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Created July 30, 2018 13:53
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Discord mark as read script

Mark as read for Discord

This script will cycle all servers you're in and mark them all as read! Just run

npm install request

node markasread.js <your discord token>

var token = "idk"
console.log("> Hello.")
var base = ""
const request = require("request")
if (process.argv[2] != undefined) {
token = process.argv[2]
console.log(" -> Using provided token")
}else {console.log(" -> Using default token")}
console.log("> Getting guilds...")
"url": base + "/users/@me/guilds",
"headers": {
"authorization": token
}, (error, resp, body) => {
if (error) {
}else {
if (resp.statusCode == 200) {
}else {
console.log(" -> Authentication (probably) failed.")
function markAllRead(guilds) {
console.log(" -> Got " + guilds.length + " guilds.\n> ACK'ing all guilds\n -> This will take " + guilds.length + " seconds.")
// gotta go slow. (1/second)
var loops = 0
var interations = guilds.length
var canContinue = true;
var failed = 0
var markasread = setInterval(() => {
var guild = guilds[loops]
if (canContinue) {
console.log(" -> ACK: " + guild["name"] + "(" + guild["id"] + ")")
canContinue = false; + "/guilds/" + guild["id"] + "/ack", {
"headers": {"authorization": token}
}, (error, resp, body) => {
if (error) {
}else {
canContinue = true;
if (resp.statusCode == 204) {
console.log(" -> OK!")
failed = 0
}else {
console.log(" -> FAIL! (" + resp.statusCode + ")")
}else {console.log(" -> Waiting for network...")
if (failed == 10) {
console.error("> Exit\n -> Suspected network fault.")
if (canContinue) {loops++}
if (loops == interations) {
console.log("-> TIME! \n --> All done!")
}, 1000)
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Would love to see this re-made and mark all servers as read since discord currently doesn't let you mark all of them as read and has to be manually done.

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Nevexo commented Feb 27, 2024

Would love to see this re-made and mark all servers as read since discord currently doesn't let you mark all of them as read and has to be manually done.

@T-byte-sketch - you can mark as read in Discord, it's in the inbox tray -> unread -> Mark Inbox as Read

I suppose I could re-make it, but when it's there in the normal client I don't think it's worth it honestly.

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is it possible to specifically mark a message as read? the message should include a reply mention or a @ mention

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