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Last active January 10, 2024 12:30
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  • Save NewEraCracker/9fc65c356db013bc51a1f1ba389c7100 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NewEraCracker/9fc65c356db013bc51a1f1ba389c7100 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@REM Absolute Computrace/Lojack/BeeInject Disabler
@REM Works around the Ring -3 Bootkit part of
@REM NSA/TAO and CIA/IOC Framework
@REM This tool will backup original Computrace/Lojack files,
@REM disable the services and then add dummy read-only copies.
@REM Edited to strengthen protection against removal
@REM Date: Dec 17th 2018
@REM Author: Jorge Oliveira
@REM License: Public Domain
@REM No warranties or guarantees express or implied.
for %%e in (rpcnet.exe rpcnetp.exe) do taskkill /im "%%e" /f /t
for %%s in (rpcnet rpcnetp) do sc config "%%s" start= disabled
for %%w in (%windir%\system32 %windir%\sysnative %windir%\syswow64) do (
for %%f in (rpcnet.exe rpcnetp.exe) do (
if exist "%%w\%%f" (
icacls "%%w\%%f" /reset
attrib -R "%%w\%%f"
if not exist "%%w\%%f.bak" move "%%w\%%f" "%%w\%%f.bak"
echo. 1>nul 2>"%%w\%%f"
attrib +R "%%w\%%f"
icacls "%%w\%%f" /deny SYSTEM:^(GR,GW,GE,GA^)
for %%f in (rpcnet.dll rpcnetp.dll) do (
if exist "%%w\%%f" (
icacls "%%w\%%f" /reset
attrib -R "%%w\%%f"
if exist "%%w\%%f.bak" del "%%w\%%f"
if not exist "%%w\%%f.bak" move "%%w\%%f" "%%w\%%f.bak"
if exist "%%w\drivers\etc\hosts" (
findstr /L /I "" "%%w\drivers\etc\hosts">nul
if errorlevel 1 (
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