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Created February 3, 2014 20:45
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Angular Web Component Integration - Psuedo Code Concept
angular.module('web-platform', ["$ComponentSvc","$PolyfillSvc"]).component('ngw-picture',
["$components", function($components) {
return {
scope: {},
link: function($scope, $customElement, $attrs) {
var srcSets = $customElement.find('ngw-src-set');
// checks name for syntax - returns error if syntax is incorrect
// uses name to generate
// If this.shadow - isolated scope required (handle with error)
// $element becomes a jQLite wrapper around the custom element
// * registers element
// * exports element
// * creates $element.shadow (if exists)
// *
// Questions
// * How does this.priority work?
// * How do nested shadowRoots work?
// * Export to the module for component management (not window object)
// Generated injectables
// $import // gets the $element import if it exists
// $shadow // fetch $element shadowRoot
// $template // fetch the $element template
// Generated LifeCycle Events based on attrs
// $element.<attr>Changed
// $element.created
// $element.leave
// $element.enter
angular.module('myApp', ['web-platform']);
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