNode(root, node_8);
return root;
// --------------------------- testing ---------------------------
const binarySearchTree = createBinarySearchTree();
console.log('-------- Binary Search Tree --------');
// console.log('-------- Test findNode() -------');
// console.log(findNode(binarySearchTree, 12));
// console.log(findNode(binarySearchTree, 36));
// console.log(findNode(binarySearchTree, 45));
// console.log(findNode(binarySearchTree, 50));
// console.log(findNode(binarySearchTree, 57));
// console.log(findNode(binarySearchTree, 64));
// console.log(findNode(binarySearchTree, 78));
// console.log(findNode(binarySearchTree, 100));
// console.log(findNode(binarySearchTree, 42));
console.log('-------- In-Order Traversal --------');
console.log('-------- Test findMax() --------');
console.log('-------- Test findMin() --------');
console.log('-------- Test deleteNode() --------');
console.log(deleteNode(binarySearchTree, 45));
console.log('-------- In-Order Traversal --------');
console.log('-------- Test deleteNode() --------');
console.log(deleteNode(binarySearchTree, 78));
console.log('-------- In-Order Traversal --------');
console.log('-------- Test deleteNode() --------');
console.log(deleteNode(binarySearchTree, 32));
console.log('-------- In-Order Traversal --------');
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